Saturday, March 19, 2011

Q: What does a tattoo look like when it's healing?

A: Gross

Bonus photo: the hilarious cankle I had the day after being tattooed. Hahahahahaha!


Friday, March 18, 2011

Presenting: My Sister! V.1

This is my sister, Lyndon. She's beautiful, smart, and the funniest person I know. We have inside jokes so complex and ridiculous I can't even try to explain them to Ryan without laughing until tears come out of my eyes.

Lyndon takes a lot of photos. And they are amazing. I asked her if I could share some of them here on this blog and she gave me the go-ahead. These are all just pictures I stole off her facebook page, so they're not even her best. And that's why the quality may be a little grainy and the formatting so small. Here are some portraits she took of my family. Did you know I have four brothers and two sisters? Well you do now! Here's some amazing pictures she's taken of them over the past few years: 

Isn't she amazing? I love this last one the most, haha. I have like a hundred more photos by her to show you guys, so expect a V.2, 3 and 4 over the next few weeks.

I Love My Fisheye

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Things I Love Thursday

Here's some real cool stuff from around the internet: 

This poster on food, produced by F.G. Cooper almost a hundred years ago. It's still relevant today!

This cute way to steep your tea.

These Russian safety posters. Is it weird to find humor in these people's pain? Haha

These Happy Day/Crappy Day "mood" rings.

These banana juice boxes are SO PRETTY! 

This website that helps you take a 2 minute break from life.  
These pictures of "The Most Beautiful Starfish In The World".  

and last but not least, KITTEN KONG!

 What do you love this week?

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

A little work promotion...

Two guys from Tattoo Zoo (where I work) are going to be at the Victoria tattoo convention this weekend. I thought it would be nice to give 'em a little promo here too. Maybe some of you guys want to fly in for the weekend and get some sick tats? ;)

Meet Cody Walsh:

 (Photo by Gerry Kramer)

He makes tattoos like this:

For more, and to see the full pictures of these tattoos, click here


Meet Colin Wiley:
(Photo by Cody Walsh)

He makes tattoos like this:

For more, and to see the full pictures of these tattoos, click here.

I think I might go on the Sunday as well for a bit, and hang out. Usually tattoo conventions are like watching a trainwreck. I mean, sure there's tons of talented and hard working tattoo artists out there in the world, but there's also a LOT of hilarious ego-driven "cool guys", "tough guys", and people who crawl out from under rocks in their mom's basements who tattoo their friends and spread hepatitis and skin infections like nobody's business. And they love conventions.

And the best thing ever always happens at conventions; people cut holes in their clothes to show off their tattoos. Seriously, like a round circle cut out of the lower back of a t-shirt. I'll let you guys know if I have any sightings of this amazing phenomenon. Maybe I'll bring my camera. :)
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