Sunday, October 16, 2011


Reading: I just finished Tina Fey's Bossypants.  Ryan got it for me for my birthday...I read 80 pages in the hour or so between my bus stop and starting work the day after I got it. It's so funny. I love her writing style. I only wish it were like ten times as long, it was such a quick read! If you like the show 30 Rock, you will like this book.

I also got a Kobo e-reader for my birthday from my dad and step-mom. And I am loving it. It does everything it should. I only wish I was more of a jet-setter, because when you connect to the internet on it, it automatically knows where you are and tells you where all the restaurants and hotels and stuff are. But the BEST THING is I can borrow library books on it. Free. Books. Forever. I just finished a David Sedaris book and right now I'm reading The Poisonwood Bible by Barbara Kingsolver, AND I put myself on the list to read all the Game of Thrones books. Yay! :)

Watching: Breaking Bad every Sunday, and the first three seasons of The Wire. Don't tell me what happens in the season finale of Breaking Bad, we have it PVR-ed but the kids are around like, 24-7, and we've been to sick to stay up later than they do. But soon, my precious, soon. Update: WE JUST WATCHED IT AND AAAAAH to that one thing that happened with Gus, you all know what I'm talking about. AAAHHHH!

Listening:You know what? Tattoo shops KILL music. You listen to all the good albums all day long every day at work and eventually you are sick and tired of everything. I've started keeping albums for myself, and not debuting them at work until I'm already over the love stage because of this. I've also been venturing pretty far off my usual guitar-y metal music path into some...interesting world music choices. Chinese opera anyone?

Actually though, I am finally beginning to like ...And You Will Know Us By The Trail Of Dead. I hated them for so long because their name sounds SO METAL but their music does not. But I'm over it and they're actually a really great band.

Eating: Well we had Canadian Thanksgiving a week ago and let me tell you it was AMAZING. Ryan worked super hard all day, slaving over a hot Tofurky...we had the works. I love all-vegetarian Thanksgivings, it's so much easier and more delicious! Other than that we're doing a lot of pizza and hot dogs and macaroni. Not too exciting.

Loving: making friendship bracelets. I need to take up crochet or something because it turns out I am really into this whole 'craft' thing.

Looking forward to: Halloween! I'm gonna be papa smurf this year if I'm brave enough, can find any reason to actually dress up, and can find red pants that will fit me and a white beard that doesn't smell funny. Here is a strategically positioned photo of me in our back yard a couple years ago wearing the costume. I am standing so you can't see half my bum hanging out of the pants that were obviously made to fit a 12 year old boy:

Note the blue t-shirt hanging out the bottom of the smurf body? Because the costume is way too small, I have to wear extra clothes underneath. But still like, the best thrift store score on earth. That's right, we found this at a thrift store for like ten bucks. AMAZING.

Hahaha...Smurfs like mushrooms, right? I don't know. And this next one still makes me laugh. I didn't know how to pose, so I just pretended to pick up that rock?

So yeah, I need to get me a pair of red pants that fit, and soon. LOL. I'm already embarrassed, thinking about the bus ride to work.


Enough about me, what's new with you?
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