Monday, June 20, 2011

A little blogging secret...

I "drew blogging" for you guys there. I suppose it's kind of like a brainstorm? Whatever. 

For the next week or so I'm not really going to be around this blog too much. Life is happening, and by that I mean our new girl at work who was working my Tuesday/Wednesday weekend went to Mexico and I was all like "Can I work every single day for the next two weeks?" ... I'm not complaining about working all those days at all, it's really fun, plus my paycheques will be large enough for me to finally buy myself something amazing like this or this. Big plans, I tell ya.

Anyway, my general blogging strategy is this: every Tuesday (or "my Saturday", as I like to call it) I spend a few hours putting together fun posts for the next week that are not date specific. (i.e. photos, etc.) as well as adding to my Things I Love Thursday posts for the following week or two. Then, if something rad comes up or I want to actually write things, I can just shuffle the photo posts around and post whatever on a specific day. You dig? So, because this week I don't have Tuesday and Wednesday completely free, I may not get around to doing anything spectacular.  Or maybe I will. But expect a lot of photos.

But here's something you can learn from me today:

Scheduling posts is awesome and the easiest way to blog.  

Do you wonder how those big bloggers do it? How do they write stuff every single day by 8am? Well I bet they don't. They probably wrote all that stuff two weeks ago and scheduled it to post at a specific time. It's so easy. 

I dare...nay, challenge you to try scheduling a post if you've never done it before. Just try it out.  I bet you'll like it. It's nice and relaxing, it takes all the pressure off. And then when you really feel like writing, just go for it. You're not limited to one topic, one blog post. You can write six and set them up for the entire week. 

Go forth and schedule, my friends. Go forth. And schedule.

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