Thursday, March 1, 2012

Things I Love Thursday

I love notebooks! I love school supplies! On top of this fancy little number I bought two other cute notebooks, some cute sticky notes, and some bookplates for fun. Taking a class is a great excuse to treat yo' self.

I also love...

These photos near Lake Erie. It looks SO COLD.

The game has spoken - how a game of MASH can go so so wrong.

10 ways to feel rich.

Did you know you can block people from pinning your stuff on Pintrest? 

The Awesome Box.

I love celebrities who aren't afraid to be silly. Simon Pegg and Penn, I gained a bit more respect for your inner real human today.

Radiohead debuted two new songs, which means a new album is coming!

These 8 rules for not sucking at public transportation, just for the 'elephantitis of the balls' thing. I HATE THAT SO MUCH. 

20 principles of success not taught in school.

This necklace. I mean. How can you not love it? It's the perfect amount of creepy and funny and serial killer. And hey, Kaylah is totally pulling it off so it can't be that scary.

This skateboard video, made in Vancouver on Halloween 2011 by the Zenga Bros. RAD

Also by the Zenga Bros, The Danakil Diaries.  I want to see this all feature length, damnit! Holy shit, that little boy has pointy teeth! Those cyclists are hard-core.

This kickass knife.

Want to learn a language, like, I don't know, Mongolian, but there's no teachers in your city? Well fret not, because this online language school can help!  A German friend of mine is learning French from someone in Senegal right now.

How YouTube porn music got one blogger in trouble at work, haha.

This cat video. It scared me the first time I watched it. 

Baked potato bean bag chair with butter pillow. 

Nine foreign words the English language desperately needs.

Kristin Luna shares some of her photography secrets. 

Underwater version of Google Street View will let you explore the Great Barrier Reef.

The idea of a public food forest. Go Seattle! 


Or actually, this entire store
My blog-friend Kristin's photos of Nepal.

Puddle monsters!

Doctor Octopus as Super Cat. AHHH too funny. 

This crazy animation showing the scale of things. I think the best way to view this is to scroll it all the way to the left and go up. 

French parents have got it right.

This burning man lego set.

This documentary, Bully. (video) I was bullied until I got "big boobs". Then I was "only" sexually harrassed ... never popular, always weird and nerdy. I am all for teaching kids to stand up for the right thing, not the cool thing.

Gimpressionism. You'll see.

The Adulting blog. 

These honest advertisements.

Hollow book safes! I've always wanted these.

Asphalt archaeology.

LAST MINUTE ADDITION - Now this is a giveaway I can get behind! Killer.

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