Wednesday, June 9, 2010

skine my mole

Why do moleskines have such a lame hipstery douchebag pretentious reputation? Because gosh darn it I love them. Proof:

I bought all these on the Etsy yesterday.

And EEE! I can't wait to write all my meaningful poetry and important political musings down in them. Or just make endless to-do lists like I usually do. At least they'll be in style.
Why do moleskines have such a lame hipstery douchebag pretentious reputation? Because gosh darn it I love them. Proof:

I bought all these on the Etsy yesterday.

They call them fingers but why don't you ever see them fing?

This is gonna sound like some kind of stoner moment, and I swear SWEAR SWEAR I don't do drugs except for today because I took a back muscle relaxy drug thing because WHAT IS WRONG WITH MY STUPID BACK?

But anyway I was in the shower the other day thinking about typing for whatever reason, and I realized that I don't know where the letters are on the keyboard.

And I type like 130WPM.


I stood there in the shower trying to remember, like I literally tried to go through the alphabet one letter at a time. I got A for sure, and then was stuck on B. I knew it was somewhere in the lower keyboard region, and I was pretty sure I use my left hand to type it but...where is it? What's beside it? And then I thought that C is like somewhere kind of near B. Definitely at the bottom. Where is D? Shit. I have no idea. I even tried holding my hands out on a pretend keyboard.


What the? I suppose it's just the right brain left brain thing. It seems super strange though that I have this stream of consciousness and creativity coming out of one of the sides of my brain, I guess the right side, and then the left side is like, "Doo dee doo, what's going on on that computer screen? Ah! Oh my gahd! Words are coming out of my fingers! I recognize those words!"

And is this why I'm sometimes pleasantly surprised with what I've written after it already comes out of my brain? Like I vaguely know that I wrote something about a certain topic, but then I read what I wrote and it seems like it came from a completely different person.

And is it why writing things physically with pen and paper is so much different and so much more difficult than typing?

So many questions.

brain diagram is from here

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

some great advice from Jane Austin.

Want to watch something cool?

Guillaume Nery "base jumping" at Dean's Blue Hole. He's some kind of crazy champion diver and the person filming it is a champion breath holder. I obviously did a lot of research on this. Anyway, what I do know is that this video is amazing.

cat scratch fever

Look what that dick did to me the other day. I was already throwing up all over the place from a really stupid hangover...then I had the audacity to move my hand underneath the blanket, which is apparently an expression of a death wish in cat code.
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