Saturday, August 28, 2010

Смена lomo porn


Here's what wikipedia says about them. You know, for posterity.

Smena (Russian: Смена) is a series of low-cost 35mm cameras manufactured in the Soviet Union by the LOMO factory from 1953 to 1991. These cameras were designed to be inexpensive and accessible to the public, made of bakelite or black plastic for the later models, and totally manually operated. Even winding of film is separated from shutter coil. All parameters should be set manually and without any helping system. In the 60s and 70s they were exported by Soviet era export conglomerate Машприборинторг.

Yup. I bought mine from the Ukraine. And it's all thanks to eBay.

And now for some pictures of a camera. So meta!

First off, don't you love international mail? I love the petit paquet stamp.

And with my extremely limited knowledge of the Cyrillic alphabet I know that this says 'Victoria'

And this says 'Canada'

So then I opened the box...
Come on. 'FOTOAPPARAT'? What a great word for 'camera'.
This is the camera's original box from the '70s. Here's some more pics of it. I really really love this thing!

I took it out of the box and...huh?

Oh it's a faux leather case! And it's...screwed in. AWESOME.
I took it out for photos and then put it back because that case totally rules.

How very very exciting!

Here's a gallery of photos that have been taken by a Smena 8m that I'm totally going to use for inspiration.

I haven't taken 'er for a test run yet, but thanks to the lomographic society I downloaded this free manual which has been re-written for today's English speaking hipsters. Like me. Because I guess I'm a hipster now?

Or maybe just somebody discovering the joy of film cameras for the first time.

Yeah, let's go with that.

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