Worst part about living in Victoria, hands down. Well, that and the never-getting-to-see-good-bands thing. But seriously. ICK.
[confession] I used to squish the ones in my house. [/confession]
I'd quite like The German (or The Portlandian, for that matter) to give me a Dead Spiders Tell No Tales tattoo as punishment (?) for my vegan faux-pas.
Worst part about living in Victoria, hands down. Well, that and the never-getting-to-see-good-bands thing. But seriously. ICK.
I used to squish the ones in my house.
I'd quite like The German (or The Portlandian, for that matter) to give me a Dead Spiders Tell No Tales tattoo as punishment (?) for my vegan faux-pas.
hahaha what a good idea! Do it!