Saturday, June 18, 2011

More chalk people from Government Street ...

...because that guy never stops drawing them. I think it's a fairly lucrative practice for him, actually. 

Thursday, June 16, 2011

It was a riot.

Yesterday was crazy. On the ferry between Victoria and Vancouver our captain did an announcement saying that the Boston Bruins fan he saw get on board was on the wrong boat. And thus, the tone was set. I can't even describe the sheer number of blue and white jerseys everywhere...the beer bongs on the skytrain ... the straight up 'get wasted' feel to the day.

A 20-something guy on our bus had painted his face in the mirror and wrote everything backwards by accident.

Ryan went to take a picture of this car...

...and ended up with this picture. Ha!

So we were in Vancouver, yes. We did not riot though. In fact, we watched a disappointing hockey game in a fancy apartment building on a big screen, chugged some champagne even though we lost, then went to a Greek restaurant a few blocks away from thousands of drunk idiots yelling, smashing shit and burning cars. Our waiter said an hour before the restaurant had filled with tear gas. We could smell it in the streets too.

This is how the streets looked when we first arrived in Vancouver, a few hours before the game: busy but not scary. Everybody was partying and um, not burning things? the shirt I had made for the occasion?

Um, okay, maybe it was a little scary...haha

After watching the game in this super duper fancy apartment games room with a small crowd of very nice people, we started to walk back to our friends' house and overheard in the streets that a car was on fire. And sure enough, the sky was suddenly filled with black smoke. I joked about wanting to go see the burning car and our friend wondered aloud how one actually sets a car on fire. But I didn't actually consider going. Even though the photographer in me was insisting upon how awesome it would be to get "that shot".

But the brain in me decided it was a bad idea to be anywhere near violence and insubordination. So instead Ryan and I hung out with our super cool fun friends Chris and Sarah at their home. And got to bed at a decent hour.

Here are some sensational photos that I got from The Globe and Mail and The National Post.
You know, in case you haven't  seen them yet I guess. 
This was going on a few blocks from where we were drinking and eating and ignoring the drunk losers. 

Aren't police horses so formidable? And is that real blood in that last picture?

Sacred Heart is the tattoo shop Chris works at...and we were literally inside there like three hours before this picture was taken.

This morning on our way to the sky train station there were looted stores with smashed windows everywhere. But you know what else there was? Volunteers cleaning up the streets. Vancouverites are genuinely ashamed of what happened. And the majority of the idiot rioters were from out of town or the suburbs, and had come in specifically to cause trouble. In fact, on the ferry on our way in to the city we overheard five musclehead jock guys (who literally had frosted tips) saying how they can't wait to smash stuff when the game's over.

Ryan put it best:

"Yeah, these pictures show a thousand people doing stupid things, which is a lot of people, but there were a hundred thousand people there that night. So only one percent of the people were behaving like that."

In fact, we heard anecdotes on CBC's broadcast this morning about people standing in front of shops trying to prevent all the looting, people stopping a guy from throwing a homeless man's shopping cart full of cans around...and now there's facebook events and groups dedicated to cleaning up the city and finding the rioters one by one. I mean, I don't know how they think they'll get away with the things they were doing in this age of iPhones, twitter and digital cameras. Especially when they broadcast their participation on their Facebook status.

What. A. Retard. Or what about this guy?

Cover your face you damn fool. Anyway he already got caught. 

So um...yeah. Thanks to everyone for making this a night to remember I guess...

Things I Love Thursday!

Mystery plants that look cool.

I'm also loving...
A dog with eyebrows! 


This video: My name is Two-Ten. (SO NSFW.) It's about a tow-truck driver. I'm kind of scared of him, haha. He's all breaking into cars and yelling at people and stuff... 

Ants-in-her-pants panties! Just the thing for fidgety females! 

This interesting discussion that's taking place on feminism and being feminine. First read Julie Klausner's (controversial?) article, and then read the responses from Elizabeth of Delightfully Tacky and Kaelah Bee of Little Chief Honeybee. 

Wave at the Bus! This hilarious dad found out that his teenaged son's bus route changed so it goes right past their house...and decided to embarrass the hell out of innocently wave at his kid by dressing up in a different costume every single day for the entire school year. 

Two posts with the same name, by the same girl, on different blogs. The Way That People Are, and The Way That People Are. You may notice in the second one, I'm included in the twitter suggestions. It's the little things that make me so very happy! :)

I like these altered horoscopes by Austin Kleon. Except for Libra. Which happens to be mine. Damnit.  I want to do this to the horoscopes here now.

If you've got twenty minutes to listen, listen to this TED talk on The Power of Vulnerability. Very interesting! 

I love hilarious tear-off posters and joke posters. This one is my all-time favorite so far. 


This "store buyout" video, mostly because Hercules is SO CUTE! I really hope that crazy scheme helped him.

"To All The Girls Who Envy My Life" - a prostitute musing on the people who want to be her. 

These '80s photos of mallrats doing their thing, by Michael Galinsky. I found these on Checks and Spots. He wants to make a book. If you can, help him out! Time is running out and he's almost there.

The GIF of her dog!

This gif of the deterioration of the recognition of Native American Land Rights.  

Cool headphones. I'm drooling over this color and this color too!  Especially because mine are falling apart.

This made me lol at work the other day:

Found via HistoricLOLs

These mega cool lightbulbs. You heard me. Lightbulbs.

Iris Tsante's jewelry made from pencil crayons. Especially these rings.  

These light skeletons by jannepaint. Really cool photography/light play going on here!

This photo-essay on women in India who have received microloans; their lives and their businesses. Are micro-loans the best birth control device?

I want to go for a walk in here.

And last but not least...

These hand-colored photos of Old Japan found via My Modern Met. These were photos taken between the late 1800s and around 1930, and, according to flickr user Yves Tennevin, they were probably taken by an Italian photographer named Adolfo Farsari. Enjoy. They are some of the coolest pictures I've ever seen. 

 Find more here


 What are you loving this week? Leave me a link to your Things I Love Thursday, your Much Love Monday, your Link Love or your blog carnival. I promise I'll stop by and check it out!

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

I guess we're officially hockey fans. I'm totally bringing my camera this time. Safely strapped to me, of course.

Well, right now I'm probably on a ferry on the way to Vancouver to party my bum off in the streets. Have you ever been somewhere when their hockey team is in the playoffs? I have once, when I lived near 17th ave in Calgary..aka "The Red Mile". It's bananas. Here's what it looked like:

pics from here and here

Total drunk retardville. So wish me luck! See y'all later.

Sunday, June 12, 2011

Ryan got his free crappy portrait!

In case you missed my free crappy portrait from, you can see it here. But you need to check out the one Ryan had's so great. Here's the photo he sent them:

And he said:

Two of these three young fellas are my kids (Braelin and Cassidy,) the other is a neighbor (Noah) and together they are ridiculous (in a good way though!) I was told that they look like the Beastie Boys on Halloween in this photo, so there's that.
And here's what they drew up!

So rad! 

If you go to their website, you'll see that I've also drawn a couple. Be forewarned, they are really crappy. Like, really really crappy. But I'm kind of proud of one they haven't posted yet, of a guy singing karaoke. Anyway, it's nowhere near as cool as this one. But whatever.
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