Saturday, January 22, 2011

My Yesterday

Boss: Can you pick up some tacos from the truck down the street?
Me: Sure.
Boss: Oh, and some tortilla soup. No dairy. (He's vegan.)
Me: Of course.
Boss: And if they don't have the soup then some more tacos. But they better have soup or you're fired.

(Enter long and joking* discussion about the repercussions and legal actions that would be taken if I got fired.)

*I hope, ha!

Me: Please don't fire me.
Boss: Okay.

(I go to the taco truck and order food.)

Me: (Waiting for food)
(Super Fat Drunk Guy walks over.)

Drunk Guy: (Slurring to the point of intelligibility) How much for ketchup chips?
Taco Truck Guy: Two dollars.
Drunk Guy: I'm a shaman but I don't like to do it in the street. (Sways precariously)
Taco Truck Guy: Oh.
Drunk Guy: I'm waiting for a bus. (Note: there's no bus stop anywhere near the taco truck)
Taco Truck Guy: (To me) Here's your food.
Me: Yay! (I take it back to the shop)

Me: OMG you guys, you shoulda seen the super drunk guy at the taco truck. (does awesome impression of drunk guy, then opens the lid to make sure the soup is right before I hand it to the boss. It is but HAS CHEESE ON IT! DISASTER! VEGAN BOSS!)

Me: Crap. There's cheese on it! I'll be right back.

(I walk back to the taco truck)

(Drunk guy is still there.)

Taco truck guy: ...Yeah?
Me: Um, sorry, I need this soup to not have cheese on it, my boss is vegan. No dairy.
Taco Truck Guy: Oh, sorry! No cheese! Yes. (Takes it back)
Me: Yes! Thanks. (Waits patiently)
Drunk guy: (Stumbles) Fucking chips. I had a hamburger.
Taco Truck Guy: ...yes. Chips. Do you want a taco?
Drunk guy: How much are they, ten dollars?
Taco Truck Guy: Six for six dollars.
Drunk Guy: I had a hamburger. You're an asshole. Shaman. It's dark then light and it changes my mood.
Taco Truck Guy: (To me) Here's your soup. No cheese! Sorry again!
Me: Thank you so much!

(I walk back to the shop with the new soup)

Me: Okay. No cheese!

(I open the soup to check that everything's okay this time...but there's a big fat dollop of sour cream in it.)

Me: Nooooo! There's sour cream on it!
Boss: NO!
Me: (sigh) I'll be back again.

(I go back to the taco truck, giddy with the silliness of the situation)

Me: Hey, my soup has sour cream in it.
Taco Truck Guy: Oh no! So sorry!
Me: No, it's okay. I just need straight up soup with tortillas on top.
Taco Truck Guy: Yes. Sorry! No problem.

(I wait patiently)
(Taco Truck Guy hands me two bowls of soup with no lids on them)

Me: ?
Taco Truck Guy: You take two, sorry again!
Me: Thank you?

I walk back to the shop again, this time definitely sure about the dairy status of the soup because of the lack of lids I could see that there was nothing but soup and tortilla chip thingys in there.

I get to the shop and remember the door is a 'pull' type door. And my hands are full of two hot and red-colored soup. That spells disaster right? What would you do?

I, like a total idiot, forged ahead anyway and tried to just pull the door open with one of my soup-holding hands. Of course the door opened faster than I expected and the soup spilled all over me. Like  half a damn bowl of tortilla soup.

No, seriously, all over me. It splashed down the front of my hoodie. It got on my (very light colored) skirt. It even somehow got on the inside of my sleeve,  and on my back.

...and that's when I lost my mind.

It was like this, only times ten thousand.

Image from

Friday, January 21, 2011

I wish the vandals would just leave this poor guy's fence alone already

He's like 99 years old. Sometimes I see him outside gardening or sweeping the sidewalk, wearing full sleeves and pants, a wide-brimmed straw hat and those sunglasses that cover not only your eyes but your prescription eye-glasses and the sides of your head. He keeps busy and his yard is very nice.

 Every couple months there's a new sign attached to a new section of the fence. It either gets vandalized or ruined by the weather or goes missing, and then  he puts up a new one. I wish there was a vandalism code of conduct against doing things to nice white picket fences owned by senior citizens with a good strong work ethic.

Vandals, if you're reading this, please leave that old man alone!

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Things I Love Thursday

There are so many cool things to look at out there on the great, wide internet. 
Here are a few that sparked my interest this week.

 Cool maps from These Are Things. We really really need more maps around our house!

 Time lapse videos of immense snow falls.

December 2010 Blizzard Timelapse from Michael Black on Vimeo.

 Weird museum displays.
This one, the Museum of Broken Relationships, is full of items donated by people with broken hearts.

Candy colors! Creepy stuff! Did I mention CANDY? And COLORS?

 Maybe I'm a month too late, but this short video is creepy/cool enough to justify still posting it.

December from 328 Stories on Vimeo.

And, let me just get my two cents in here; you don't need to kill a tree every year guys. Plastic is fantastic.

Hilarious word-play. 

Get it? It's a snow man.

This stop-motion LEGO promo video. 

And this one. 

Aren't they cool?

This snake sweater rules. And the guy wearing it? Also rules.

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

I totally wore Ryan's hat without asking.

 They're all funny and blurry because I was holding Tank on a leash and he kept lunging around like a maniac.

Geez dog, can't you hold it for thirty seconds while I take a decent self-portrait?

Calling All Sponsors!

 Might As Rella is now accepting sponsorship from small business owners, Etsy shops, bloggers and event holders!

Why should you advertise on a blog?

In addition to supporting a creative endeavor, you will also be promoting your shop, event or blog at the 'street level'. The internet is a wide world with opportunities that can end up confusing or demeaning to the small business owner. It's too easy to get lost in the shuffle.

Blog readers are a loyal, sophisticated and discerning group of consumers who will voice their opinions and will be heard. Blog advertising is a market that should not be neglected.

Although it is primarily Etsy shop owners who advertise on people's blogs, you don't need to be selling anything to advertise here. You could also use this space to gain readership to your own blog, raise awareness for a cause or event, promote your photography, or just put a giant picture of yourself there...whatever. The space is long as you keep it positive and upbeat. And no moving pictures or GIFs guys, let's keep it classy. ;)

 How much does it cost to advertise on Might As Rella?

 Small ads are only $10/month! 

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Prices include:

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New ads go up on the first of every month, and if you're a real plan-ahead maniac like I am, don't worry! We can schedule an ad for the future.

Might as rella is a medium sized blog, but is expanding exponentially, 
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Click here for more info about sponsorship, 
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(Now accepting sponsorship for February 2011)

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Although you may be tired of hearing about it:

here are some more scenes from my Cuba trip, from almost a month ago. These are from my really great little film camera that cost like six bucks at a gas station that one time or whatever.

The sweet faux wood background is our kitchen floor, I just took pictures of the photographs with my digital camera...ah, the no-scanner-ownership life. As always, you can click the photos for a larger view.

Monday, January 17, 2011

Music Monday: Chingon

 After five years of Spanish classes it was singing along to this song that taught me to roll my Rs.

I've actually written about this song before, but since I have so many new people checking out my blog, I thought I'd talk about it again. Introducing: Malaguena Salerosa by Chingon. This song is on the Kill Bill 2 soundtrack which is where I first heard it. It's a re-imagining, if you will, of this song, which is also really great. Here's a clip of Pedro Galindo, singing in the movie 'Al Son Del Mambo'

Al Son Del Mambo is a Mexican film from 1950, directed by Chano Urueta. 

Old Mexican movies are one of my all-time favorite things to watch. Thanks, Spanish 450B (my Mexican Film Class at UVic)! Especially the funny ones. They're so great. Cantinflas anybody? Yes!

Here's Chingon's version, playing live at the Kill Bill 2 premiere 
(from the Special Features section of the DVD):

I love Mexican folk music. Somehow it weaseled its way into my heart and now it's stuck there forever. Same with Mexican films. I would love to hear any recommendations for Spanish language music or films that you love (please don't say Y Tu Mama Tambien). They don't have to be Mexican, I'd love to watch something from Argentina or Chile. Or anywhere. Spanish.

Anyway, long story short, if you've taken anything from this post, I hope it's that Cantinflas is hilarious.

 Yeah, he really had that...anti-mustache. 
I should write more on Cantinflas sometime, his story is really interesting. 

Movie photos from here here here and here.
Cantinflas pics from here here here here and here.

Later alligators.
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