Thursday, May 26, 2011

Things I Love Thursday

Well...I actually really do not love these lollypops anymore...we bought them for the kids when we went to Seattle. Um...three months ago? And somehow the darn kids made them last 'til now. Nothing like two little boys loudly sucking on phallic shaped objects for hours on end.

Annnnywayyy, I do still love...

Seeing what the back of your favorite web pages would look like if you could stand behind your computer screen on this tumblog.

These two great reads that I found over on Gala Darling's blog: In defense of hipsters by Sarah Wilson, and "And I Should Know" by Rosanne Barr.

Twitter. I love it more and more every day. How else would I hear if Becky and Kristine were alright during the tornado? Or what hijinks my coworker is up to now?

This excerpt from Mindy Kaling's* book "Is Everyone Hanging Out Without Me? (And Other Concerns)", about not worrying about being popular in high school. 
*You know, she's Kelly from The Office

Funny 'cause they're true jokes.

These diptychs. Photos by Mark Laita, from his book Created Equal. Featuring such mismatched pairs as Amish vs Punk teenagers, boxer vs ballerina, and gangster vs mafia man.

I found these via Sarah Wilson's blog.

Collages by Oh No Kind Spirit.

Katie's packaging tips for small businesses, featured on the Freckled Nest blog. It's so true, what she says about the packaging making a lasting impression on the client. I remember when I ordered some moleskine notebooks from The Black Apple; everything was packaged so beautifully, right down to the business cards.It meant a lot to me, as though the extra thought and work was really personalized and sweet, even though I didn't spend a ton of money at her shop.

Buffo the Clown. (Not really). But look at him. It's a must-see. Found via: Oh Noa. **WARNING** TERRIBLE LOUD CIRCUS MUSIC, TURN DOWN YOUR VOLUME BEFORE VISITING THE SITE!!

The ever popular llama font. Say it in llama! Or what about the chair alphabet?

14 pictures of Chernobyl, then and now. What the city looks like 25 years later.

Seeing the reference photos for these famous pin-up images.

These cats...just chillin' on stuff.

Tim's cool drawings. Monsters and geometry. Perfect!  Found via Ayden's Little Blog of Horrors. He drew her header, btw. I am quite partial to his 'bendy straw pattern'.

These "Where's Waldo"-esque photos by Max&Charlotte.

AmySchmamey's photos of the insane storms, taken from where she lives, near-ish Joplin I assume... The rainbows! The lightning! The golden sky! It's all very surreal. Note: none of them have been altered! Here's one that blew my mind. It's like...WHAAAT? I'd be terrified if our sky turned that color.

In a related train of thought, I heard on the news yesterday that tornadoes only happen in North America. Weird, hey? And I that true? But I've never heard of a European tornado. Just volcano eruptions.

I looked it up and apparently around 300 tornadoes happen in Europe per year, so the news lied. But generally the ones in tornado alley are way larger, stronger and more destructive. Congratulations USA.
This wallpaper by Paperboy Wallpaper. I've been considering getting a tattoo of a hand doing a shadow puppet for some time now...this is some major inspiration!

 You know what else they have? Dinosaur/kid wallpaper and animal bones wallpaper. All. So. Great.
The Story Behind Our Photo of Grieving Chimps by National Geographic Magazine's Jeremy Berlin.

These two videos, e-mailed to me from Brenda. Thanks! The War and Somewhere.

This really cool experiment, where, using eyeball tracker devices of some kind, some smart science dudes were able to map out where and for how long eleven people's gazes landed on the movie There Will Be Blood. Check it out! It's so weird how most of the people are synchronized in how their eyes move.

(The little green circles are the people's gazes, and when they get larger it's because the gaze stayed still.)

And then here's another video that they call a "peekthrough heat map", showing the center of the viewers' gazes. This is neat because you can see how movement and faces really attract human attention.You can also see when the viewers anticipate who is going to speak next. Real cool!


This post on KristinChaos' 'losing myself' blog. I sure love reading about her adventures. She's working in India, helping with cleft-lip/palate surgeries. Just awesome. After I read this post I got something in my eyes.(tears)

Thinking about these "weirdo" parents who are trying to raise gender neutral children...I'm still not sure where I stand on this issue. I'm a little more with them than Kristine is...but maybe I'm biased, as I live with two young boys who have both had super long hair, and their favorite color has been pink on and off. They've been called girls...when I met them I thought they were both girls honestly...and they turned out more boy-ey than anyone. Guns, real subtle crushes on Selena Gomez, the works.

Lesley Barnes Illustration.

This blog of weird roadside attractions!  For me, the hokier the better. I still can't wait to find the Gopher Hole Museum in Torrington, Alberta...road trip! I mean...come on. This is hilarious.

Haha. Amazing.

Gemma Correll Illustration.

These "victorian era infographics" I saw on Public School.

McSweeney's Open Letters to People or Entities Who Are Unlikely to Respond, #21 - To The Smiley Face Following An Insult.

Kaelah Bee's post on Danielle's blog re: self confidence. Very well timed for me to read this, indeed. 

This tiny giraffe that I wish was real so very much.

This post by Chloe Rice on her new friend "Baby Midnight". I just love it.  People are so interesting.


See more on his website here.

What do you love this Thursday? Leave me your link here!

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