Saturday, August 6, 2011

Who let me write this blog post anyway? Where's the structure?

Last month I was hooked up with Meeling of the blog The Hairy Peach, from California, for a photoswap that was organized through Rhianne of For The Easily Distracted. Basically what you do is um, take some cool pictures and then mail the film to someone who develops it, and vice versa. So here I now have a roll of total mystery film! EEE! And she has a roll of mystery film too from me. But I know what's on it. (It's boobs.) (Just kidding.)

Um, I didn't place a book in those shots on purpose to look smart. Nope. Heh heh heh...moving on. 

 And Meeling was even nice enough to include a little gift: this cool pin. And there's a hair stuck in the poky part in the back, which I'm going to use to make clones of whoever tried this pin on before she sent it to me. It's going to be awesome. I'll have so many butlers!

So yeah, then we develop the film and put the pictures in this flickr group and give ourselves congratulatory pats on the back or something. Because we are awesome. See last year's results here. Pretty good, guys!

I love one-shot kind of pen-pal stuff, because it's like, all the excitement of sending things and getting things, but none of the commitment of a real pen pal.


That reminds me, I have some correspondance to catch up on. I actually got myself a 13 year old pen pal, which, now that I type it out, sounds really creepy. But okay, what happened was, I got set up with a lady from New York who is around my age, and I wrote her a post card when I was drunk and I'm not sure what I wrote exactly but she never wrote back. But guess who did write back? A girl she takes care of, because she's an Au Pair. So now I should probably write something awesome and inspirational to this girl. Ah, the pressure.


Also, I've been meaning to ask you guys, say, hypothetically, your eight year old kid falls off his bike and effs up his knee really bad and needs crutches and can't do anything fun while his brother goes out and does summer things all day with the neighborhood, what would you do to entertain this poor kid? There's only so much 'sitting still' and 'not ruining his knee for life' he can do. You know, if this were a real scenario.

p.s. It is real. :(


I've been sitting at 198 and 199 Twitter followers for weeks and it's driving me crazy. Can like one or two of you guys just follow my damn tweets so I can get over the 200 hump? Click here to go there.


I would be chuffed* if you checked out my guest post at Desirous of Everything, where I talk about what I hate about summer clothes. I keep on posting on her blog because, well, she lets me. And also I like her style. And she's a librarian. And she doesn't have enough followers for how awesome she is in my opinion so get over there and follow away.


*I have this friend, Sam, from England, who is riding his bike all the way across the USA and he did it basically already, he started in NYC and just made it over the Rocky Mountains. Anyway he's coming here so I thought I should learn an British word or something, you know, to make him feel at home. I'm sure I'll have more to say on him later.


Today I'm crazy. Do you ever just have those moments where you do something really out of character or just straight up stupid, and you have no idea why you're doing it but you just plow on through? This morning on the bus I was at the head of the "gettin' on the bus' line, and I was listening to music and as soon as the door opened I just jumped right in, and swiped my bus pass. No matter that the bus was "kneeling" and the driver was all like "WAIT". Nope. I just ran hip first into a little old lady's walker.

I said sorry, but then continued walking and jamming my way through the ultra narrow bus aisle, kind of pushing the walker to the side. It was so rude and weird, and I didn't realize I was even doing it until I was past her. OH the humiliation, because, of course the bus was pretty full. And everyone was watching the idiot who was in such a hurry to get onto the bus. Why did I do that? Guh!


The end.

Friday, August 5, 2011

Thursday, August 4, 2011

Things I Love Thursday

I love when collages make things look so much cooler than they were in pieces. (The dredlock pictures are from 2006 or 2007 in a Greyhound station in Calgary. I also became pretty good at Pacman while I was there. It was a long wait. And the fisheye camera one was taken this winter at work.)

This week I love...

That my early spring photo is finally featured on Indie Ink! :) Click here to see it. 

Late for a deadline? Here's a document corrupter to buy you some time, haha!

This list of ways to be a good companion. 


I ate dinner next to Lindsay Lohan, had drinks with Wayne Gretzky, got hit on by Jeremy Irons, met Robin Williams, felt Jeff Goldblum's boner, ate at some of the finest restaurants, walked into some of the most exclusive clubs, and often felt as confused and depressed as possible.

This color footage of London in the 1920s.

This amazing writing prompt: 

Digital business tools. Very useful, especially for those of you with online stores and stuff. 


These photos of shopping malls in the USA in 1990 by Michael Galinsky.


This neat website that tests your grammar and donates food to people who need it, apparently.

Did you know you can send a telegram to somebody?!! How cool is that?

Switcheroo! A cool photo project. 

They Draw and Travel, maps drawn by artists, found via Yes and Yes



The new customizable Leica D-Lux 5. I think I'd just get an all green one. Look at all the colors they come in! And you can customize everything, even the hot shoe and the lens cap. Fun!


The Virgin Files by Tommy Kearns. 

This idea for a bookcase. I love original ideas for book displays.


And last but not least... thinking creatively.
Warning, this film gets a little...weird.

What do you love this week?
Leave me a link to something awesome!

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

...and now for something completely different.

You can teach an old cat new long as there are treats involved.


P.S. The song is Django's Tiger by Django Reinhardt, one of my favorite albums to play when I'm by myself at work because it makes me feel like I'm in one of those Steamboat Willie cartoons.

Fangirl stuff.

I saw Slayer and Rob Zombie last night. I got punched in the ear and other people's sweat all over me, but it was so fun anyway. It was my first time going to a concet by myself EVER, and I think I will be doing that more often. I didn't give a fuck what I was doing. And I could just worm my way up to the stage without worrying about my friend getting kicked by that one shirtless guy or whatever. 

I was all like "FUCKING SLAYER" and giving the metal horns and stuff un-self-consciously. It was quite fun. My neck is sore today. And my ears are still ringing a bit.

Have you ever noticed that Rob Zombie's music is pretty much just dance music? I really enjoyed his set for all the visuals, mostly. (*cough* plus he's kinda handsome or whatever *cough*) He had fire and lights and videos and people in costume...he even had a faux (I think) movie trailer starring his lady and Nick Cage, and a real scary giant robot. And John 5 and Ginger Fish who both played for Marilyn Manson at different times too, which high school me was excited about. And they played a few old White Zombie hits which made my day. Although I was like, the only old person who knew the songs. Or knew who Ginger Fish was for that matter.

I was telling Ryan when I got home that the contrast between the two sets was immense. Rob Zombie had like fourty costume changes, beach balls, light shows, pauses to make fun of the lame Victoria crowd and make us chant his name (?), special effects, pyrotechnics and more. Slayer, on the other hand, had two eagle-pentagram logo things, and a banner that said "Slayer". And they just came out and were like  "MELT YOUR FACE" no break, I don't even think Tom took a breath. And at the end they politely said "Thank you for coming." And it was the best ever.

By the way, Slayer has been together for thirty years. Can you believe it? They almost have the original lineup too, but Jeff Hanneman got the flesh eating disease on his arm and had to quit the band this year. (How lame/metal is that?)

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Come at me, bro!

Here's a boring old beetle, just walking down the road, minding his own bee(tle)swax. Maybe he's just heading out to the store because he ran out of milk for his morning coffee or something: 


Now, here's that beetle again from the front, only this time he's all like "What are you looking at?" I imagine him with a New York attitude. I love its face in this picture:


And now here's the same beetle again, but this time he's going to kill me and my entire family:

Monday, August 1, 2011

diptych: pretty plants edition

I originally wrote a mean thing about this beggar who pushes his wheelchair around with his legs, so he goes backwards and runs into people all the time, but it was a bit too negative for this fine summer morning, so instead, here's a bonus picture of a car that I took like six or seven years ago with weird film camera I thought was disposable until I brought it in for processing.

I originally judged it as a failure, because I didn't know that 'happy accidents' exist in photography.

Did you notice it's a Chevy Nova? :)
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