Saturday, December 25, 2010


As you all probably know by now (because I've been telling you for ten freakin' days), I'm off jet-setting around North America (wait, is the Caribbean in North America? DAMN YOU GEOGRAPHY!), all willy-nilly. I'm going to try and respond to comments and visit your blogs as much as possible while I'm away but will be focusing on checking out my surroundings, hanging out with family, taking photos and loving life. 

If everything goes according to schedule I should be just waking up to the sound of my 
four youngest brothers and sisters freaking out about Christmas presents right about now, 
somewhere in the middle of the frozen prairies of central Canada.

Anyway, on to the scheduled post of the day!


Have you seen this costume? 
It's so fantastic I don't even know what to say except WOW!

Apparently she's a regular at the San Francisco SantaCon. 

And no, it's really really NOT photoshopped!

Here are some more views from around the internet. 

Photos taken by:   
Check out their flickr pages, they're all fantastic photographers
and I think they're not getting enough credit for these pics. 

For those of you who celebrate it, Merry Christmas! 
And get off the computer, it's time to hang out with your family.

Friday, December 24, 2010

Simon's Cat

I love Simon's cat. The animation is so simple, yet it manages to capture the essence of all that is cat-ness. Here's the newest video, with Simon's cat and a Christmas Tree.

You can find all the Simon's cat videos here.

I'm probably somewhere really really cold right now, hanging out with brothers, sisters, parents and friends I haven't seen in years. Send me happy thoughts and I'll see you and/or visit your blogs soon! 
Happy holidays everyone!

Merry Chrizizzle

Thursday, December 23, 2010

links for the holidays...

...that have nothing to do with the holidays!

I'm still away, having a fabulous great fun time! Enjoy these links, pals!

1. RED GREEN BLUE - so amazing!

2. Photojojo has lots of great stuff. For example, this lens mug.

3. Fruit and Veggie "Alphadeaths". Cute and creepy, my favorite combination!

4. Punch Me Panda...yet another reason to visit New York City!

5. Passports with a purpose - for you travel bloggers.

7. Booooooom! There's so much to look at here.

9. Kirsty Mitchell photography. Wow.!

10. Curvy publications...neat! (not the kind of magazine it sounds like)

11. How are these new American Apparel ads any better? Man that company disgusts me.

12. Claire Martin Photography - check out the slab city gallery. WOW!

13. Speaking of slab city, check out Salvation Mountain.

14. 75 ways to stay unhappy forever. I could work on a few of these. Also? How to live an interesting life.

18. Tiny gingerbread houses for your hot chocolate!

20. The Walken Dead. Get it?

21. Shadow art. Pretty-ish.

22. I want portraits of me like this all over my house.

23. Srsly, stay with baby at all times.

24. These are some of my favorite websites: not always right, cake wrecks and awkward boners. Actually I don't really like the boners one, it kind of creeps me out, but I know it must be funny on some level.

25. The Keep Calm - O - Matic Here's mine:

Happy almost Christmas Eve! 

Or not, if you don't celebrate Christmas.

Whatever, I hope you get some time off work or something.

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Baby It's Cold Outside! (and rapey inside)

 Isn't 'Baby It's Cold Outside' the most date-rapey Christmas song you've ever heard? 
Have you ever paid attention to the lyrics?

Here, I'll show you.

Blue is the man part, red is the lady part, and the photos are my commentary.
(as always, if you click the photo you can see a larger version)

I really can't stay
(but baby it's cold outside)

I've got to go away
(but baby it's cold outside)

This evening has been
(been hoping that you'd drop in)
So very nice
(i'll hold your hands, they're just like ice)

My mother will start worry
(beautiful whats your hurry)

My father will be pacing the floor
(listen to the fireplace roar)

So really i'd better scurry
(beautiful please don't hurry)
but maybe just a half a drink more
(put some records on while i pour)

the neighbors might faint
(baby it's bad out there)
say what's in this drink

(no cabs to be had out there)

i wish i knew how
(your eyes are like starlight now)
to break this spell
(i'll take your hat, your hair looks swell)
i ought to say "no, no, no sir"

(mind if i move in closer)


at least i'm gonna say that i tried
(what's the sense in hurtin' my pride)

i really can't stay
(oh baby don't hold out)

both:baby it's cold out side

i simply must go
(but baby it's cold outside)
the answer is no

(but baby it's cold outside)

your welcome has been
(how lucky that you dropped in)
so nice and warm
(look out the window at that storm)

my sister will be suspicious
(gosh your lips look delcious)

my brother will be there at the door
(waves upon the tropical shore)

my maiden aunts mind is vicious
(gosh your lips are delicous)

but maybe just a cigarette more
(never such a blizzard before) 
I've gotta get home
(but baby you'd freeze out there)

say lend me a coat

(it's up to your knees out there)
you've really been grand
(i thrill when you touch my hand)
but don't you see?
(how can you do this thing to me?)

there's bound to be talk tomorrow
(think of my lifelong sorrow)

at least there will be plenty implied
(if you got pneumonia and died)

I really can't stay
(get over that old out)

both:baby it's cold
baby it's cold outside

So basically, this entire song is about a girl who is trapped 
at a date rapist's house because of a blizzard. 
Real nice.

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Why Reindeer "Fly"

BBC kind of explains where the myth of flying reindeer comes from. 

Also, if I'm not mistaken I am on 
Danielle's Sometimes Sweet blog today.

Monday, December 20, 2010

A Very Etsy Christmas

Since, as you all know very well by now, I am on vacation for a couple weeks, I was trying to think of things to post about that had a Christmas feel. And as we all love hand made arts and crafts ever so much, I was like "Hey, what about Etsy?"

Well yeah. There are some fantastic things on there. Like this hat for example. I would wear the shit out of this hat from the 24th to the 26th. No joke. I love this!

Candy cane hat found here.

And this card is really super cool: funny with a touch of nerd is the best kind of comedy.

And there was a lot of stuff I would buy ironically because they're funny if I were feeling impulsive:

Cat statue from here, awesome dog-snowman pin from here.

But then...there are...well, you'll see.

1. The animal clothes. MY EYES! NOOO!

1 "Candy Cane Dreams" dress   2  You can get 30% off this one. 
featured in the Martha Stewart 2010 Holiday Gift Guide.  
 Holiday BUTT COVERS for your pets! No more unsightly anuses.

2.The tree decorations. Oh the humanity!

3. Basically you can put a Santa hat on anything these days
and get away with it.

4. Weird soap. Have you ever wanted soap with diseases in it?

How about (Communist?) barbed wire soap?

"real Christmas soap for real Christmas extreme" found here

5. One of the most perplexing trends of all is the zombie and/or evil Christmas ornament. Really? Like the Santa brain tree ornament wasn't weird enough, there's also a ZOMBIE Santa brain tree ornament. And so much more.

6. And finally... uuhhh...these.

1. Christmas Nymph? Decoration? I guess?
2. "spider jerusalem inspired costume sunglasses" (even the name is in the wtf category)

Happy shopping...or maybe not?
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