Saturday, June 19, 2010

Maybe I have a problem...

I blame Ryan. He knows I'm not allowed to go into the Utopia store. Ever. I will sell my non-existent firstborn child for a good t-shirt and this place? Yeah. Full of them. The threadless brand shirts fit me perfectly and like every single one seems custom made with things I love printed all over them. And they knew I was coming yesterday.

Sure, we were there to find something for his kid. And only there for literally like four minutes. That didn't stop me from overpaying for a shirt with this on it:
Come on, it's so awesome. How could I not?

So um, yeah. Are there support groups for t-shirt lovers?


  1. I love Audrey, even in zombie form. Yay witty t-shirts!

  2. i like the threadless shirts too but i don't have any. i like graphic tees!

  3. Woah, did someone really punch me over t-shirts?

    @constructive attitude- hahaha indeed.
    @janet - Yes! You should probably buy some. All the cool kids are doing it.


Digame entonces.

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