Saturday, April 9, 2011

panoramic flowers

Not much to report this morning, so here are some pretty flowers instead. Yes, I'm one of those bloggers. Deal with it. Does it help you to know I took these pictures a year ago and all these flowers are currently dead, destroyed not only by our harsh Victoria winter (I joke, I joke) but also by a weiner of a dog who is afraid to get his feet wet when it's raining, and would rather walk through our little planter than on the wet driveway to get to the grass? Yes it's a question, that was just one hell of a run-on sentence. 

So basically what I'm saying is you're looking at the ghosts of flowers past. Passed. Past? Whatever. They're dead but you can see them.


Friday, April 8, 2011

One of my very first blog entries ever...

I'm taking a page out of Danielle's book here by deciding to "look back" to my blog I had years ago. All the way in 2007, haha. This is my fourth entry ever. It's not bad actually. Not great either.

The first one was a bunch of Jack Handy quotes, the next one was like "I think a spider bit me on my neck" and the other one was like "I'm doing a cleanse, here are the foods I can and can't eat...". This is the first one with some substance.

It's so amateur blog, it's not even funny. I felt like I was tapping a microphone and saying "Is this thing on?" Anyway, here's my fourth blog entry ever.


Freak Out

I think I am going to quit myspace. I'm holding on to facebook now because of all the contacts I would lose if I delete my account, plus it makes it so easy to connect with friends.

I am going to try and make this the new "what am i up to" place to look.

Today I was talking to Ryan about how in less than 3 months I will be in Mexico. Me. There. I will actually be there.(NOTE FROM PRESENT DAY ME: I was getting ready to go on a year exchange through the university to Xalapa, Veracruz.) I guess because I have had a few months to think about it, the initial excitement and the spontaneous attitude I would normally have... they faded away. Then I actually forgot I was going. And now the crazy reality of it all is sinking in.I feel like I still have a billion things to do to get ready to go, but its like I am taking one step forward and 2 steps back. Its sneaking up on me so quickly.

I'm sure it will all work out. But right now I am terrified.

Want to know what else is up with me?
The other day i met chuck palahniuk, one of my favorite writers (for those of you who are asking yourselves "who?" ... he wrote fight club) I'd add a picture but I dont know how to use this thing yet. Ryan and I spent days putting together a "visible man" model for him to sign. It was so exciting for me, he is a great storyteller. I'm going to try to add a couple pictures actually, and we will see what happens.

Currently I am just working at Planet Organic, a grocery store/health food store. I'm a champion deli clerk. Seriously.

I'm living with my brother, my 2 cats Lumplestiltskin and Kersmudgeon Sparkles, and our new roommate Billy. Billy is a Planet Organic customer, and I saw him around UVic quite a bit so we became facebook friends and then when we needed a roommate, he saw the posting and replied. So that is how we came to live with him.

I am really going to give this blog thing a shot, hopefully I dont just lose interest and quit using it. This is supposed to be my way of communicating with everybody when I am far far away. 


So what is up with the random capitalization, past me? Also, I sure took a lot of pride in my deli clerk skills, hey? And check out that bare arm on me, totally tattoo-free! Weird! I'm not going to post too many of these look backs, but I think I might add a few of my more awesome ones from other blogs I ran before Might As Rella. If I do recall, I had a few gems.

more and more fisheye

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Things I Love Thursday

 Well well well, it's time for another edition of 'Things I Love Thursday'. For those of you who don't know, it's a weekly feature in which I tell you about a crapload of cool stuff I found around the internet. Yeah, I said 'crapload', I'm classy like that. 

I love...

This guy's little story he made up using his knuckle tattoos. You can't not like him. 

This 'most useful grammar post ever'. It's really useful! :)

Mariel Clayton's doll photography. It's so creepy and fantastic!

Bryan Lewis Saunders' insane self-portraits. What makes these so interesting is he takes drugs, and then draws himself while under the influence. I love seeing how he sees himself on different substances.

This stack of books.

These pictures of Shanghai in 1990 and 2010. It's amazing how much a city can change so quickly.

Mother effing SMILEY CAM. I want one of these cameras like nobody's business. The pictures it takes? The best.

This list of common misconceptions. There is no evidence that Vikings had horns on their helmets. There's no evidence that iron maidens were even used for torture. What? My mind...blown!

And last but not least, I first found this video on Yes and Yes...holy crap this house is amazing. The. Best.

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

So yesterday was pretty rad!

I mean...the weather was crap. Frickin' monsoon-like rain and near zero temperatures, and wind. Oh the wind.It was c-c-c-cold out.And that's coming from someone who takes pride in being able to weather know what I mean.

But I was distracted...I was on my way to get my chest tattooed. I was more nervous than you can imagine. Like, more nervous than for any tattoo I have ever gotten before, really! I guess because everybody I have ever talked to about it has made crazy pain faces even at the mention of it, and so many people have said it was the most painful tattoo they've ever gotten.

In actuality, mostly because I was prepared for it, it wasn't so bad. It still hurt, don't get me wrong, but it was like, just another tattoo kind of hurt. Also? I took like three advil just before we started which probably had something to do with it. :)

I don't want to put pictures of the entire thing up here, because you know how people are with stealing crap from the internet, and it's not finished yet...I just feel really protective over it. And Colin hates the internet...I'd be so bummed if someone stole his hard work.  Here are a couple sort of semi-pictures of it with really fancy watermarks, haha.

They're not the best pictures but you can get the general idea of what it's going to be like anyway. On the other shoulder it meets up with my mummy/My Little Pony sleeve and goes kind of behind the mummy's head. Thanks a billion COLIN! I feel all proud, it's so pretty and he has been working like fourteen hour days every day for the past two weeks. It was so nice of him to fit me into his schedule.


After I left the tattoo shop, I went to the photo place and picked up some photos I dropped off a few days ago. I have finally figured out my lomography fisheye camera! This time the majority of my photos actually worked out, which is great news. Usually they're underexposed or my hand was covering the flash or something. This bunch of  photos totally ruled. Here's a preview:

Pretty good, right? I'm going to be posting more throughout the next month or two. 


And so I took the bus home wearing a ridiculous chest bandage...I put a couple pictures of it on my Tumblr here. Check it out for a laugh. I looked ridiculous in that v-neck sweater and a big blue thing taped to my chest. I went to the grocery store looking like that because getting tattooed turns me into a ravenous freak. A couple chocolate bars made it into my grocery basket...the cashier asked if I was going to eat both of them myself, and I smiled and told her "As soon as I get home" and she said

"You go girl."

Hahaha. Yes. I do go. I eat two chocolate bars whenever I want. Girl power!

When I got home I found mother effin' TOMS shoes waiting for me. They must have come in the mail while I was out. I tried them on and they fit like a glove. I know everyone on the internet keeps saying how great they are, but I'm going to add my voice to the chorus...AMAAAAAZING!

What a great day!



Tuesday, April 5, 2011

The hilarious conversations you have in bed...

Lying in bed a while ago, Ryan and I were talking about the natures of our housepets. We decided to pair them up with celebrities who matched their demeanors best. I can't remember the criteria we set but we were laughing pretty hard when we came up with their celebrity twins.

Yeti is a chubby Meryl Streep.
And Tank is John Goodman.

self-portrait, sitting at the bus stop

Monday, April 4, 2011

Music Monday: White/Rob Zombie

Yes, I am serious. In high school in the mid to late nineties I listened to a lot of White Zombie, and then subsequently Rob Zombie. I also went through a reaaaal goth phase. Black clothes. Black eyeliner. Black nailpolish. Black everything. Let me see if I can find a photo...

Um, well I guess you'll have to take my word for it. I'm the one in the back and I'm wearing a Marilyn Manson 'sweet dreams' era t-shirt. That's my friend Sheena in front of me, also in her goth phase, obviously.

Anyway so we liked music that was kind of cheesy metal-dance music with distorted vocals with songs about monsters. We also liked Rammstein and Prodigy back then, so...yeah. I took this video seriously, because I thought that Rob Zombie was a total babe, there was a cool girl in the band, and I used this video as a guide on how to dress and *ahem* how to dance.

I can also remember listening to  AstroCreep 2000, cruising in infinite loops around our small town. Of course, every time More Human Than Human came on, my mom was in the room or something...on the CD there's a lot of sex noises. MORTIFYING.

And then Rob Zombie went on to do his own thing...which was worse. But I still liked it. 
Luckily, the music thing isn't the only thing he does. Rob Zombie directed the movie House of 1000 Corpses which is one of my all-time favorites. It's gory as fuck, creepy, and visually...awesome.  

He also directed the sequel, The Devil's Rejects, one of the trailers on Grindhouse, a Halloween remake and tons of other stuff. Check out his imdb page for everything. 
I'm being super harsh here, calling him cheesy and stuff...I still have a soft spot in my heart for the guy. AND I just found out that Slayer is touring up in my neck of the woods this summer and Rob Zombie is sharing the headline...guess I'm gonna see him in concert after all these years after all! ;)
I think she had a hard time being taken seriously.

Sunday, April 3, 2011


My phone takes panoramic photos. And they're fun! Also, I did this by accident.

What ever happened to...

...salad fingers?

Do you remember these videos from, like, the beginning of the internet? They were my favorite. Just the right mix of funny and totally terrifying. Here are eight of them. Enjoy!

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