Wednesday, October 19, 2011

chest tattoo - FINISHED! Also, bonus bloody boobs pictures.

Welp, if you are one of the new followers I have around these parts maybe you don't know about all the awesomeness that is my chest tattoo. Yesterday at work Colin had a cancellation, and so we actually had time to finish the thing! There was only about an hour's worth of work left to be done since the last session, so it was really no big deal for me to sit for it and then go back to work/answer the phone while getting tattooed (haha)...until I got up and looked in the mirror and saw this.

Yep, that is a big deal, actually. I am in love with my own chest right now. The pictures don't even do it justice, it's so striking, and the colors are so bright, it's crazy!

I swear it felt like Colin was tattooing my neck when he was coloring in the top of the poppy and the leaf on my collarbone. The body does weird things with pain sometimes.

I like how it goes with the mummy on my arm. (Mummy tattoo by Bryan J. Turnbull) They just kind of fit together naturally. And really, why wouldn't a giant bee attend a mummy/my little pony tea party?

Hey...Boo-bee. Get it? Just thought I'd make the joke first so you guys don't feel the need to in the comments section. And now for the aforementioned bloody boob pics...

I was on the bus like this, all shiny and leaky. Ew! Good thing my sweater was covering all the gore. Anyone else get any tattoos recently? I've been going nuts lately with them...remember this? and this?

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