Thursday, December 23, 2010

links for the holidays...

...that have nothing to do with the holidays!

I'm still away, having a fabulous great fun time! Enjoy these links, pals!

1. RED GREEN BLUE - so amazing!

2. Photojojo has lots of great stuff. For example, this lens mug.

3. Fruit and Veggie "Alphadeaths". Cute and creepy, my favorite combination!

4. Punch Me Panda...yet another reason to visit New York City!

5. Passports with a purpose - for you travel bloggers.

7. Booooooom! There's so much to look at here.

9. Kirsty Mitchell photography. Wow.!

10. Curvy publications...neat! (not the kind of magazine it sounds like)

11. How are these new American Apparel ads any better? Man that company disgusts me.

12. Claire Martin Photography - check out the slab city gallery. WOW!

13. Speaking of slab city, check out Salvation Mountain.

14. 75 ways to stay unhappy forever. I could work on a few of these. Also? How to live an interesting life.

18. Tiny gingerbread houses for your hot chocolate!

20. The Walken Dead. Get it?

21. Shadow art. Pretty-ish.

22. I want portraits of me like this all over my house.

23. Srsly, stay with baby at all times.

24. These are some of my favorite websites: not always right, cake wrecks and awkward boners. Actually I don't really like the boners one, it kind of creeps me out, but I know it must be funny on some level.

25. The Keep Calm - O - Matic Here's mine:

Happy almost Christmas Eve! 

Or not, if you don't celebrate Christmas.

Whatever, I hope you get some time off work or something.


  1. Merry Christmas fine lady! And thanks for giving me some stuff to read with my coffee. Yay!

  2. Happy belated holidays to you madam. (said in a formal voice)


Digame entonces.

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