Tuesday, August 9, 2011

diptych: around the house and what I've been up to lately

 Skateboards and what you would see if Tank saw you holding his ball.

Lately I've been...

Reading: Summerland by Michael Chabon. More like "being disappointed by". I thought I had The Amazing Adventures of Kavalier and Clay by him but I can't seem to find it. Anyway this book was lame and also a kids' book.

Then I read The Help in like 48 hours. What a great book! I fell in love with the characters right from the first page.  You should read it before the movie comes out.

Watching: The Yard. Have you seen this show? It's at the same time totally cute and super clever. It's a Canadian show so I'm sure most of you haven't seen it. Here's a synopsis I found on TV, eh?*, a blog on Canadian television:

The Yard, is set in an urban elementary school, and chronicles two rival gangs vying for control of the schoolyard. In this provocatively humorous series, we follow 12-year-old Nick (Quintin Colantoni) and his crew trying to walk the razor’s edge of maintaining peace and defending their turf against the ruthless Dos Santos brothers (Daniel Lupetina, Daryn Karp), who will stop at nothing to regain control of the Yard. It’s a tough world out there: corruption, greed, violence, seduction and betrayal, and that’s just recess.

Here's the intro to the first episode if you're interested:
And if you click here you can find a bunch of scenes from the show. It's pretty cool. There are only 6 episodes. It's just great. Period.

Listening: to Tom Waits' live album 'Glitter and Doom'. Isn't that the most perfect album name you've ever heard? I love how he talks; like what I imagine a salty old sailor would sound like.

Eating: A lot of strawberries. Like, a LOT. And red quinoa with vegetables.

Loving: Human Planet.  Over the past two days I've watched like 5 hours of footage. It's enthralling.

Looking forward to: My very favorite German is coming to visit in a couple weeks! I can not wait to see him again! Click here to see the extreme tattoo party we had last time he was in town. (Note: it was posted before I gave a damn about photo size/format continuity, so I apologise for the wonky layout!) :)

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