Thursday, February 24, 2011

Things I Love Thursday!

 It's time for another edition of...


Learning about jellyfish and how scary and poisonous they are!

 Image from here.

And feeling horror at pictures like these, even though I'm pretty sure they're photoshopped. At least, I hope with every fiber of my being that they're not real.

From here.

From here.

Hey, did you know the Chironex fleckeri (aka "box jellyfish") is the most poisonous animal on earth and its stingers contain the most potent and deadly venom of any animal, and it could kill a human in three minutes?

Images from here and here.

A bunch of us went snorkelling when we were in Cuba and saw a bunch of jellyfish. They weren't dangerous, but at the time we didn't know it. Cue panicked sloshing around in the water and trying to push them away by splashing water at them. I'm sure we looked ridiculous, but we were fighting for our lives, people! (Ha!)

Read about it and see pictures here

Also? This


I also like ... these cool paintings of USA presidents holding hams. You can now buy prints, coasters and postcards of James Monroe delicately cradling a big piece of meat. Just beautiful.


I love these Daria GIFs, and imagining a week of eating just candy... just like Robb Posch did. Even though I know I'd probably end up hating candy even faster than he did!

This video of a woman in Belarus playing guitar with a lightbulb is rad. It's like "Whaaat the F is she doing?" and "Hey I recognize that song." all in one.

Oh, and all these cat videos. There's a list of the top cat videos of 2010 on the other side of that link. Click it for kitty radness times a million.


Coffee served daily.  Here are a few of my favorites: 

You can contribute if you want! I'm considering it. Even though I usually just order coffee in ugly paper cups, or drink it from weird mugs in my kitchen.

I also love LA's tips on journaling at her old blog, Freckled Nest. (And you can click here to see her new blog, also called Freckled Nest.)

I had the same journal problems she did, it was always very "Dear Diary, today this happened, from Nova" style, which felt like a lot of work, and was not very therapeutic or satisfying. Lately I've been incorporating more mixed media type stuff, and a lot more visual imagery. Same with my day planner. It's just so much more fun to use when it looks pretty. And it's nice to have something to do with all the analog photos I've been taking recently!

LA actually has a whole series of interesting "how to" posts here, and you can see pages from her own journal on her flickr account here.


And last but not least,  This is one of my favorite movie scenes of all time! (I even hosted a "Shark Repellent Bat Spray" theme party once. Seriously.) It gets really good around 2:25.

 I also love being featured on INDIE INK! Which I am! Right now! Check it out.

What do you love this week? 

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

I recommend you read: about Kristin's trip to India

Kristin is a blogger, and a nurse. She returned a few days ago from a trip to India, where she assisted in surgeries on people with cleft palates and lips with a group called "operation smile".


Here's the posts in the order you should read them: 

Day 4 - Team Bonding, 

The Very Last Day, and last but definitely not least, India Through A Lomo Lense, in which this picture of the Taj (I assume) pretty much took my breath away! 

(See it without the URL on her blog.)

Tuesday, February 22, 2011


"Bye, I love you!" I shouted to Ryan as I ran out the door yesterday on my way to work, paused with my hand still on the doorknob, flung the door back open and added "I might get a tattoo today! Okay, bye!"

And he was all like:

Just kidding. He was just getting into bed after working the graveyard shift so he was more like "Yawn, whatever you say, I'm sleeping." I'm pretty sure in the above photo he was being silly at the dog to get the dog to do something funny. I'm also pretty sure he asked me to delete this picture. But I like it, Ryan. You're cute!

You know those weird controlly boy or girlfriends who think they have a say in the way their significant other dresses or does their hair? Yeah, they wouldn't stand a chance in hell with me. Ryan comes home to me with fluorescent orange hair one day, and some ridiculous outfit the next. But he does the same, like the time he came home with South Africa shaved into his hair.

We love each other because of who we are and who we want to become, not in spite of it.What would you do if your partner came home with a  new tattoo they got on the (semi) spur of the moment without consulting you first?

WHAT? I can't hear you!

For the record I got a hug and a high five.

Monday, February 21, 2011

I actually love Mondays because Mondays are my Fridays

Music Monday: The Smiths

 Image from here.

 How on earth did I not know The Smiths until I was in my twenties? Their music is perfect for sullen teenagers everywhere. Lately they've been high on my playlist and I thought I'd share my favorite song of the week with you guys. 

And Morrissey. Two people I know want to get portraits of him tattooed on them.

 Image from here.

 They were big in the 80s, so for you teenagers out there, this is like, music your grandma may have liked, haha. But seriously, this song is so great. I've been overplaying it, so I'm sure by next week I'll be sick of listening to it, but for now it's my number one listened to song.

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Six Confessions

Hey dudes, what's up? Nah, just kidding, I don't care. *

Me? Oh, not much. Just chillin' with my impacted wisdom teeth. We're good buddies these days. Lots of crazy headaches and whatever. Also, I may or may not have won not one, but TWO really effing sweet blog giveaways. But neither of them have made any official announcements, so I wouldn't want to give it away ahead of time and steal their thunder. Oh yeah, and I changed up the layout of this blog a little bit since the last time you were here. I made all the stuff in the sidebar the same size, because I know that kind of thing really bugs some of you, and I changed the widths of stuff so I could post larger images. Real exciting stuff.

*totally joking, btw

Anyway, on to today's post: Six Confessions.

After seeing bloggers like Leigh-Ann, Kelly Ann, Katie and Kyla Roma post their six confessions, I was inspired to do a post of my own! Here are six things you could have probably guessed about me but I'll tell you anyway. And then you should go check out all those other people's six things. LISTS ARE AWESOME.


1. I talk out loud to my pets. And I use weird voices and do weird things...basically anything that will get a positive reaction from them. Ryan asked me what I talk about with the cat one day, like about the weather or what? And I got all offended and told him "We don't talk about those things. We talk about cat stuff."

<-- So basically, this is me.
2. I (sort of) steal umbrellas. I kind of feel like they're a disposable commodity, which I know is crazy, but I've lost my share of umbrellas on the bus, in doctors offices, etc. and I'd like to think that somebody who needed it was using it. When I find an umbrella stranded on a bus, I'm not like "Hey I really should give this to the bus driver, and then subsequently this umbrella will be returned to its rightful owner."

I'm more like "Score, free umbrella." because honestly, it's very likely that this particular collapsible black umbrella is just going to end up in a giant lost and found box along with 80 other collapsible black umbrellas.

3. I hate getting tattooed and I'm a huge baby. BUT I'm (usually) pretty good at closing my eyes and trying not to whine too much, haha. And it's always worth the pain in the end so I keep doing it. But seriously, it hurts! It's awful! I'm getting my chest tattooed next month and am already panicking about it.

4.Pancakes make me physically ill. Like, I throw up. I gag if I think about them too much and they make me angry. And yes, I love waffles. It's only pancakes. I know it's all in my head but I just can't even... uuugh. I hate even thinking about them. I think it stems from a time in my life where we were so broke all we could afford was pancakes for dinner. I just used up my entire allotted amount of pancake tolerance for this lifetime already. Or at least that's my theory.

5. I have a compulsion to "rescue" worms when they're on the sidewalk. I can't walk by a worm on a sidewalk without picking it up and putting it somewhere more suitable, like the grass. And it's not like I know anything about worms other than that they have five to seven hearts (depending on who you ask) and they can regenerate body parts if you cut them up (which I would NEVER DO and you shouldn't do it either. EVER).

A little part of me always wonders if mister worm had spent all day psyching himself up to finally leave home, cross the big sidewalk and move on to bigger and better things, and then took hours and hours to wriggle his way to where I discovered him. Then I just pick him up and put him back where he started. Like, would he be angry at me? I don't know, it's weird. Anyway, I love earthworms.
6. I think I have been having small panic attacks recently. On the bus it's happened a couple times, where I feel like ... uh, it's hard to explain. Like my chest is too small and I have to run away. Yesterday in the bank waiting in line for the ATM I literally had to stare at my shoes and tell myself that 'Yes, I can breathe, stop freaking out.' And it seemed to last for like ten minutes, although now when I think about it, that sounds like hyperbole. I mean, how long could those people have been standing at the bank machine?

I've also had trouble in grocery stores a few times. Once in particular I was with Ryan and as we were walking in to the store I just stopped at the doors saying "NO NO NO I CAN'T GO IN THERE" and literally backed away, haha.
But heck, who hasn't had a panic attack in this day and age, right? Especially you bloggers! It's practically a rite of passage. At least I'm not on any drugs! (Yet?)

So those are six things about me. If you do your own six things, leave me a comment with a link to it. Like I said before, Lists Are Awesome. I'll totally come check it out. 
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