Friday, December 23, 2011

Cool People, Silly Questions.

(Read this in a Law and Order voice for fun.) 

Sometimes I ask people to answer some questions so I can post them on my blog. And sometimes they answer me. This is what today's post is.

THE QUESTIONS: I had everybody choose five of these questions and answer them. Too bad nobody tried to draw me or anything else with their eyes closed. Those are my favorite type of drawings.

-Name three things you like that start with the letter R.
-Tell us one beauty product you can't live without.
-Teach us an awesome DIY project.
- Tell us about your pet(s) and/or share a photo.
-What are five of your favorite books?
-If you could cross-breed two animals, which ones would you choose and why? What would you name your new hybrid?
-Draw a picture of me, Tank and Yeti, and share it here.
-Draw a giraffe, elephant and rhino poker game with your eyes closed and share it here.
-Tell us an embarrassing story, something that happened to "your friend" is okay.
-Share a photo you've taken that you're proud of.
-Share a delicious vegetarian recipe.



ALYCIA of The Curious Pug.

Name three things you like that start with the letter R: Reading, reruns of my favorite shows, rocking out, reminiscing, and riding down hills in a wagon.

Tell us one beauty product you can't live without: Lip gloss! I get anxiety if I realize I don't have any with me.

Tell us an embarrassing story, something that happened to "your friend" is okay. I went to college at The University at Buffalo so we were fairly close to the Canadian border. Well, one day on my way back to school after winter break, I was talking to my friend who was with me and not really paying attention to where I was going and ended up missing my exit. I realized my mistake when I came to a huge toll booth that said Canadian Border Patrol, or something to that effect! Oops. I can understand missing an exit but having to backtrack a hundred miles or so? Yea.

What are five of your favorite books? The Hunger Games (book1), The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo, Dead to the World, Sellevision, and The Host.

If you could cross-breed two animals, which ones would you choose and why? What would you name your new hybrid? I'd cross-breed a bulldog and a shih tzu and would call it a Bullshit! (Ok, I stole that from Dumb & Dumber)


Three things you like that start with the letter R: Road Trips, Rats (i used to have five!),  and Rainbows

Tell us about your pet(s) and/or share a photo. I am obsessed with my pets. I have five right now. I have two pugs, Phyllis and Priscilla. 

They have a Tumblr:  (Editor's Note: GO LOOK AT THE DOGS THEY'RE SO CUTE) They are both differently-abled pound puppies and I try to take them everywhere. My husband and I are definitely crazy pug people. 

We also have three cats. I don't have a picture of any of them together so here is a picture of Murray Hewitt. 

He is the first cat that I have ever gotten. We got him right after we got married. We also have a siamese/torti named Scampi, and a little white cat with tabby spots named Scout. 

Five of your Favorite Books: These are the books I read over and over again: Watership Down by Richard Adams, St. Lucy's Home for Girls Raised by Wolves by Karen Russell, The Witches by Roald Dahl, Be My Baby : How I Survived Mascara, Miniskirts, and Madness, or My Life as a Fabulous Ronetted by Ronnie Spector, Crackpot: The Obsessions of John Waters (Whenever I am in a really bad mood i can read his essay "100 Things I Hate" and it makes me cackle with glee)

One Beauty Product you can't live without: Hurraw lipbalm It is the only vegan lip balm I have ever tried that actually feels AMAZING on my lips, not grainy. And it tastes good too! I accidentally washed the first tube I had and I almost cried. The coconut is my favorite.

A delicious vegetarian recipe: I wrote a post about some amazing vegan sweet potato pancakes that were in Bust magazine this fall. They taste really good and make your house
smell amazing!


Danielle of Danfredo Rivera

Tell us one beauty product you can't live without: Tweezers because I'm a hairy beast and need to pluck my eyebrows everyday lest the unibrow takes over. 

What are five of your favorite books? The Happiness Project by Gretchen Ruben, The Kite Runner by Khaled Hosseini, Free Food For Millionaires by Min Jin Lee, I Hope They Serve Beer In Hell by Tucker Max and Where The Sidewalk Ends by Shel Silverstein.

Teach us an awesome DIY project. DIY Stupid Wedding Banner

Tell us an embarrassing story, something that happened to "your friend" is okay. Um, one time my friend had really bad gas and wanted to share it with everyone within smelling distance. She ran into the kitchen where everyone was hanging out and assumed a gas sharing stance. She accomplished her mission, but she also shit herself in the process.

Share a photo you've taken that you're proud of. I call this picture, "Drippy Rolls.


Malori of Sunday Morning Sugar

What are five of your favorite books? I love to read!  The following are five of my favorite books: The Delivery Man By: McGinniss Jr., The Virgin Suicides By: Jeffrey Eugenides, A Wolf at the Table By: Augusten Burroughs, Bright and Shiny Morning By: James Frey and Grab on to me Tightly as if I Knew The Way By: Bryan Charles
For a complete list of books that I've read in the past few years, feel free to check out my book list on my blog!

A delicious vegetarian recipe!  My go-to site for great vegetarian recipes is Fresh 365.  I recently made her recipe for stuffed peppers and just about died and went to heaven.  I suggest you make these immediately.

My favorite beauty product: I'm not big on beauty products or makeup, but I don't mess around with my chapstick.  I have like three or four of them in every purse/bag/pocket.  My two favorites are yes to carrots and EOS.  And if you're wondering about flavors, mint is obviously the best for both brands.

An embarrassing story: I live in downtown Chicago and take the train everywhere.  One day it was raining pretty hard and I was rushing between my internship and my second job... I was in a grumpy mood and walking REALLY quickly because I was running late and wasn't going to get to eat. 

I run into a subway stop to rush down the stairs only to realize that it is an escalator which is EXIT only and is moving in the opposite direction of the way I want to go. I avoid falling over and run to the next entrance of the subway and again attempt to rush down the stairs. About three steps down I slip and completely fall down 3 or 4 steps.  

I immediately started laughing at myself only to turn around and see a guy behind me looking REALLY angry. 

The moral of the story is that you should never take yourself too seriously because karma will spite you and make you fall down the stairs. The other moral of the story is that people who live in cities don't like anything that holds them up so if you do fall down the stairs you better hope a local isn't behind you because they'll be PISSED!

If I could cross-breed two animals ... it would be an English bulldog and a bunny.  Why?  English bulldogs are the best but how cute would they be if they were fluffy AND JUMPED AROUND!?  I would name it a bun-dog because that kind of reminds me of "hot-dog" which is also such a good thing...


Pixie of SilverPixieFly

Name three things you like that start with the letter R. Robin (the Dick Grayson version), Red Velvet Cake, Rent (the musical)
Tell us one beauty product you can't live without. My MAC
foundation.  I would be lost without it.
Tell us about your pet(s) and/or share a photo. I have two pets, Shadow Cat and TokiDoki. 

TokiDoki is a chihuahua mix who has been in the family for about 3 years now. My husband and I found her at the SPCA when we lived in Seattle. We had been dog shopping for about a month and just could not agree on anything...until we saw her. Honestly, we weren't looking to take a pet home that day, but we just fell in love with her. The day after we brought her home I had to get my wisdom teeth pulled, so we both spent the week sleeping in bed all day. Toki is very cheerful and spoiled. Everyone that meets her falls in love like we did.

We found Shadow Cat last year when we were searching for a companion for TokiDoki. We originally were looking for another small dog, but decided to check out the cats just for kicks. Poor Shadow Cat had a horrible flee condition when the SPCA here in Virginia found her. Because of this she was missing a lot of her fur and was a bit under weight. Next thing I know, we are at a pet store getting the basics so we could go back and adopt her before the shelter closed for the days.  Shadow Cat is very affectionate with people, and she loves to tease TokiDoki. 


What are five of your favorite books? Battle Royale by Koushun Takami, Alice in Wonderland by Lewis Carroll, The Watchmen by Alan Moore, Alas Babylon by Pat Frank, The Killing Joke by Alan Moore

Share a photo you've taken that you're proud of.

Name three things you like that start with the letter R. Rain. Reading. Rapping. (KIDDING), but imagine me rapping, hilarious!

Tell us about your pet(s) and/or share a photo. I've got a cat, her name is Nala and she's crazy!

What are five of your favorite books? God, this is going to be tough..The Perks of Being A Wallflower by Stephen Chbosky. The Five People You Meet in Heaven by Mitch Albom. The Book Thief by Markus Zusak.Invisible Monsters by Chuck Palahniuk. The Stranger by Albert Camus.

Tell us an embarrassing story, something that happened to "your friend" is okay. Ugh, this happened to me senior year of High School. 

I was in this awesome extracurricular activity that was called S.A.D.D (Students Against Destructive Decisions).. we had a play one night and we usually spoke and handed out flyers at these events. Well, me trying to be the "president" of the group felt confident enough to walk on stage and talk about the group and read off this paper. 

Well, I got on stage, mic in hand.. read the first few words and then got so red people thought I was going to pass out. I started shaking so badly I couldn't see the words on the paper and just froze. People started clapping and cheering for me, but seriously? I felt like such a fool. 

Even better, I had to sell refreshments during intermission. EVERYONE was asking if I was okay.

Share a photo you've taken that you're proud of.

I'm not sure why, but I love this picture from my Diana Mini. It was my first time taking a plane and I was nervous/excited!


Lynsey of Dressed to Chill

 Three things you like that start with the letter R: The Raconteurs. Reading. Red toenail polish

Five of your favorite books: High Fidelity by Nick Hornby, Minor Characters by Joyce Johnson, Breakfast of Champions by Kurt Vonnegut, The Road by Cormac McCarthy, A Home at the End of the World by Michael Cunningham.(PS. you can read more about my favorite books here)

If you could cross-breed two animals, which ones would you choose and why? What would you name your new hybrid? If I could crossbreed two animals, I'd choose a parrot and a dog, and call it a pog. I can't begin to imagine what a pog would look like, but my reasoning behind the crossbreed would be that it would be cute, cuddly, and loyal like a dog, but be able to actually communicate using words, like a parrot. If you combined the intelligence of, say, an African Grey Parrot with the patient, affectionate personality of a Labrador Retriever, you might just end up with the best pet ever- an African-Grey-Lab Pog.

Share a delicious vegetarian recipe. 

My Mom's Family-Famous Taco Salad

You will need:
1 head of lettuce, shredded
1 can of kidney beans (or black beans...or both)
1 lb Colby cheese, shredded
1 onion, diced
1 green pepper, chopped
Several tomatoes, diced
1 regular bag of taco flavored Doritos, crushed

1 cup Crisco oil
1/2 cup ketchup
1/4 cup vinegar
3/4 cup sugar
1 tablespoon Worcestershire sauce
This is my mom's family-famous taco salad. Normally it's made with hamburger, but I think it would be good as a vegetarian taco salad, too. I like it a lot, and so does everyone in my extended family. 

It's easy to make, too- all you do is toss all the vegetables together, mix up the dressing ingredients, and then toss the dressing in with the salad. You can mix the crushed Doritos in, or serve them on the side to sprinkle on top so that they don't get soggy. Great for parties and potlucks.

Share a photo you've taken that you're proud of. 

Attached is a picture I took of the palace square in Amsterdam during the semester that I studied abroad there. I don't really remember taking the picture, but I like how it captures the movement of the city. It's probably my favorite picture I've ever taken.

Courtney of Nobody Too.

Name three things you like that start with the letter R.
Reading, Red (the color), Royal (my cat)

Tell us about your pet(s) and/or share a photo. My cat, Royal, who's pretty much the coolest. He's massive by cat standards (somewhere around 20lb), has a great mustache, and one grey toe. 

I don't know if I could live alone and not have a pet, and if I'm going to have a pet I'd prefer it be a cat, and if I'm going to have a cat I prefer it be Royal. He's affectionate, but not always up in my business. He likes to be in the same room as me but doesn't need to be on top of me all the time. Like most cats, he enjoys empty boxes, rubberbands, catnip, and putting his butt in your face. His favorite things are eating and sleeping.

What are five of your favorite books? Dandelion Wine by Ray Bradbury, The Awakening by Kate Chopin, Foxfire by Joyce Carol Oates, The Golden Compass by Philip Pullman, Anne of Green Gables by L. M. Montgomery. 

If you could cross-breed two animals, which ones would you choose and why? What would you name your new hybrid? I'd cross a sloth and a bat. No real reason, I just think it would look cool--basically just a sloth with bat wings. I'd call it a hang-glider! Get it? That was terrible, I apologize. 

Share a delicious vegetarian recipe.

Black Beans and Rice
1c rice of choice, uncooked
1 can black beans
½ of an onion, diced
½ of a bell pepper, chopped
2 cloves garlic, minced
½ tsp cumin
1 tsp olive oil
¾ c salsa (more as desired)
Cook rice according to package and set aside. In a large sauté pan, sauté onion, pepper, and garlic until soft. Add rice, beans, cumin, and salsa and simmer for about twenty minutes (add more salsa or other liquid if it starts to dry out too much). That’s it! This is great as a side dish, but I usually eat it as a meal with a little cheese and sour cream on top. Also makes great burrito filling. Really it’s just good all around.

Hey, did any of you notice these are my sponsors for this month?? They rule, big time. To the max. Please email me if you want to sponsor Four Eyes Rella in January. It's quite affordable, and I promise it will make your entire life ten to thirty percent more awesome. How, you ask? Magic. Straight up.

Thursday, December 22, 2011

I forgot to ask...

Way to leave it to the last minute, Rella! Anyway for the new year I want to do this a little bit differently...I'm going to charge $5 for any shops or blogs who want a 200x100 ad over there ---->
OR we can do an ad trade if you have a blog that has adspace. I like the uniform look of same-sized ads a bit more than the larger ones.

This month is gonna be exciting, I smell my first giveaway on the horizon, as well as more bus stories, more epic TILT posts, and whatever other crazy schemes I can come up with.

Please let me know ASAP at novaisawesome at gmail dot com if you want in on this, and for all you I traded with last time, please email me if you want to keep this swap going. I will send you all the info you need nearer to the end of the month.

Things I Love Thursday

I love how cool bricks look when they're painted black. 

I also love...

How to appreciate my body art without making me hate you.

The new drunk history video with Ryan Gosling, Jim Carrey and Eva Mendes. 

There are 13 santas in Iceland. And they're mischevious little fellas.

Grammar Nazis. I love Inglorious Basterds and these guys do a hilarious parody. Thanks Caitlin.

Also found via Caitlin? Some of the best xmas sweater tees I've ever seen.

Don't pierce your daughter's ears at the mall.

Why waiting in lines drives us crazy.

This rundown on the types of Christmas decorators out there.

Harold Hubert Piggybottom and all the antics he gets up to at Ashley's house every year

This should actually probably be under 'things I think are disgusting Thursday' but anyway, if you haven't seen these pictures of spiders up in some trees in Pakistan after a flood, you should check this out, it crazy.

This photo by Katinkaja


Did you know the Mayans never really predicted the end of the world in 2012?

German village produces 321% more energy than it needs.

Blue ribbons for Jack.

The YouTube sensations (haha) Mike Masse, Jeff Hall and Sterling Cottam. They played some shows in a pizza joint in Salt Lake City and he did spot on covers of tons of rad songs. Some of my favorites are No Rain, Paranoid Android, Space OddityThe Sound Of Silence, Blackbird, I Still Haven't Found What I'm Looking For , AfricaOld Man, Can't Help Falling In Love With You and Linger (with Brenda Andrus). Seriously, they do a lot of songs. Very well.

Jenni's fisheye lomography photos of a cloudy day in Munich.

My new tattoo from Gerry! (pro tip: do not call him 'Gary')

Handmade Ryan Gosling.

These anagrams. 

More info on Krampus, for those of you who liked him earlier this week.

This shirt, I want it so much! 

Here's a little Christmas heartwarmer for y'all. (Thanks 'Chelle)



My sister Lyndon's tumblr, because of photos like this and this, or this one of our youngest sister. Can you tell she's adopted? haha

Watch a girl who writes.

12 things you probably didn't know about the movie Home Alone.  

This really creepy houseplant. And learning about a new type of phobia I've never heard of but is apparently really common.

True story: I have synaesthesia.

The video for Nick Cave and the Bad Seeds' version of 'Do You Love Me?" (one of my all-time favorite songs)

21 killer gift ideas for bloggers. (I'd like #3 please.)

That I got to do this guest post on Danfredo Rivera's blog. (It's about s-e-x! shh)

How to sign 'It's Like Christmas In My Mouth'. (Thanks Rochelle)

Russel Monk's 'neighborly portraits in Mexico'.

Either way, I don't really mean it.

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

B-boy Santa and some other Christmas-like things. know, why not?


 And some Christmas-y photos I've taken around Victoria the past week or so.

 A felted santa head, made by Ryan and some very cool decorations on a stranger's lawn.

Downtown Victoria's eco-friendly xmas trees.


Red and Green lights at the inner harbour and my most special tree ornament, given to me after my Grandma died.

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

This. Oh, and hunchbacks.

I had kind of a weird revelation in the shower about the Hunchback of Notre Dame.

Uh, let me back track a bit, that sounds weird.

So in my new job at the aquarium, part of what I have to do is what is called a 'dive show', which basically means you go down into the aquarium, there's creepy music and a voice-over that plays on the speakers, and a diver shows the audience various animals. My job is to narrate the show and control the volume and lights and stuff like that. Anyway part of the voice-over thing is an exerpt from something Victor Hugo wrote about being eaten alive by an octopus.

So later on my new workmates and I got to talking, and we couldn't remember what Victor Hugo was famous for. 

"Didn't he write 'Around the world in Eighty Days?'"
"No, that was Jules Verne"
"I think he wrote Frankenstein or something to do with monsters."
"Hm maybe."
"No, it was something French! I think he wrote Les Miserables!"
"Oh yeah, that's it."

Anyway, I must have been thinking about the dive shows while I was in the shower last night and realized that he also wrote the Hunchback of Notre Dame, that was the monster we had been thinking of. And I thought some more about Quasimodo. And then about hunchbacks. 

Wait...hunchbacks...are not ... monsters.

Somehow, maybe because my only real experience with the Hunchback of Notre Dame has been in story form and the Disney movie, I never put it together that Quasimodo was just a man with a weird back. 

I had him in the category of Bigfoot and Nessie and Frankenstein's Monster for my entire life. In reality, he would have been some sad boy with terrible spinal problems who was shunned and hidden away in a church. 

Ah, perspective.

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