Saturday, February 25, 2012

Gratuitous* photos of myself doing boring things on Wednesday.

 *If I label it as gratuitous in the title that makes it not narcissistic, right?


Here's me taking pictures of myself studying. That's right, world. I have glasses and no makeup and weird post-shower hair. This is what I'm really like most of the time. You're lucky you caught me in a bra, it's usually off the second I walk in the door. In case you're worried, the second my hair is completely dry it looks 25 times nicer and magically untangles and straightens itself. It's one of the mysteries of the world, this hair.

Cute little bird sticky notes, hey? The textbook I'm holding is SO freakin' heavy. It sucks to carry around everywhere, even in a backpack it's like UUUH. (That was a whining sound.)

And now, here's me procrastinating and not letting the dog sleep.But let's be honest, this entire post features all the ways I was procrastinating.

What a mean owner right? But then I got dressed up real nice and took him for a walk, which made up for it because he was bored-sleeping, not tired-sleeping. I got this black dress from Sarah's Place. I was working there one day and saw somebody try on a red version of this and I fell for the interesting neckline which you can't even really see in my photos. Plus my red bra is showing. Damnit, I knew I shouldn't have worn one. Sorry guys. I dropped the ball.

Tank's like "HURRY UP" in that last one because I asked if he wanted to go for a walk and then started taking pictures of myself. Apparently I'm that guy now. Also, hey, did you note the magical straight hair in a ponytail? I didn't brush that shit, it just went like that.

 While we were out we checked the mail...

...and I got these killer fingerless gloves from Izabelle and now I can't stop wearing them. Whatever, they're rad and go with everything because they're my favorite shade of grey. I'm typing in them right now. So yeah, that was my day off.

Thursday, February 23, 2012

Things I Love Thursday

Even though they scare me when it's stormy outside, I love the super tall trees in our backyard. We probably have twenty or so around our house. It sure makes for a beautiful view!

I also love...

Wilfredo on ice skates. Too funny.

What guys think of hair down there.

How to throw an ugly party. 

How to make a photo of a bouncing baby. 

Writing tips for someone without a lot of them.

Some people I know are going to the Sasquatch music festival this year, and so we've been looking up some of the bands we've never heard of before and found some great music! Check out the Alabama Shakes, they're awesome. Or at least this song is, it's all I know of them so far.


Minakani Walls. I especially like the mosaic one.

Dalton Ghetti's pencil sculptures. 

Her and what we should do about her. 

Chris Cornell singing I Will Always Love You. (video) I don't even care, I love his voice. 

These amazing photos of a country doctor in the 1940s.

This totally creepy short film. 
 The second Gypsy Gentleman video, about Austin Texas.

Bah, add Austin to the places I want to go list.

How to calculate a dog's age in years.

This great use of Pintrest - a guide to Austin, Texas.

This church in Belgium, decorated for the festival lumiere de cagna. 

Seven tips for getting yourself to bed on time.  

Dan Savage on The Price of Admission. Great relationship advice. (video)

This cave full of giant crystals. 


This crazy multiple exposure photo taken by Korean photographer Ho-Yeol Ryu at the Hanover Airport. Even if it maybe isn't real, it's still very striking.


What foreign words are difficult to translate into English

On defriending people in these Facebook-connected times. Believe me, I've tried.

I love that Rachael just bought a wedding dress...hahaha.

Suzanna's silver tone polaroid pictures from Morocco. 

Izabelle's tattoo tuesday interview. And what she had to say about putting photos of her tattoos on the internet. Interesting.

This is the cutest video I've ever seen in my life. Somebody bring me four lion cubs right now. 

And last but not least...

HEAVY METAL QUILTS!!! by Mister Ben Venom.

"I'm interested in juxtaposing traditional handmade crafts with one of the more extreme musical genres, Heavy Metal. My work can be described as a collision of Iron Maiden Metal ballads with the outrageous stage antics of Ozzy Osbourne. Serious, yet attempting to take on a B movie Horror film style where even the beasts of Metal need a warm blanket to sleep with. The question remains… Can I play with madness?"

The hand pillows? The full sized quilts? Just yes.
(found via Bizness is Casual)

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Story time: the coolest thing I have ever seen.

I've never told you about the most amazing 'whoa' mind-blowing thing that's ever happened to me in my life. It happened in Mexico. I can't remember where in Mexico because when I was a teenager my step-dad always had these corporate retreats in touristy towns all over Mexico. He'd bring the whole family along, so I have seen a lot of Mexican resorts and hotels and beaches over the years. No complaints here!

Him and my mom would always arrange some sort of memorable experience. We swam with dolphins once (their tails are strong!!), we snorkelled in terrifying underwater caves and cenotes, we got to try steering a sailboat through the Pacific Ocean, we got to go to tourist bars like Señor Frogs when I was 14 and drink alcohol somehow (WHAT) we got to see humpback whales breaching...even a baby one! I tell you, now that I look back on it I can't believe how lucky I was to have experienced this kind of stuff. Touristy or not, it really gave me a love for adventures and an appreciation for the extraordinary.

But the coolest thing I've ever seen was on a pretty darn small boat. I assume this happened near Puerto Vallarta, but I'm not sure. We were on a whale watching tour I think. Maybe this was the same time we saw all the humpback whales. There was me, my parents and my brother and sister, two of my step-dad's hungover co-workers and then the two Mexican tour-guides. That's all that would fit on the boat.

We must have been looking for something to look at because when we saw what we thought was a dolphin fin off in the distance, the guy turned the boat around immediately and chased it. Everyone on the boat got pretty excited and I went right up to the front to peer over the edge.

You guys, it wasn't a dolphin.

It was a giant manta ray. The water was so clear and blue, you could see for like, a mile down to the bottom. And so we could watch it gliding towards us. And it kept getting bigger and bigger and bigger. This thing was bigger than our boat. It was huge. The "dolphin fin" we thought we saw was actually the very very tip of its ... uh ... wing? Arm? Fin?

I swear I will remember this moment with clarity for the rest of my life. Our guides cut the motor of the boat and we all shut up and it came right at our boat. The sheer enormity of this thing was intimidating, but so awesome. I was standing at the front, and it went right under us. I could have reached down and touched it. This gigantic dark shadow. AAAH

I don't even have the words to tell you how this affected me. Normally I don't care about nature's beauty. I just don't feel it the way others seem to. Sunsets are meh, mountain ranges are giant oppressive rocks, little baby deer are cute or whatever, flowers are okay ... but gigantic manta rays are the most beautiful thing I've ever seen. I bet if I had the chance to see one again I'd get all Kristin-Bell-with-sloth.

I was thinking about this moment and wondered if maybe, over the years, I may have exaggerated the size in my head. But I distinctly remember someone saying "it's bigger than our boat". I googled how big they can get and the answer is that they average around 22 feet across but can get up to 29 feet. That seems about right.


Then I became obsessed with manta rays all over again. Does that ever happen to you? It starts innocently enough but then you get REALLY interested in something totally random on the internet? You've got fifteen tabs open and can't get enough poor-quality youtube videos of whatever it is?

I found out that manta rays are closely related to sharks, they like attention from scuba divers, and they especially like it when the divers' bubbles from their equipment tickle their tummies!! That's the cutest thing I've ever heard in my life.

They also get silly when divers are around and flip upside down or do this:

I officially declare that I am in love with manta rays.

Tuesday, February 21, 2012


1. A guy from my work moved to another shop, this mask was sitting on the wall all lonely for days as he packed up his things. It's sad but exciting at the same time, we're all still friends and shaking things up is always good for any artistic field. And so much exciting stuff is happening at Tattoo Zoo this spring and summer it's hard to stay sad for long. 

2. I took this at the (very nice and clean) bus stop after I bought the textbook for my Medical Terminology course. I can't tell if I'm looking forward to it or totally dreading it. Either way it'll open a lot of doors for me in the future so I'm going to do my best. And probably complain about it a lot here. Get ready.

Monday, February 20, 2012

Requisite calling the sponsors for March post. Sort of. Plus a huge catty bitchfest and gratuitous swearwords.

This photo is supposed to represent me being impatient or bored. I'm already losing steam on this sponsor thing. I'm just not that serious of a blogger and it's feeling like a huge boring obligation. How about this, if you are already over on my sidebar and you want me to change something let me know. If you're cool just staying there then don't say anything and I'll leave your button there and we can just continue the swap indefinitely.

If you want to do a sponsor trade thing and we haven't talked about it yet, shoot me an email and we'll work something out.

I've been falling out of love with the whole blog world gradually over the past year or so, which is why I've been trying new stuff like sponsors. I even almost did a giveaway, but couldn't bear to spend money on jerks I don't even know who won't even stick around unless I keep giving things away.

A few people have written recently about how most blogs these days are exactly the same, and I guess that's my problem with them too. Since when do you have to write outfit posts, DIYs with beautifully lit photoshopped photos and shopping lists featuring shitty flowery crap from Etsy?

I've been on a huge unfollowing spree. First it was the people who don't properly credit their photo sources, then it was people who only promote their shops full of things I'm not interested in, then the people I never felt any real connection with and were more like fashion magazines than people hulking over their laptops in sweatpants.

Now I'm starting to unfollow the people who are clogging up my feed with the same boring shit every day. I follow through bloglovin', and so I'm clicking on each individual blogger and seeing if they have written anything interesting or original in the past two weeks. If not, goodbye.

I just unfollowed a massively popular blogger because she bores me and I smiled. I also unfollowed somebody whose posts have become so depressing I was actually dreading seeing her name appear on my screen. Why on earth was I doing that to myself? I don't owe her anything. Goodbye.

Anyway whatever. My real life is interesting enough without learning how to make glitter bunting or paint my nails in some impractical and time-consuming fashion. And seriously guys, FOUR of you posted those zig zag nail tutorials in the same week. Get an original idea, won't you?

All this being said, I have to say that some people who do outfit posts, zig zag nail tutorials or talk about their shop are fucking killer awesome. Like Beca for example. Or Kaylah. Because they make it their own and put their personality into everything they do. Stop trying to be cool and just be yourself.

Sunday, February 19, 2012

What we're doing today...


**UPDATE** All would-be robbers, please be advised we have a house sitter and a dog who will kill your face, so don't even think about it. 

About a year and a half ago, Ryan and I took a quick trip to Vancouver to meet up with some friends and see Die Antwoord (South African crazy hip-hop/rave??/weird musicians) play. (Click here to see pictures and read about it.) And today we are making the journey again, to meet up with the same friends and see Die Antwoord again. It's tradition now.

Who is Die Antwoord, you ask? First of all, did you pronounce that first word like "dye"? Because it's "dee". As in "the" in Dutch. And German. I've probably written about them five or six times before, but basically you have to see them to know what on earth ... I mean, look.

This is their newest video I Fink You're Freeky.

And if that video didn't scare the shit out of you, here's one that will. But maybe first watch this video that explains all the penis references.

And here's the wang-filled video.

Want to see more? Click here for their creepiest music video. I'm super excited to go on an adventure with my main squeeze. We always seem to have a great time on these mini-trips. We really travel well together, we're the perfect mix of relaxed and responsible.

(Images are linked to their sources.)
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