Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Bite sized!

Lucky me! Zoe included my stupid answers in her bite-sized interviews on her blog Pretty Zoo
Check out what she asked me and two other cool cats about pet peeves, imaginary friends and more!I love how the other two ladies are all positive and awesome and I'm just all bitter about people on the bus. *sigh* Typical.


In other news, this morning Ryan decided to try his best to get tickets to the Canucks hockey game that's on tomorrow in Vancouver. Tickets went on sale at 12:00, so at 11: 55 we dialed the 800 number to the ticket place, got the website all teed up, and redialed and refreshed the hell out of both of them. 

I was on the phone, hitting redial, getting busy signals, hanging up and repeating. Over and over and over. Anyway, after ten long stressful minutes he got three tickets via the website! For tomorrow! In Vancouver! 

 Image via the Canucks fan club.

I'm not much of a hockey fan, especially not for uh...three hundred dollar per seat tickets hockey like Ryan and his kids are, so I'm staying home with the dog and the cat. 

As soon as he got the tickets, he called his kids' mom, and got permission to take them (and surprisingly she didn't ask any questions, just said "of course!"). Then he called the kids' school, told the office it was an emergency and he had to talk to them immediately (haha) and gave them each the news. And he just left to go pick them up from the island they live on. It was really a tense then exciting as hell afternoon! I'm so jealous of them, I wish I had an impromptu exciting event to run off to in another city. 

Instead I just have my tax appointment this evening. Damnit.

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