Tuesday, February 28, 2012


Reading: I am still working on the final book George R.R. Martin has written in the Song of Ice and Fire series. It's awesome but not when you're on a time limit. I have around four hundred pages left to read, and it's due back at the library in three or four days! Best get reading hey? I think the last hundred pages are just indexes of people's names and what house they belong to though, so that helps.

Listening to: a lot of The Pixies. Again. I just can't believe I never appreciated them when they were in their prime, you know? I mean, I just saw them in concert last year or whatever and they ruled, but imagine when the albums were fresh and new and they hadn't played "Hey" ten billion times before. How much energy they must have had.

I know there are a lot of people out there who haven't really given them a chance. Listen to Bone Machine here, and then realize you're an idiot and listen to every song they ever made. 

Bone Machine by The Pixies on Grooveshark

It still weirds me out to know that voice is coming from this guy, Frank Black. He's amazing, he has the best scream. And yes, even now he sings just as hard.


Side note: when Ryan was in college he had a radio show and got to interview Kim Deal. Which basically means we are both totally famous.

Another band I've been re-visiting lately is The Smalls. Oh boy oh boy. These guys. They're from Alberta, Canada so I kind of doubt you guys know them, I don't know how famous they got but I don't think very. You know the country singer Corb Lund? No? You should! He's awesome. Even his super country songs are hilarious, he has so much personality. Anyway he played bass in The Smalls before he went out on his own. Here are my two favorite Smalls songs.

My Saddle Horse Has Died by The Smalls on Grooveshark
Domination by The Smalls on Grooveshark

And Corb Lund, well it's hard to explain. He has quite a punk following though, especially around Alberta. It's very interesting. 

And this is the most awful catchy song you've ever heard. Don't say I didn't warn you.

Watching: THE WALKING DEAD!! It's back. And scary!

Doing: a lot of memorization exercises. I get a list of around 70 words and suffixes and prefixes and stuff every class, and have to memorize them by the next class because we have an exam. I have class twice a week. It's pretty intense. Lots of flash cards and fill in the blanks and stuff. It's not very glamorous.

Looking forward to: oh boy my friends I wish I could tell you everything that's going to be happening at my work this summer! It's all semi-hush hush at the moment because nothing is really written in stone but I do believe it's gonna be the best summer yet. Here's a clue to one thing.

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