Saturday, August 27, 2011

It's a Photoswap! Black and White in California.

Along with yesterday's confusing/awesome Spinner 360 pictures, I also finally completed my end of the photoswap bargain by picking these photographs up and putting them on Flickr. Once I'm accepted into the photoswap group *ahem* I'll add them there. Update: I'm in!

Meeling, my photoswap partner, took these. Not me. I repeat, I did not take these photos! :)

Friday, August 26, 2011

LOMO SPINNER 360 photos!

Mon dieu, mes amis. I was so confused when I got these pictures back from the place in the mall. Since apparently "getting film developed" is now the equivalent of "eating a dodo egg omlette", it takes weeks to get my pictures back. So I did not remember taking a ton of crooked weird-angled photos of...sand. And the driveway, and out the car window. 

 Actually this one's kinda cool on its own.

What on earth was I doing? The subject matter said to me that I was probably just testing a new camera but which one?

I was feeling quite disappointed until I noticed that some of the pictures seemed to go together. Wait...the LOMO SPINNER 360! Since I don't own a film scanner, I chose to just get the film developed regularly, because I figured I'd still get the gist of the amazingness this way. And I was right.

What am I talking about, you ask? Spinner what what what?

It looks like this:

Pretty much, what you do is pull that little cord at the bottom, hold it out and it spins all the way around, photographing everything as it goes. It feels solid as hell and is a real great camera, all in all.

I'm not sad that I ended up trading this away to Erin, because I got a 35mm back for my Diana F+ camera that I NEVER used and suddenly use all the time, so it was a good deal. But now I realize the sheer radness of that camera.

Alright, without further adieu, the photos I got back. Please remember this was a trial run at this camera, with a little practice a person could get some great shots! (Click for a larger view)

And then this one goes the other way:

Thursday, August 25, 2011

Things I Love Thursday.

I love kit cat clocks.

I also love...

This disposable camera sale. Remember the ghost camera? Yeah, I got it here. 

This intense video of bees killing a gigantic wasp. Hint: do not cheer for the wasp when you watch this. You'll be surprised at the bees' defensive plan. Man I love bees.


This GIF


How to battle the blues.

Happy socks. I want them all.

The big picture. 

Labyrinths made of salt. 

These fake tattoos are funny. 

Becoming a Playboy Bunny in 1978. 

Ryan Matthew Smith's 'modernist cuisine' photos of food and liquids.


Indisputable Facts of Life.  Especially the first 2.

Greg Girard's amazing collection of photos of Vancouver, Tokyo, Shanghai, Vegas and Hong Kong, taken 'before he was a photographer'.

Kristin Hammerstad Illustrations. They are so creepy and fantastic.



What is this, you ask? An owl crashed into a lady's window in the UK, and left this silhouette of weird powder behind.The Royal Society for the Protection of Birds said "some of the owl’s “powder down” — a protective substance for growing feathers — is responsible". Isn't that neat? 


 10 Cultural Touchstones of the 1990s That Should Never Come Back.

Hotel photo fakeouts.

Top 10 Misused English Words.

Tiny street sculptures. 

Know What's Fucking Crazy?

6 Lies About the Human Body You Learned in Kindergarten.

Cyanide and Happiness comics.

Tattoo tourism. I'd like to go on a tattoo tour one day, even just to check out shops in other countries.

Tips on vintage camera shopping.



And last but not least...

This photo! How cute.

What do you love this week? Leave me a link to something awesome. Anything! 

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

American Able

Holly Norris wanted to spoof the fashion industry, as well as call attention to the fact that disabled people are nearly completely invisible in advertising. I think she made her point with these re-makes of American Apparel ads. These are hilarious, striking, and amazing photos of model Jes Sachse! What a strong, cool-ass woman!

You need to click here to see the rest. They're wonderful!

Monday, August 22, 2011

Five photos.

Driveway sweepings.

When the sky is clear you can see mountains in the USA from where I live.

European Butcher Boy.

Bee in a pretty flower.

"Nose Tattoos." Obviously.

Sunday, August 21, 2011

Tattoo Age part 2 GRIME

OOPS! I meant to post this days ago! Anyway here it is now. But first, a quick update on my feet: they seem to be getting better. I'm just taking it real easy and learning a bit about myself. Turns out I'm one of those stubborn "I'm FINE" people who insists on getting herself a cup of water instead of letting someone else do it, regardless of whether or not my feet are broken.Who knew?

Now, onto the tattoo stuff:

Grime is a tattooer I just can't get enough of. His style is so out there, and he seems like he's either kind of a dick or really really funny. Which are both kind of expected I suppose, he probably had to build up some intense defense mechanisms after he got all burned and scarred. I just straight up find him interesting. He's totally on my list of tattoers I'll probably never have a chance to get tattooed by, but if I ever do make it out to Skull and Sword for a tattoo, I'd get something weird with lots of eyeballs in it probably, or something.

Here are some promo photos I got from Vice TV promo people:

VBS just released part 2 of the Tattoo Age Grime episode, check it out! 

Part 1

Part 2

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