Saturday, September 18, 2010

A moment from our night...

Ryan: I just realized that right now we're at a Carnival in Langford and Nickleback is playing.

Me: Nooooo!

Me: No, wait...we're at a carnival in Langford, Nickleback is playing and we were just looking at an Insane Clown Posse shirt.

...later, we had to pick up a very last minute birthday present in the middle of the night for a neighbor kid's party, and stopped at (dun dun dunnnn) Walmart

Me: Okay, so after the carnival in Langford with Nickleback we went to ... Walmart. I'm scared.

Ryan: I just realized this is us on a Friday night.


Thursday, September 16, 2010

things I love Thursday

That's right! Welcome to another edition of 'things I love' Thursday.

1. Duh, you already know this but playing with picnik photo editor. SO FUN!

This was a reject photo that I kept because I knew it had some kind of potential. And picnik proved me right.

2. FREE DOCUMENTARIES! I haven't had a chance to check these things out yet, but it seems that documentary heaven is the shit. They have over 1200 documentaries to choose from and, um, did I mention they're FREE?

3. The strange and unpredictable creative urge. Some days I'll be sitting around reading a book, riding the bus or talking to a friend and suddenly I want to make something. It's an intense feeling and it's even more wonderful when I can indulge it immediately.

4. Circus posters! There's something magical and exciting about them.

You can buy these and like ten thousand others here.

5. Wearing 'fall clothes'; jackets, hats, pants, hoodies, sweaters, long-sleeves...I love it. There's so much potential for disguises. If I'm forced into a t-shirt and shorts I am uncomfortable because I'm so recognizable. I'm one of those people who would live in a giant city and be happy in my anonymity forever. So now that the weather has turned grey and drizzly I can wear a grey sweater and long pants and look like everybody else if I want to. Nice!

Sunday, September 12, 2010


Wow. Who knew coconut beer would be so delicious? And jalapeno beer would ... be spicy? And they would set up what became known as a 'cocktagon'; a semi-octagon trough for all the men to pee in? And you can pay beavers to play the bagpipes for you? What a great corporate retreat for the tattoo gang. Here's (some of) our crew. Photo by Sarah.

My favorite beers of the day were:

-Pepper Lime Lager by Dead Frog Brewery from Aldergrove, B.C. -I recall somebody saying it reminded them of 'those Doritos' which was a good thing. Anyway I loved it.

-Pumpkin Ale by Granville Island Brewing, Vancouver B.C. - reminded me of pumpkin pie

-Pumpkineater Ale by Howe Sound Brewing, Squamish, B.C. -even better than the Granville island one in my opinion.

-Tangerine Wheat Ale by Lost Coast Brewery from Eureka California -wow, it was like juice. Beer juice. But in a refreshingly good way.

-McHugh's Oatmeal Stout by Plan B Brewing in Smithers, B.C. I was actually quite pleasantly surprised by this one. Very nice!

-Pretty much everything from Rogue Brewery was good.

-Coconut Porter by Swans Buckerfield's Brewery in Victoria B.C.

I wouldn't recommend these to my worst enemy unless maybe they were cooking with it:

-Vaporizer by Double Mountain Brewery out of Hood River, Oregon. I don't know what I expected with a name like that.

-Trainwrecked IPA by Peaks Brew Pub in Port Angeles, Washington. Again...what was I thinking?

-Swan's Brewcifer IPA from Swans Buckerfield's Brewery in Victoria B.C. Okay I knew I was taking a risk with a beer described as "Intensely Piquant Ale brewed with jalapeno, black pepper and lime. Intensely hopped IPA, cask conditioned with some serious heat." but... ew. Really really bad.

Unfortunately, three of the beers we really wanted to try (and heard were delicious) were already sold out by the time we worked our way down the line-ups:

-Lindeman's Frambroise by Beverage Concepts from Burnaby BC

-Espresso Vodka Infused Imperial Stout by Lighthouse Brewing in Victoria B.C.

-Lemon Ale from Russel Brewing in Surrey, B.C.

All in all it was a really fun day, the weather held out for us and we all got a little drunk-ish. Win/win/win in my opinion.
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