Saturday, October 22, 2011

Where basically no magic happens these days... home office. We have a small-ish walk-in closet in our bedroom that I somehow talked Ryan into giving me to use as an office, Peggy Hill style. It is really great, but lately I've just been chucking things in there and using it as storage space as though it's, you know, a closet rather than a place for me to go and work/create things.

I'm going to take it back! Step one: clean it out. Step two: use it. Sounds easy enough, right? And so I shall do it. Soon. One day. When I feel like it.

For now, would you like to see some teeny vignettes taken around 'the office' that conveniently do not show you any of the mess, and only all my cool toys and pictures?

You see that blue 'Snap Sights' camera? That's the only camera I brought with me when we went to Cuba last year, it took some really beautiful photos. (click here to see some)  I've tried to find more cameras like it online, but it seems that the only thing that company is making now is underwater disposables. So that one is kind of a treasure in my collection of toy plastic cameras.

And that's not even all the books. I ain't called a word nerd for nothin'. But come on guys, how could a person NOT be inspired to create when she's surrounded by tiny butcher knives and rainbow brite pins? I mean, really. 

I'd like to see your work spaces too! Definitely leave me a link here if you post about your own little space. But not if it's all neat and tidy and well-lit, because I'll feel bad about myself.

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