Thursday, March 15, 2012


Dry erase PAINT?!!?!?!?! I want to paint every wall of our house with this stuff!

How a sip of soda affects your health. (infographic)

Dueling cellists play 'Smooth Criminal'. (video)

Choose your color.

Ask a mortician episode six!! (video)

The 12 least impressive boasts in Rap lyrics. Too funny.

Pintrest bingo

22 incredible photos of faraway places. (thanks Caitlin)

Nerdy day trips. This site is fantastic!

10 mad scientists. Again with beheading horror. AAAH

(not really) work safe pr0n

You know "do a barrel roll"? Here are more hidden Google Easter Eggs.

This video. It's like "oh yeah they're just practicing HOLY SHIT"


I love these pictures of car-poolers in Monterrey, Mexico.

Woman dumped drumkit and fell in love with statue of liberty. (video)

Hell's roulette. Awesome. I'd play.

How to stay productive and get massive amounts of shit done.

Succession of terrible events fails to befall 33-year-old riding longboard to digital media job. Ha!

Difference is just a part of normal.

12 strange things about goats.

This handy tip for the easily distracted. This would totally work. 


This blast from the past - Canadian children's shows from the '80s. 

Ashley's secret week. Ashley is sharing real life stories that make her seem all the more human this week. Go check them out.

4 famous pop culture moments everyone remembers incorrectly.  (thanks again Caitlin)

Kristin's latest adventures in India

Hannah's wonders.

This commercial!! hahaha I don't even care if it's a real company or not, I'm still sending them a million dollars.*

*not really

1 comment:

  1. Nova I love your Thursday links! You come across the best stuff...I'm always like, ooh wow! after. That video of the cellists playing smooth criminal is so awesome..I forget where I saw them before, but I am amazed every. time. And the nerdy daytrip site! Ah! Gold.


Digame entonces.

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