Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Stuff I saw this week:


  1. Electrocution warning signs are always hilarious!

  2. Yeah I know, they're so dramatic!

  3. Save the witch children!

    Also, that Yolandi girls hair is... interesting. Cant decide whether good or bad, but she is pretty enough to carry it off.

    I've been toying with (a) the idea of a mohawk and (b) the idea of a tattoo lately. Both or either might get me fired though ; )

  4. Yeah she's like the only person who should have that hair.
    You can't get fired if you get a tattoo, just don't put it on your neck. :)
    And if you have long hair, just get like a crazy undercut and wear it down at the office.


Digame entonces.

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