Thursday, October 7, 2010

Happy berfday to me! (image heavy post)

It's my birthday!

I'm 28 now. Not too shabby, right?

Ryan had the entire day planned yesterday for my fake birthday (you know, because we both had the day off). We went to Swan Lake for a picnic. We had Tofurky (my guilty pleasure) and then cheesecake (my guiltier pleasure) in the evening and then we went to see Fubar 2 at the theater. Best movie ever. Also? I believe I was the only girl in the entire place, and pretty much everybody had beer under their coats which made for some hilarious ill-timed bottle clanking.

And now: pictures of thangs I saw at the lake.
And in my house.

Awesome. Also, I got the best photo album ever
and the coolest picture frames in the mail.

Thanks dad and Tara!

A dock on swan lake.


Pretending to jog in the no jogging zone.
Aren't we cute?

Why do they need so many light switches?

I believe I was talking to a really far away duck,
asking it if it knew I was watching it bathe.

I think it remained unaware.

I did! I felt the wiggle in the web!

The antisocial turtle
in the interpretive center.


What a great day!

Thanks again everybody who made it special.

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

netflix me

Okay, before I get started I realize I'm super duper late to the netflix party. Gimme a break, it's semi-new in Canada and I'm lazy about things. But tonight I decided to start a free trial to see if I like it.

Well of course I like it.

I've been browsing for approximately ten minutes and have already found this movie:

While on their way home for Thanksgiving break, five college kids run afoul of a homicidal turkey that wants them dead. As the cursed bird hunts them down one by one, the survivors scramble to find a way to defeat the possessed creature. Will the bloodthirsty turkey make this their last Thanksgiving feast ever?

Actually, I just looked up the trailer on youtube (click these words to watch it...warning, strong language, including "Gobble gobble, mother fucker.") and it looks pretty retarded so forget that. But I did just watch half an episode of the Rocky and Bullwinkle show while Ryan was in the shower. I used to watch that show all the time as a kid.

Like I needed any other excuse to stare at the computer all day long, right?

be GONE spider corpses

What is it about my clothes that make spiders want to crawl around in them and die? I'd say on average I find one spider corpse per week in my clothing. Clean or dirty, in the closet, in the dresser or on the floor; it doesn't matter what I do. They sneak their way into my clothes and ... just die.
And what is killing them? The detergent we use? Should I be worried?

Or is our bedroom like some kind of elephant graveyard where the infirm and the elderly go on some kind of final quest to their ultimate demise?

I'd say the spiders are the second worst thing about living here, after having to take the bus because we are so far from downtown. There's all kinds of spiders and lots of them. House spiders, web makin' spiders, black widows (I haven't seen any of these yet). All the ones I've seen are big and hairy, and after Googling them I've learned that they all bite and they all have venom. Which is not cool. I'm honestly a little afraid to walk around our backyard for all the gigantic webs which look almost sturdy enough to catch me.

Today I washed the papa smurf costume we had stuffed in the toy room closet, because I'm considering wearing it on the 31st. If not I have a skeleton onesie that works just fine. Anyway I'm glad I decided to wash it because...yeah. Spider corpses as far as the eye could see.


Any time I wake up in the middle of the night I do a mental survey, checking to make sure it doesn't feel like any spiders are on me. If my mouth tastes weird it's because spiders probably walked in it. I have to knock my shoes on the ground before putting them on to make sure there's nobody making a home in them. And I definitely have to shake out my t-shirts to get rid of the corpses.


Monday, October 4, 2010

things I love Thursday

1. ¡uʍop ǝpısdn ƃuıʇıɹʍ
Something about it makes me giddy.

2. Gift suspense. It's my birthday week and a few presents have arrived by mail with explicit orders to NOT OPEN them until my birthday. Every time I see them I get super excited.

3. My old YouTube videos from Mexico. They may be boring to everybody else but they bring back some major memories for me. Also? You can see me with dredlocks. Which, contrary to what some people might tell you, were hygenic, and they did look nice and did not smell bad. See for yourself.

Here's us riding in a collectivo from Cuetzalan, Mexico to some caves we heard were spectacular. They were.

This was some dance we happened upon in Puebla.

A look at a cemetary in the center of Oaxaca during Dia de Muertos. I really wish I had taken more because there was amazing music, the cemetary was in-effing-sane and there was a carnival outside.

I can not remember what this game was or what, but this was taken in our rented house, in which we had a rule of NO ENGLISH. Even though we were all Canadians. You know, to learn better. No matter what your level of Spanish was, you had to use it or pay money. You can clearly see me with dreds in this one, I'm the one eating out of a tupperware container, haha.

Two friends in Monte Alban, Oaxaca, jumping off the top of a pyramid. In reality they were only falling like six feet, but from our perspective it looked like they fell off a gigantic cliff.
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