Friday, August 26, 2011

LOMO SPINNER 360 photos!

Mon dieu, mes amis. I was so confused when I got these pictures back from the place in the mall. Since apparently "getting film developed" is now the equivalent of "eating a dodo egg omlette", it takes weeks to get my pictures back. So I did not remember taking a ton of crooked weird-angled photos of...sand. And the driveway, and out the car window. 

 Actually this one's kinda cool on its own.

What on earth was I doing? The subject matter said to me that I was probably just testing a new camera but which one?

I was feeling quite disappointed until I noticed that some of the pictures seemed to go together. Wait...the LOMO SPINNER 360! Since I don't own a film scanner, I chose to just get the film developed regularly, because I figured I'd still get the gist of the amazingness this way. And I was right.

What am I talking about, you ask? Spinner what what what?

It looks like this:

Pretty much, what you do is pull that little cord at the bottom, hold it out and it spins all the way around, photographing everything as it goes. It feels solid as hell and is a real great camera, all in all.

I'm not sad that I ended up trading this away to Erin, because I got a 35mm back for my Diana F+ camera that I NEVER used and suddenly use all the time, so it was a good deal. But now I realize the sheer radness of that camera.

Alright, without further adieu, the photos I got back. Please remember this was a trial run at this camera, with a little practice a person could get some great shots! (Click for a larger view)

And then this one goes the other way:

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