Saturday, April 7, 2012

A song I am forcing you to listen to.

YOU DON'T SKIP THIS POST YOUNG LADY/MAN. You get over here and listen to this song right now. I know everybody makes super narcissistic playlists to share with their readers and nobody listens to them. Or do they? I don't, just FYI.

Anyway I just found the band The Heavy. I think I Googled "What bands sound like The Black Keys?" and they came up along with a bunch of lame stoner rock stuff. If you have a few moments hit play and get your funk on. Which you probably won't ... but if you do, then you're welcome.

How You Like Me Now by The Heavy on Grooveshark

Friday, April 6, 2012

On being a real life "mean girl"

Ladies. We must stop apologizing for things like opinions and feelings and prior engagements. *

You know what? It's okay to just say no. You can say "I don't want to." without further explanation. It's okay to have feelings and commitments and values that are not the same as somebody else. Nobody is the boss of you, except for you.

I just read I am not sorry by Gala Darling which spurred me to write this post. Caitlin has also been mentioning that she wants to stop apologizing for things...and I agree. She should, because she is awesome and funny and isn't saying anything terrible or mean! So why does she feel she has to apologize all the time?

I've been really trying to live true to myself, especially lately, and I'm much happier for it. I don't let others make me feel bad for my choices anymore, even though it's hard sometimes.

Here are a few things I've been trying:

1. No more disclaimers in my "controversial" blog posts. It feels good to make clear statements without hedging and trying to show both sides of an argument on every thing I say. This is my blog and these are my opinions. I say what I want to say, and you can like it or lump it.** Just leave if you don't like what I have to say. Go on, scram.

2. If I am invited to something I don't want to attend I do not say yes. I do not say maybe. I say "No thanks." and tell the person why I don't want to do the thing. "I'm tired." or "I'm not interested." or "It's too far away and my bus doesn't run very late." or whatever the case may be.

I find that generally people are pretty receptive to the truth, even if they're a bit disappointed. It saves me the hassle and the stress of saying maybe and then coming up with excuses or lies to get out of the thing later on.

3. I have been asking people to shut up.You know what people always want to do when I'm on the bus? Talk about my tattoos. Always. And sometimes I'm like "yeah whatever I'll chat I guess" and sometimes I just want to sit and daydream. So I will politely say "I really want to get my reading done" or "I've had a long day and don't feel like talking right now."

In my class, if a table-mate is talking during a lecture I will tell them "I'm trying to listen right now."

Again, most of the time people will respect that. And sometimes they will call me a snobby bitch, but I guess that's the risk I have to take to get what I want. Because guess what? It doesn't matter if a random person calls me a snobby bitch on the bus, does it? I mean really, does it? No.

4. If something is annoying me, I will get up and move. On the bus I will absolutely change seats if someone is coughing too much or is being too weird. In my classroom I will change seats if that same someone still won't stfu beside me while I'm trying to listen to the lecture. There's one girl in particular who drives me fucking bananas and I hope she finds this and reads it someday and realizes that I moved seats to get the hell away from her. Also, she's dumb and she smells like hairspray.

5. I've decided I don't have to be friends with everybody. My mantra in my class right now is "I'm here to learn, not to make friends." and I mean it. Do I want 23423980 casual acquaintances to whose every whim I have to acquiesce*** and attend every art show they put on, or do I want 4 really great friends who get me, treat me well, and leave me the hell alone most of the time? (You know who you are! I love you, awesome friends.)

As Amy Poehler once said:

"Only hang around people that are positive and make you feel good. Anybody who doesn't make you feel good, kick them to the curb, and the earlier you start in your life the better. The minute anybody makes you feel weird and non included or not supported, you know, either beat it or tell them to beat it." 


It might be easier for me than most because at work I am "the mean one"; I'm the one who forces people to leave deposits, won't let 34 friends watch someone get a tattoo, who check IDs and turns away the underage kids. I get a lot of practice having strangers get mad at me.

I know this kind of thing is hard to do, as silly as it might sound. You can come off as a jerk and not everyone is going to like you. You have to just be okay with that. There's always a fine balance to life, and you really have to make sure you're happy with what you are putting out there to the world. Is it what you really want to put out, or are you making compromises so strangers don't think you're mean? And is that worth it to you?

*I mean, men too, but it's usually the gals I know who get stuck in this rut. 
**Isn't that a funny idiom? What does "lump it" even mean? 
*** I just really wanted to use the word "acquiesce" and that was the only sentence structure I could come up with. Yikes. 

Thursday, April 5, 2012



A short lesson in perspective. It seems TL;DR but really read it! (Thanks Nubby)

The fear of missing out. (Thanks Courtney)

How do cops train for assignments as fake high school students?  (Thanks Sarah Von)

These smoke detectors are so cute! Never thought I'd say that sentence but there you go.

This creepy app isn't just stalking women without their knowledge, it's a wakeup call about facebook privacy. This is AWFUL. And then read Gala's tips on how to stay safe in this internet day and age. It's not all 'creeps in chatrooms' anymore guys, shit's getting real.

Kaylah picks up garbage on the beach. Again. 

Whelp I'm definitely not an "anthro girl".  I am the anti-anthro. 

Now on Ashley's blog you can link up your favorite post of the month that someone else has written. I love these sharing-type features. It shows how generous Ashley is to share her space with everyone.

Ryan Gosling saved a woman from being run over because of course he did. 

Hijab, Niqab or nothing. (video) (via Yes and Yes) I wish there was something that I could put on that meant "judge me by my personality and beliefs, not my ass".

Did you know the Canadian penny is really being phased out this year? They've been talking about it forever but it's actually happening in 2012! Finally.

Sandra's awesome idea to reduce nasty coffee cup trash in the streets.

Oh my gosh the BERKS meme killed me. I am dead. 

Polaroids from Afghanistan

I love the underwear made from t-shirts at slippery slope bloomer company!

Rochelle is KILLING IT lately with the sewing, she's making like a dress a week or something. Here's the latest masterpiece.

An ode to every monster in the alphabet that kept us up at night as kids.


  (Thanks Kellie)

Surprised to see me. One woman's story about what it's like to lose 40 pounds...and the reactions she gets when people see her. (Thanks Sarah Von)

And another one I found via Yes and Yes, Dentists Without Borders, in which David Sedaris writes about his French doctors and dentists. I love me some David Sedaris. "Could Doctor be the man's first name?" hahaha so good.

The most useful websites.

Four ways to eat brussel sprouts. (thanks Vanessa)

Italian restaurant in a cave. Yes please. 

A hilarious article on...hypnobirthing. haha what the f...

Jenny Lawson's promotional video for her new book. Wil Wheaton! Neil Gaiman!

Personal responsibility. (Thanks Suzy)

"Ron Burgandy" on Conan. (video) 

I never wanted to visit Chatanooga, Tennessee until seeing this post.

How to navigate culture shock. 

Do you do number twos in public toilets?


Lizzy Stewart's illustrations of things that happened in her day. They're so good! (Thanks Alycia)

I just love the entire life of...Katie? I don't know her name, she goes by Octohawk online. But it doesn't matter. I mean, look at her instagram photos in this post from the past few days...she's so cool! 

Writers on how to start writing.

Sind tattoos vegan? (video) Jakub Settgast talks about what makes a tattoo vegan. It's in German so...if you don't speak German  you're SOL. Don't worry, I don't either. You can see some of Jakub's tattoos here, real neat stuff!

9 essential skills kids should learn

Are tattoos still bad-ass

How to make digital photos look like multiple exposures in Photoshop. I'm totally going to try this. (thanks again, Vanessa!)

And Gala Darling put out an amazing carousel post are my ten favorite links from her post, but I encourage you to go over there and see the rest for yourself if you haven't had enough over here.

1. How to put yourself out there and handle criticism.
2. The chunky, gorgeous woman on the subway.
3. The enduring popularity of tans.
4. Lies in the gym.
5. The comments section for every article ever written about PETA. LOL! So true.
6. Five hundred new fairytales discovered in Germany! I bet they're creepy as fuck.
7. I love doing social stuff alone.
8. Fiona Apple's triumphant live return! I love her!!
9. Little victories.
10. The faces of addiction. A photoset.

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

angular doorway

Hey did you ladies out there know that we have a section in our bathing-suit area that's called a cul-de-sac? It's true! WTF? It's number twelve on this diagram. Um...and what is number five? Is that normal? lol

I got 97% on the midterm for my Medical Terminology class on Monday. That's 165 questions right out of 170. You'd probably be happy with that, right? Well I was angry with myself for fucking up those five questions. They were all things I remembered reading about but just could not remember the answer to. So frustrating. So I sat there, looking over my exam and beating myself up about it. That is, until I heard other people celebrating their eighty two percents and their eighty five percents as though they had just invented a cure for cancer.

And then I felt good about myself. Please insert your congratulations in the comments section below.

Monday, April 2, 2012

one moss

diptych: nature, fake and real

And if it feels to you that I haven't been putting that much effort into my blog as of late it's because I haven't, like, at all. I'm a busy bird, kids. And these wings have got to be free to fly. And feathers are really hard to type with. Chirp chirp, springtime metaphors. Get on board, son.
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