Friday, March 16, 2012

diptych: my weird bathroom shelves

And click here to see what I would like to accomplish before I'm too old to do it anymore.

Thursday, March 15, 2012


Dry erase PAINT?!!?!?!?! I want to paint every wall of our house with this stuff!

How a sip of soda affects your health. (infographic)

Dueling cellists play 'Smooth Criminal'. (video)

Choose your color.

Ask a mortician episode six!! (video)

The 12 least impressive boasts in Rap lyrics. Too funny.

Pintrest bingo

22 incredible photos of faraway places. (thanks Caitlin)

Nerdy day trips. This site is fantastic!

10 mad scientists. Again with beheading horror. AAAH

(not really) work safe pr0n

You know "do a barrel roll"? Here are more hidden Google Easter Eggs.

This video. It's like "oh yeah they're just practicing HOLY SHIT"


I love these pictures of car-poolers in Monterrey, Mexico.

Woman dumped drumkit and fell in love with statue of liberty. (video)

Hell's roulette. Awesome. I'd play.

How to stay productive and get massive amounts of shit done.

Succession of terrible events fails to befall 33-year-old riding longboard to digital media job. Ha!

Difference is just a part of normal.

12 strange things about goats.

This handy tip for the easily distracted. This would totally work. 


This blast from the past - Canadian children's shows from the '80s. 

Ashley's secret week. Ashley is sharing real life stories that make her seem all the more human this week. Go check them out.

4 famous pop culture moments everyone remembers incorrectly.  (thanks again Caitlin)

Kristin's latest adventures in India

Hannah's wonders.

This commercial!! hahaha I don't even care if it's a real company or not, I'm still sending them a million dollars.*

*not really

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

triptych: trees and sky. And a bus story 'cause it's been a while.

I know trees and sky are boring but I really love these three photos and wanted to share.

 So for the story...I wrote about this on Twitter just after it happened but nobody even responded. I swear, this is true. I was sitting on the bus in a window seat and this young construction worker guy came and sat down in the seat next to me. I was feeling really quiet and tired that morning and just wanted to listen to my 'on the go' playlist and stare out the window. 

He tapped me on the shoulder and said something that I did not hear. 

I did a big dramatic sigh and took out my earbuds. "What?"

"What are you listening to?"

"Uh...Iggy Pop."



"Oh. So ... do you like music from that era then?"


Okay, that was a good stopping point, I thought. I put my earbud back in and turned back to the window. But then... tap tap tap. I turned angrily and kept listening to music, hoping he'd get the hint. He said something I couldn't quite make out. So I pulled out my earbud again. 

"Pardon me?" I said, because I've noticed that if I say "excuse me?" or "pardon me?" in a teacher voice it scares most people who are being idiots. I use it when I'm angry and it totally works.

"Can I listen to Iggy Pop too?" He asked, gesturing to the earbud I was holding in my hand. Which was just stuck in my freaking  ear canal.

"Um. NO." I laughed, and went back to my window staring. 

Then he started yell-talking at me super aggressively. And, okay, not cool, but also ridiculous. And this was a full-ass bus. I'm sure half the people were listening to this exchange and/or recording it on their iPhones. 


I said yes it is, and ignored him for the rest of the thirty minutes he insisted on sitting beside me. Talk about awkward. For him. I didn't care. So now anyway every time Iggy Pop or the Stooges songs come on anywhere I'm always telling people not to listen because it's just for me. I think it's funny anyway.

Monday, March 12, 2012

What would you do?

It's like serendipity that I didn't schedule a post for today and then was witness to some outrageous behavior and felt like blogging about it. I'm at work and actually have to start actually working in about three minutes so this is gonna have to be a quick one. Sorry if my syntax is crazy or anything.

So on some weekday mornings I catch a super early bus to downtown, go to a nice warm cozy coffee shop and study for my medical terminology class for a few hours before work. I really like it because I'm quite the morning person and have no distractions in the coffee shop. Until lately.

This big fat ugly gross man and an equally big fat gross ugly woman have started having pre-work coffee dates in MY coffee shop. And they always sit really near me.

The purpose of their coffee dates, from what I can ascertain, is to talk loudly and rudely about their co-workers. It's a super negative bitchfest. Every morning. Which, yeah whatever, maybe their workplace is terrible. But from being forced to overhear their conversations for days on end, I have discovered that the man is in some kind of power position in their company and is extremely horribly misogynistic.

The woman is sexist too. Against herself. If you know what I mean. She LOLs at all his terrible jokes and nods and agrees loudly. Yes, that secretary shouldn't have given him that look about all the paperwork, she sure does need a hot beef injection.

That's right, he said "hot beef injection" today. And she agreed.

In fact, he has basically threatened to rape his secretary multiple times over the conversations I've listened to. And the woman agrees. I can not believe my ears sometimes. Today I make a disgusted sound and turned around and got a real good look at the both of them, just in case I read something in the newspaper about a secretary being given a "protein injection". "A big one" that he has for her. That thing "she needs".

You get the point. I mean it's horrible. What can you do though? I want to ask them where they work and then write to the HR department on behalf of this poor woman, whoever she is.

Anyway I don't know where I'm going with this but OH MY GOD what would you do if you overheard conversations like that?
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