Saturday, June 19, 2010

Maybe I have a problem...

I blame Ryan. He knows I'm not allowed to go into the Utopia store. Ever. I will sell my non-existent firstborn child for a good t-shirt and this place? Yeah. Full of them. The threadless brand shirts fit me perfectly and like every single one seems custom made with things I love printed all over them. And they knew I was coming yesterday.

Sure, we were there to find something for his kid. And only there for literally like four minutes. That didn't stop me from overpaying for a shirt with this on it:
Come on, it's so awesome. How could I not?

So um, yeah. Are there support groups for t-shirt lovers?

Friday, June 18, 2010

language skills

Conversation at work yesterday:

Boss (looking at a photo of a word) "What language is that?"

Me "Well, if it's spelled with a 't' it's Latin I think and if it's spelled with a 'd' it's Spanish. I think. I don't know."

Boss "You don't know?"

Me "Well I don't speak Latin so...yeah."

Boss "Well if you don't know, nobody knows."

Me "Hm, I think you severely over-est my language skills."

Boss "...?"

Me "Uh...over-estIMATE. Hah."

Best billboard ever!

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

just what I needed, another place to buy t-shirts

Thanks,, for feeding my addiction. No, don't worry. I haven't made any purchases. Yet. Only because my visa is still healing from the ravaging it took at last week.

*cough* where I bought four t-shirts *cough*

What? They were on sale. I LOVE T-SHIRTS.
The end.


We're getting a new guy at work, starting Thursday. A big fat welcome to Cody Walsh!

Monday, June 14, 2010

An open letter to the guy who gave me his e-mail address scribbled on a scrap of paper like two years ago in the street

Dear guy who gave me his e-mail address scribbled on a piece of paper like two years ago when I was walking past and told me you like my style,

Hey. What's up?


Not only do I have a boyfriend, but I'm not into hip hop guys. Or aggressively forward guys either. You lose three times.

Also? Creepy guys who feel they have the right to continue to pester me TWO EFFING YEARS LATER. Not into those either.

I only took your e-mail at all because you caught me so off guard and I thought it would be harmless. Honestly, that never happens to me, so I said "thanks" and walked away. Remember? I wasn't like "Hey cool, let's be best friends and go on dates and hold hands for ever and ever." I was like "Okay bye."

And guess what. I threw it in the garbage and felt like an idiot like a minute later. Why did I take the thing at all? I should have just said no thank you.

But I figured you'd get the point anyway, seeing as I never e-mailed you.

And then remember how it was late at night one time and I was walking home from the bus stop and you saw me? And I was talking on the phone and walking because that's what I do when I feel creeped out at night. I call my boyfriend and he talks me home. Remember? And this was like months and months later and you started saying my name over and over and I just kept walking as though I only had ears for my telephone? Yeah. I did that on purpose to avoid you.

And then I thought it was over. I thought FINALLY you got the hint. When I ignored you to your face.

Then I saw you looking at me on the bus a few months after that. Good thing I had readings to do for school so I could pointedly ignore you.

But seriously? The other day? When I was waiting for the bus downtown and listening to music and you got your friend to come up to me and say my name over and over and over until I finally acknowledged him...yeah okay. I am officially getting angry. LEAVE THE THE FUCK ALONE.

I didn't recognize him, obviously, but then I saw you standing there and pretended I didn't know who either of you were ON PURPOSE so you would GO AWAY.

"Do I know you from somewhere?" I asked.

And you were offended and said "You don't remember me?"

I wanted to blatantly point out that no, not everybody remembers every single encounter with every single human being from two fucking years ago. Unfortunately I do remember you, because you are starting to scare me.

Go away. For real.

Never to be yours,


Sunday, June 13, 2010

Ayer: tacones, graffiti, nudity and airshows.

It all started when I got to work and found graffiti drawn on the wall beside the door.

Cute eh? It was in chalk and totally harmless so I left it there. Somebody loves us. Probably a Colin groupie. (all the ladies love Colin)

The snowbirds did an airshow around noon, and my best boss let me go watch for a few minutes. I mean...airplanes. Doing dangerous things. Awesome.

THEN, since the world cup was on in every single pub down the street, there were all these crazy football fans with face paint and 'woo'-ing and wanting tattoos of their team's logo and running into things...totally drunk but funny. The atmosphere was kind of charged with excitement.

And THEN came the naked bicyclers.

I was going to take a bunch of pictures for the blog but I took one and instantly felt like a creep and put away my camera. Even though everybody else on the street was taking videos and stuff.
Here's my picture.

See more here...if you dare.
As you can see, some people wore underwear or pasties or bathing suits, but for the most part they were totally nude. And apparently bicycle seats set the perfect stage for twigs and berries, because they were totally...out there. I saw more penis than I have ever in my entire life. Not cool.

"When the pubes are as long as the wang, that's a problem." - Gerry Kramer

And to top off a wonderful day, after workMister Ryan and I walked down to Red Fish Blue Fish, this totally weird little outdoor restauranty kinda place in the inner harbour. Like, literally they're on a little dock on the ocean.

They serve mostly fish and fish and more fish. And oysters. But I heard through the grapevine that they also had something vegetarian called "edamame tacones" ... which, in Spanish translates to "edamame high-heels" (as in the heel on a woman's shoe)


So Ryan and I went down there when I was finished work. He also got a tip that they sell battered deep-fried pickles, so um...yeah. Obviously we tried that too.

Oh and then we saw that they had curry fries. So yeah. Tried those too. Just a small order. To split.

Which turned out to be a lot of food.

Even today I feel greasy on the inside. BUT OMIGOD IT WAS SO DELICIOUS.

Also? Ran into my friend Marie right on the dock. She had circusy makeup on and was carrying a hundred hoola hoops...the kind you light on fire.

So yeah. Yay for yesterday. Life is awesome.

Images stolen from here and here. And Ryan and I took the rest ourselves.
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