Saturday, May 7, 2011

I found a stack of photographs.

Here are some pictures of this one time, in Kingston Ontario, when I knew a girl who graduated from a military academy. I love the grainy shitty quality of the photos. I did pretty well with the disposable camera I had, I think. She's the redhead who you can barely make out in most of these. Also? Check out the real leopard pelt that one guy in the marching band is wearing. What the hell is up with that?

(We don't have leopards in Canada, in case you don't know...)

I love these next two, this was at the end of the ceremony. They all had to pass under this special arch and then throw their hats up in the air. It was really an exciting moment for everybody. 

We also somehow managed to convince some of the guys to let us take pictures of their bayonets
and pose for us...hahaha's how I looked in 2004 or whenever this was...I believe I was being silly for the camera because I can't really play the banjo, but that actually was a hoodie I used to wear. Over time it got covered with more patches. It was my way of cutting down the amount of shirts I had, I'd just cut off the parts I liked and stick them on that sweater.Oh! And the glasses were from a flea market in Kingston, they are from the '60s. I still have them.

I actually found quite a few 'me with questionable taste and brand new bleach blond dreadlocks' photos in that pile. I'll share more at a later date. :)

Friday, May 6, 2011

Remorseful animals.


Guilty dog.

Guilty cat.

Crack Crack, Crackity Jones! Woop woop!

Ryan and I saw The Pixies last night! And it was exactly what I expected: AAAAAMAZING. Not only was it The Pixies, which would have been enough on its own, but they sounded really damn good too. (I'm trying to resist putting "for their age" here, but come on, we're all thinking it...voices change. Energy levels change.) It's always a gamble seeing your favorite band from fifteen years ago.

And whoever put together their visual effects and light show are geniuses. Before they even came on the stage they built up the suspense by playing creepy music and showing clips from Un Chien Andalou (including that horrible horrible first scene with the eyeball! NOOOO!). Here's a quick video someone took in Detroit a couple weeks ago, it shows my favorite two songs of the show, it was the highest energy moment for sure. And those dolls during Crackity Jones? (1:45-end of video) Nightmares.

If you get a chance to see these fellas and lady play, take it. 
That is all.

p.s. Guess who sings La-La Love You. The drummer! I've always wondered.

Thursday, May 5, 2011

Things I Love Thursday!

I definitely love this taco truck that parks near my work every weekday. (On Wharf and Yates for you Victoria people, EAT THEIR TACOS, they're soooooo good! Tortas too. And they have vegetarian and vegan everything!!) Check out for more info! I also just found (and harassed) them on twitter here.

I also love...

These attractive alternatives to ugly potholes by Juliana Santacruz.

These illustrations of fancy dogs in fancy hats.

These "random healthy kitchen tips" from tales of me and the husband. Simple things and good ideas!

These paintings, done by James Hart Dyke; an artist during his time as an artist in residence for the Secret Intelligence Service. 

These interesting ways to fold an American dollar bill...hmmm

Socially awkward penguin...reminds me of me a little too much sometimes.

Switchblade's my cousin's surfboard company in Vancouver! Nice! 


More Don John Kenn.  I've posted his illustrations before but he keeps on making them. And they're still SO GOOD!


I'm also loving...

Francisco Varone's "quince dias en Peru". It really tugs at my wanderlust strings. I'm dying to go there!

Amy's list of 27 things she learned at age 27 on her blog Just a Titch.

I'm sure you've all seen this before, but just in case you live under a rock: Wild Animal (The Simple Dog Goes For A Joyride) Literally, Hyperbole and a Half is the funniest blog I have ever seen. If you haven't been there before, take a couple hours and look at everything.

This fricking RAD ad for a Scrabble game. I first saw it on Suzy's blog It Walked on My Pillow. Amazing!


This cool story of Claire and the six photo albums. She was given old photo albums and is looking to reunite them with their owners! You can read about it here on her blog, and then check out this post...please repost this link on your own blogs, help her out!

For those of you who speak Spanish, this comic is HILARIOUS. I especially liked this one.

beneathasteelsky dot com, the tumblog. Amazing photos here!


And last but not least... John Kenny's photos of Sub-Saharan Africa. (Ethiopia, Kaokoland, Kenya...)

As he says:  

"The pictures on this site are the result of hundreds of hours spent walking, hitching, and driving across Sub-Saharan Africa. They are a testimony to the vibrant cultures that still exist within some of the most isolated lands on earth."

Here are a few of my favorites...although it was hard to choose. Every photo is so pretty and amazing. I love all the jewelry, tattoos and other scarification. It looks so nice with these people's dark pretty skin.

Slightly NSFW, there's boobs!

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

May the fourth be with you.

Ryan forced me to dress up with him for "Star Wars" day today in his silly t-shirts.

See, I'm Vader and he's a tourist? Anyway the shirt I'm wearing is SO COMFY so I'm not complaining. I want to borrow his shirts all the time. But I'll be honest, as far as I can remember, I've never even seen the movies...dont' hate! I'm just not that interested. And because it's so prevalent in pop culture I basically know every single second of the plot anyway.

Should your blog be anonymous or not?

This one goes out to all of you who are thinking of starting a brand new blog.


This isn't an article on how to increase your readership or some top ten list for better blog content or any of that fantastic stuff. Although I do believe that those are all valid and important things to read. Just google those phrases and you'll have hours of reading to do on marketing strategies and the like.

What I do want to tell you about has to do with the trust you gain by sharing with your readers. It's tenuous, because it's basically a intangible text-based relationship you are cultivating, at least at first. It's the kind of relationship that's easy to break or lose or just straight-up forget about. And twice this week bloggers have lost me by "breaking character".

Let me explain.

When you're starting your blog, you must decide whether or not you are an anonymous blogger or not. I've been both in my awesome blogging career and I am not saying that one is better than the other.  But you have to choose.

Being anonymous means hiding all personal and identifiable information, which may seem like the best way to go, especially if you're new to the blogging world and are embarrassed to let your "real life" friends find out about it. That's why I did it, anyway.

Being a "named" blogger means you let it all hang out. You post photos of yourself, you write about your life, and you know that your employer, your dad and your enemy from high school are all possibly reading everything you say. You also know that the internet is forever, and you watch your mouth! (Er...fingers?)

If you are asking yourself "Should I blog anonymously or not?" maybe I can help. Here are some of the pros and cons I have found over the years for being anonymous and not:

When I was anonymous I could ... talk about anything I wanted as long as it didn't reveal where I live or work, or what our names were. I could tell embarrassing stories about anyone and pretend it happened to me. It was like writing fiction sometimes, and although I never really outright lied about anything, I most certainly could have. I could be whoever I wanted, hide or reveal whatever parts of my life were convenient to the stories I was telling, and be as mysterious and alluring as I wanted to.

I didn't have to worry about getting weird internet stalker people, which I think is a secret concern of most beginner bloggers. Maybe it's conceit or the media or something that told me that if I put my name and where I live on the internet I'm gonna get killed by a crazy person. (It hasn't happened yet!)

I had a larger readership much faster than I do now because I wasn't afraid to tell awful embarrassing stories about myself, conversations I had, stuff that happened at school...that kind of thing. I never did, but a lot of anonymous bloggers are much freer to talk about their sex lives, things they hate, and just stuff they'd be afraid to say out loud in their every day lives. Which, of course, makes them quite popular reads.

But I could not ...  share or really honestly connect to other bloggers. It was fun for a long time ... until I started doing things I wanted to tell everyone, like getting tattoos or cutting off my dreadlocks...things that needed photos to accompany them or more details than I could really give.

Also, even though to you non-bloggers out there this might sound cheesy or really nerdy, after a few months of emails and comments back and forth, reading each others lives and connecting, there were a few people I really wanted to get to know, and ultimately to be friends with. I  felt like I was hiding information and would never really connect with these people, which was hard because I would see them forming real relationships through their blogs in a way I could not achieve and I would feel envious and left out.

I was also proud of what I was writing. I was funny! And nobody in my real life knew about it. It was a secret that became more and more difficult to keep out of conversations. I was feeling stifled using only text and fiction, and that made the entire thing break down.

Near the end of my anonymous blog I actually started "breaking character", becoming penpals with bloggers, adding some of them to my facebook, and telling some people from my real life that my blog existed.

My blog identity became muddled, because to some people I was a real person and to others I was a secretive anonymous blogger. It was becoming increasingly more work to write, because I basically had two sets of readers. The "real people" and the bloggers who didn't know me. I ended the blog after about a year and a half. It was actually a kind of tough decision, and I felt such a loss that I immediately started up this one.

 Cartoon via Pam Cranford's blog.

Now that I'm a 'named' blogger, I can ... be myself. Truly myself. I can share all the million photos I take every day, I can talk (tastefully) about things that are happening in my life: at work, at home, in my family, what my friends are doing, etc. I can use my real name and address and be pen pals with whomever I like.

People come into my work and know me from my blog! It's really exciting when that happens. So far, no crazy murderers have contacted me, so that's a good thing.

If I write something I particularly like, I can tell my friends about it, and they can read it. I feel a lot lighter and happier about the entire process because it doesn't feel like I'm constantly keeping secrets. I feel like my readers like me for who I am, not because I'm the swear-word-iest or the raunchiest or the most secretive. I'm just putting me out there and there is a positive response, which feels good. It's all fun, not work.

But I can not ... say everything I want to. I would love to tell more of the crazy stuff that happens in my everyday life, but I won't if it's offensive. Obviously. I always have to consider who will be reading what I'm saying. This blog is linked through my work's website, which is what I think about the most ... what if somebody is trying to get a feel for the tattoo shop and they come across some spiteful petty rant from the shop manager? I also know my dad and my sister are readers. What would they think? It's still kind of a balancing act. Usually I just err on the positive side of things and it all works out. Or I go by the mantra:

If you can't say anything nice, don't say anything at all. (Unless it's really funny.)


 Cartoon via Social Licks blog


So...what's wrong with switching your blog from anonymous to 'named'? 

I guess nothing. Except I have found that after years of reading anonymous bloggers, I am always always always let down by their true personae. They are never who I built them up to be in my head. It's like watching the movie version of your favorite book; the characters you imagined are so much better! 

Recently a blogger I read on the regular posted a picture of herself. After years of anonymity. I had, partly because she had a sexy pin-up lady as part of her header design, built her up in my brain to be this absolutely gorgeous, brilliant, glamorous individual. And although there is absolutely nothing wrong with her or the way she looks, and her writing style hasn't changed very much, she is nowhere near the movie-star/genius/ninja/supermodel/adventurer I had imagined. She's just a normal person. 

It's like, being an anonymous blogger invites this kind of fill-in-the-blanks kind of reading, and over the years I really made her into a super-human entity. And now I am completely disillusioned and don't want to read about her every day life.

I think that in order to make the transition, you really have to start anew. I haven't been satisfied with a major blog-shift yet. This is why it's important to really consider the anonymity level of your blog from the beginning. You don't want to build up a relationship and then pull the rug out from underneath it one day when you become bored with what you've created. Because it's about more than just you. It's about trust and friendship, or at the very least, it's about consistency and stability. 

Anyway, it's something to think about. Good luck! 

Do any of you know of a great blog that made the big transition successfully? 
I'd love to hear about it and see how they did it!

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Oh yeah, by the way I'm a sponsor on Windshield Diaries this month. 
It's a real quality blog, you should check it out! (Click the screen shot to visit.)

Russel Brand. I am such a fan.

Russel Brand may be the most well spoken man I have ever had the pleasure of listening to. 
Yes, that Russel Brand.

Photo via Top News In...attached to an article entitled 

I'm serious though. The man is so intelligent. If you doubt it, watch this video. And if you believe me, still watch this video. He's amazing. The vocabulary alone blows any college professor out of the water. :)

Monday, May 2, 2011

Yesterday I saw...

I was an entire hour early for work yesterday (Sunday) due to ... me thinking it was Saturday. DUH. So I ran out the door, caught the early early bus and hurried almost all the way to work and then realized I was early, so I sat out on a patio sipping my usual americano...when I heard a marching band! What the...? Suddenly the entire street filled up with naval cadets. There was all kinds of higher-ups yelling, and men and women stepping at the same know, navy stuff. It was neat.

I, of course, took pictures of them. (Me ... and fifty tourists.)

Neat huh? I thought it was cool that the little person* could join cadets. I was talking to a sailor I know about it, like a real sailing-on-the-sea-with-the-navy and I-know-him-from-the-tattoo-shop kind of sailor, and he said he thought that little people probably could work on ships as long as they didn't have severe health problems. It's funny, the stuff you never think about until it shows up in your life.

These last two photos make me laugh. Kids are dorks.

*I am really hoping "little people" is still the PC term. I haven't kept abreast** of the situation.

**heh heh I said "a breast"

Sunday, May 1, 2011

Presenting: my sister! v.5

Hey kids, smoking isn't cool. Unless you're in Cuba.Or my sister.

My sister, Lyndon, she takes photos for fun. And they are fantastic. She let me take a bunch of her pictures and throw 'em on my blog. I think she deserves as much exposure as she can get, because although she only takes photos for fun...I think the world needs to see them! :)

Here are some that made me a little homesick for the gigantic Alberta sky. Those of you who have never lived on the prairie won't get it, but the big sky is more beautiful than all the mountains and waterfalls on earth to me.

I asked Lyndon a bunch of interview questions, here's the last few, along with some of her photos.

13. Your self-portraits are really great. How do you do it? Ha! I kind of just model for myself when I'm uninspired to take pictures of other things. That's my embarrassing thing I do but sometimes they turn out so nice I need to share them! lol

14. Any tips on photographing kids? Honestly the way I like to do it is kind of just say, go play! And I snap away. Also my little brothers and sister are just too frickin cute and they always are willing to model for me and be silly or serious, I can just boss them around, haha. But I enjoy photos of kids doing kid things, not posing. I think that's why I find it hard to do portraits of people, I like them really laughing rather than fake smiling you know?
15. What are some of your favorite websites? I love your blog and want to start following blogs more and making my own possibly, otherwise I use facebook and twitter a lot, National Geographic always amazes me, one day I would love to work for them!!!! Otherwise I'm not really a web surfer.

16. Do you have any favorite tv shows or movies? So many, shows would include how I met your mother, my name is earl, cops (dont know why but I fuckin love cop shows lol), lame shows I like are Big Brother and American Idol but everyone does, also I will forever be a Friends and Simpsons fan, those are the only shows I can watch rerun after rerun of and still like every show! And some movies I love, the skeleton key (seriously watch it, great movie), lucky number slevin, fear and loathing, house of 1000 corpses (scared me sooo bad at the time but still a wicked movie), Will Ferrel is one of the funniest guys ever so most of his movies (Talledega Nights is a fave by him), Black Sheep, there's sooo many but those are a few.

17. What music are you loving these days?
17. I have such a big love for NIN, their lyrics always relate to me in some way. Also discovering some older music I never really liked before, like fleetwood mac, bob dylan, always have loved bob marley but liking some of his less popular songs. (always start listening to him around summer time, just makes everything feel tropical but you're in your own backyard! haha)

18. Any tips on photographing pets? One thing I started using was a zoom lens, then I let them play and they can be far away but you can still catch really good pictures of them. Mostly helpful because they usually move a lot.

19. Are you brave enough to take pictures of strangers in the street? I'm not. HA sometimes I am like if I'm in a city and it's people I won't ever see again, but usually not, I feel super creepy when it's buildings too, like example, there was a super nice house decorated with all these fancy christmas lights so I got out my tripod and attempted to get a clear picture and someone looks right at me in the window, I felt sooo creepy and just drove away. Probably would have been better to just let them come out and explain I liked their christmas lights rather than drive away but oh well hahah! Photography has had me in a couple strange situations haha.

20. What's your favorite scary movie? It's really hard to find a good scary movie, one of the newer ones out that I actually liked was the Crazies. 

21. Since you're my sister, the world wants to know, do you have any tattoos? Any plans for more? ;)I have ONE whole tattoo on my foot! I want more soooo bad but I am very particular and want to be smart about it, I won't pick something out of a book and get a tattoo in Stettler HAHA. Any tattoo I get will most likely be in Victoria just cause TZ is rad, my sister works there and they do some of the best work I have seen in my short life! But I love tattoos, I think they are so interesting give people so much character.
Thank you so much Lyndon! You're awesome!
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