Thursday, February 17, 2011

Star Wars sucks, just kidding

Alright everybody. I have never seen Star Wars (As far as I can remember...I may have seen it when I was really young.). It is such a North American cultural staple though, that I know pretty much the entire plot, who all the characters are, and can quote just as many one-liners as you can, maybe. I've seen parodies like Spaceballs, the Family Guy one, the Robot Chicken one...a million internet and television references...and

I don't get it.

I realize it's not fair of me to judge, seeing as I've never seen the damn things, but I mean...I'm not even inspired to watch them. That's how uninteresting the whole thing is. And I live (part-time) with a man and two kids who were totally obsessed with the movies, the Clone Wars TV show and all the action figures.

I work with somebody so into the movies that he receives the monthly magazine, has an intense collection of memorabilia and wears Star Wars t-shirts all the time.

And still, I don't even want to watch them. I feel like all the hype I've heard combined with the fact that I know basically everything that's going to happen is going to make for a really disappointing and boring ... what? Ten hours?

That being said, I have told Ryan that I will set aside an entire day off to do a marathon viewing of the three older movies. (The new ones just seem ridiculous and I doubt I'll ever find time in my life to watch them. Why do they even exist?)

Anyway, the point is, I saw this shirt on the internet somewhere recently and loved it, just for all the controversy I know it would cause in my life if I wore it.

You can buy it here, along with other Back to the Future stuff. And yes I have seen all the Back to the Future movies and they rule. Please don't hate on me too hard.

Star Wars sucks! 

(Just kidding)

Things I Love Thursday

This week I like these things:

 This very accurate map of how I spend my time whenever I try to get stuff done online by Fuchsia Macaree

Matt Roeser's hobby of redesigning book covers. 
Tumblr! It's really really really fun. I love seeing tiny bites of pretty or interesting stuff and sharing it with others so efficiently. And then it's fun to go back and see what images and quotes I chose, all together in one gallery. Here's a link to mine. Let me know what your tumblr is in the comments, I'll totally stop by! It's like a glimpse into someone's psyche. 

This opportunity to work with abused Elephants. I can't go right now but I'm keeping it in mind!

You need to check out this post-it note art by John Kenn.There are so many really great sketches I didn't even know what to choose to show you. Here are some of the first ones I saw. (click for a larger view)

You can read more about John Kenn here and here

Oh, and last but not least, look at Paul Phung photography. It's some of the prettiest pretty pretty stuff I've ever seen. Here are some of my favorites:

Monday, February 14, 2011

Music Monday: The White Stripes

I had this post all lined up before the White Stripes decided to break up.
I still like the song for Valentines day though. :)

I chose to play this song by the White Stripes on Valentine's day because 
of one particular line that I find super romantic:

 image from here

"...and every breath that is in your lungs
is a tiny little gift to me"

Next week: the Smiths. 

v day stuff

Ryan and I are one of those couples who say they "don't subscribe to Hallmark holidays" or whatever. And it's true. We find little ways to express our love all year round. We're v-day snobs! 

That being said, I still love hearts and cutesie Valenties themed thingys. They always seem to have a little something creepy or strange about them. And the puns. Oh, the glorious puns.


At work the other day my boss was working on a valentine's painting  featuring animals and hilarious word play.(sidenote: the guys at my work are so damn creative! It's enough to make a girl die of envy, I tells ya.) 
Anyway, there was a pig saying "Pig Me" and a deer saying "You're a dear", etc. One of them was a cute little furry animal saying "You stole my heart." ... it was a raccoon, but since it was just light pencil lines I couldn't really tell what it was and asked him if it was a mink.

I think he took it as a burn on his raccoon drawing, but I was going by the punny word theme alone. And all day I was so proud of the 'mink stole' connection I made. He's vegan and would have no part in my hilarious joke. I don't like mink stoles, for the record. I just like joking about them. A lot, apparently.



 I am decidedly unromantic. When Ryan and I first started dating, we were about a month in when valentine's day rolled around. We were talking about it on the phone one evening and I told him that if he got me anything I would throw it back at him. And I meant it, haha. 

Well...guess what he got me for valentine's day.
A frisbee. And that's reason #3498 he's awesome.


I did a google image search for "vintage valentines" and hoo-boy there are a billion of the things, so I posted some of my favorites into my new Tumblr account as slide shows, rather than in a mega long column here on this blog. Oh, and I separated them into categories.

Click here for the cute ones.

Click here for the creepy ones.

Click here for the best puns.


Click here for the downright offensive ones. 

I mean, what better excuse for sexism and racism than valentine's day, right? If old fashioned cutesie vintage valentines aren't your cup of tea, what about these 15 Valentines Day Cards That Won't Get You Laid?'s true, they probably won't.

And for the nerds out there, I found science valentines featuring famous scientists and jokes I don't really get, Legend of Zelda valentines, and these other video game themed valentines.Oh, and here's a free downloadable zombie-themed valentine that's pretty hilarious.

I also found these two sweet links via Danielle's blog: Kate Spade Valentines you can send to your friends, and A Valentine's Day Advent Calendar Tutorial, which I wish I had found two weeks ago!!

I hope you all have a romantic or otherwise awesome day.
I, for one, will probably just doodle some hearts on some scraps of paper and give Ryan a high-five.

Sunday, February 13, 2011

"Dreaming Of Burger"

I found this cardboard hitchhiking sign next to the highway on my way to the bus stop yesterday. It says 

Dreaming of Burger

What the hell does that mean? Is 'burger' a place? Or was some French-Canadian with limited English just really hungry?
And apparently the hitchhiker got picked up and they ditched the sign.
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