Thursday, April 7, 2011

Things I Love Thursday

 Well well well, it's time for another edition of 'Things I Love Thursday'. For those of you who don't know, it's a weekly feature in which I tell you about a crapload of cool stuff I found around the internet. Yeah, I said 'crapload', I'm classy like that. 

I love...

This guy's little story he made up using his knuckle tattoos. You can't not like him. 

This 'most useful grammar post ever'. It's really useful! :)

Mariel Clayton's doll photography. It's so creepy and fantastic!

Bryan Lewis Saunders' insane self-portraits. What makes these so interesting is he takes drugs, and then draws himself while under the influence. I love seeing how he sees himself on different substances.

This stack of books.

These pictures of Shanghai in 1990 and 2010. It's amazing how much a city can change so quickly.

Mother effing SMILEY CAM. I want one of these cameras like nobody's business. The pictures it takes? The best.

This list of common misconceptions. There is no evidence that Vikings had horns on their helmets. There's no evidence that iron maidens were even used for torture. What? My mind...blown!

And last but not least, I first found this video on Yes and Yes...holy crap this house is amazing. The. Best.

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