Saturday, May 14, 2011

Suzy from It Walked On My Pillow!

Hey guys. Today I'm forcing you to meet Suzy! She writes over at It Walked On My Pillow, and she is awesome.  I mean, her blog literally fills me with awe. 

She is a fantastic writer and each post is accompanied by these great little sticky note sketches. (Please, as always, ask her permission to use any of the images I posted here today!) I also asked her a few questions about her life and inspiration. 

Read on!


1. Tell us about you! Who are you? What is your daily routine like? 

My name is Elena, but everyone calls me Suzy because when i was a baby my mom named me Elena and then decided to call me Suzy instead. So even though my birth certificate, drivers license, and marriage certificate all say Elena, my dental records, yearbooks, and friends all say Suzy. 

I'm 23 and I'm a huge fan of words {belligerent is a favourite}, and of people who have mastered the art of cleverly stringing them together in song lyrics and poetry and short stories and novels.

I'm married to Barclay, who is a fantastic person. it was, for real, love at first sight, plus we had our first kiss in a tree. Fancy, I know. 

I like a lot of things because there are a lot of things to like. I always thought I was an extrovert but I guess I'm not. I have good friends and blue eyes and a heart condition. I have constellations on my arms. I don't have a daily routine, except that every day starts with a bowl of red river cereal.I yawn and hiccup all the time. 
I'm one of those people. 

2. Describe your blog in exactly twelve words.

It is the result of a lot of long walks by myself.

3. What is it about post-its? Why are they so great to draw on?

I guess that the best thing about them is that they are little. A big piece of paper is very daunting, but a sticky note is no sweat. Plus, things are just cuter when they're smaller. My cousin gave me a tiny little switchblade for graduation, and even though it's a switchblade, it's adorable because of how small it is. And when i opened it, i noticed he'd even carved the words, "I'LL MISS YOU" on the blade of it, because i was moving away. If he'd given me a big huge switchblade with "I'LL MISS YOU" carved on the blade of it, i'd have thought he was a psycho. So. a lesson in switchblades and art. 

4. What is your favorite illustration you've posted on your blog? Why?

Ummmn...maybe the staircase. Simply because it turned out like i wanted it to. 

5. Do you have an art background of any kind? 

Oh heck no. I've just always been one of those people who doodle on everything. I used to draw all over my legs and arms in sharpie marker while talking on the phone or driving somewhere. Now that i'm a grown-up, I try to not draw on myself so much. But I draw on barclay sometimes. 

6. What inspires you? 

Going for a walk and looking around. I know most people look at other people in their chosen artistic field who've achieved great things and are like, "Wow, that inspires me to be better at what I do." I'm more like, "Crap. I wish I'd thought of that. Now I have to think of something else." I am a small, jealous person sometimes. Don't get me wrong, I still admire the work of artists and writers--but I prefer stuff very different from anything I try to do {so I don't have anything to compare it to}. 

7. What are some of your favorite blogs?

This is a super hard question because a) I'm a people pleaser and b) I currently read and love like a hundred blogs, and all for different reasons. I love all ye opinionated people, ye crafty people, ye funny people, ye photographers and ye artists and ye masters of the written word, tumblrists and blogspotters, wordpressers and custom domainers, ye who write once a month, ye who post three times per day. I like my blog world like I like my real-life friend world. Different people exercise different parts of my brain, I guess. That's probably the way it's meant to be. 

8. I've always wondered where your blog's name came from. So...where did it come from?

(You gotta love a girl who names an entire blog after an Arrested Development quote.)

You can find more of Suzy's post-it illustrations on her flickr page. And don't forget to check out her blog. Not only is it pretty, but the writing is fantastic. Here are a few of my favorite posts she's done lately:

Friday, May 13, 2011

fisheye, old buildings edition

Here's a little taste of downtown Victoria. More specifically, the walk between my work and the art supply store! It was one of the first sunny days we had after the grey grey "Wet Coast" winter when I took these.

Can you feel the joy?

Thursday, May 12, 2011

Things I Love Thursday!

I love walking Tank with Ryan on the set of Jurassic Park. 

I also love...

The vegan black metal chef. I found this video via my friend Larissa, and like she said:"I sure do hope this is episode 1 of 100." So do I, Larissa. So do I.

I also also love...

This amazing halloween costume. How did this guy come up with this?

Gala's killer Summer To-Do list. I am dying over her awesomeness. 

These Novel First Sentences and Novel Last Sentences.

Improv Everywhere's new video. Gotta shaaaaare, gotta shaaaare! 

This post on being too competitive, on Eat the Damn Cake.  Even though I can't relate to the yoga parts, I still really love this post. 

"Perhaps now more than ever there is this push to not only be the best that you can be, 
but to be the best at everything at all costs.  This constant striving cannot lead to any sense of fulfillment because there will always be someone better than you at something."

This crazy jewelry made from Barbie parts. I'm not sure of the bums one or the boobs, but I do like the arm necklace, and the one with all the faces, haha. 

My friend Shannon's daily photo project

This post called "Healing from Feeling Ignored" by Helen Jane, on the bad feelings that being on the internet can create. It goes well with that video by My Girl Thursday I posted last week, actually.

This tumblog on teenage bedrooms. Mine was plastered with Marilyn Manson, Pantera and Silverchair pictures, mostly torn out of magazines.What did yours look like? 

This Complete Guide to Not Giving a Fuck, featuring a bad-ass moment in Canadian History. 

This DIY socks tutorial by Izznit. No. Really. I have never thought about making any article of clothing until I saw this (not that I understand the instructions at all, but still...). These are the coolest socks of all time.

"Simpsons pictures that I gone and done" is the funniest thing on Facebook. I literally laugh out loud every time he posts something new. 

Maia Flore's work. Especially the Sleep Elevations photos. Beautiful stuff! Here are a couple of my favorites: 

You can see the full versions of these photos and more on her website.

D.I.Y. Steve Buscemi eyes. Hahaha! Don't tell me you're sick of Steve Buscemi eyes yet! It's still funny.

The Red Velvet store. You can actually help back their next dress line here! Help them out! They really deserve it, they're some of the hardest working people I have ever had the pleasure of internet-knowing!

Oh boy, I love this idea. Anybody know where I can buy these fake windows? I'll take forty.

This fantastic guest post on how to Part-Time Freelance your Passion by Fajr over on Yes and Yes

This post on 'cheese pairings' by A Cup of Jo really made my mowf water.

Alicia's photostream is totally fantastic. I'm especially loving her 'lomo supersampler' pictures

These supercool type maps at buchstabernorte are great. I especially like the Berlin one. 

These cute little plush critters from A Far Away Place. Aww.

This amazing delicious idea for a 'chewable pen'.


And last but not least...this video my friend Sam made. It's a time lapse of London. Pretty! 



Now you can add your own TILT link here! Try it out!

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Sorry for the twenty posts per day, I swear this one's short. Don't even click through.

I fixed Disqus comments, which may have deleted the most recent ones you wrote. SORRY! I'm going to try and import them, but just so's ya know, I have not maliciously deleted what any of you said! It was an accident!

That is all.

Let's open my mail together!

I have been obsessively checking the mailbox for weeks, ever since I signed up to do a gift exchange with Roxy from South Africa. Here's her blog. And arrived!

Do you like my professional censorship job? Subtle, non?

Check out these cool stamps!

You guys don't even know...or, okay, maybe you do. Have you ever gotten a total surprise gift from another country? And you have no idea what's inside? And then you open it? It's one of the most magical feelings ever!

Inside the package...

Isn't it pretty? The little flowery thing on the top there came off, and it's a cool brooch! Now I have two brooches! It's practically a collection. This one may have already found a home on my favorite blue sweater.

And the drawing on the front? Was part of a cute little note to me.

Like that wasn't enough, there was still a heavy-ish package wrapped in newspaper to open!

That bag is awesome. I mean...check out these details! 

And the bag was full of...CANDY! Yes!

So the 'chappie' is like really sweet gum, and the mini fizzers remind me of that toffee candy you get on Halloween. Yum yum. I ate like seven last night.

This was a really great experience for me. I also sent Roxy a package, which is somewhere in transit still. Even though I sent it Air Mail, which I assumed meant "fast". I hope she gets it soon! Thanks again to Roxy, and to Angie at Lucky Pony for setting us up via her present project! This was seriously so much fun, I hope I get the opportunity to do this kind of thing again.

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Humiliations For Donations!

My awesome friend Kimberly is doing something awesome and I'm all like "awesome". She's going to be walking in the AIDS walk in New York on the fifteenth, and has a really cool idea for soliciting donations. Check out this email she sent me:


I just registered for AIDS Walk New York and am super excited about the event! I want to do as much as I can to make a difference in the lives of people living with HIV and AIDS. Here's my idea: You dare me to do something then you donate money to my team. I will then videotape this and post it to Facebook for your your entertainment. I anticipate making a HUGE fool of myself for a great cause.

A few of you have already sent in some great ideas, keep them coming. Please email any stunt ideas to and feel free to challenge your friends to dare me. All I ask is that these stunts not put my life in danger; I'm trying to SAVE lives :)

I would really appreciate your help. Please sponsor me for AIDS Walk New York. Just click on the link below to visit my personal fundraising Web page. It’s fast, easy, and safe to make a donation online with a credit card, debit card, or paypal! After making your donation, you may be able to double your donation with a matching gift! Please consult your human resources department, or use the matching gift search engine on the AIDS Walk New York website, to find out if your company has a matching gift program!

I think you are awesome. Thank you for giving me your extra pennies for supporting AIDS Walk New York and for helping to put an end to this epidemic.

Follow This Link
to visit my personal web page and help me in my efforts to support AIDS Walk New York


If you can help this girl out, or want to see her do something totally embarrassing, please please do so ASAP! She's a really cool person and I love this idea.

Making me feel special, one nickname at a time.

It's the small things that matter to me. I ordered food for myself and the guys at work over the phone at a cute little burger joint up the street. When I ordered my bean-burger with smoked cheddar on top, I said "I like the cheese!" a little over-enthusiastically, and we had a laugh. But I must have made an impression, because when I picked it up half an hour later, this was written on the bag.

I don't know why, but it made me so happy that someone took the time to write my name and stuff on the little paper bag. And for the rest of the day everyone at work called me 'Nova Bean Salad'.

...the next day I was known as "hot dog girl" due to a misheard joke. But that's another story for another time.

And yeah, I cut it out and taped it on my locker. So what?

One more thing...

Eh, there is something crazy going on with my comments. I have disquis installed, but it's kind of disappeared at the if you leave a comment somewhere and it's gone, I swear I didn't delete it! I'm working on the gremlins in the machine, but for now...let's just hope for the best.

Sunday, May 8, 2011


The little gas puddles that show up in parking lots when it rains always remind me of jellyfish.

To my mom...

...I love you!

Even though you let us dress like this.

Happy Mother's Day.
I miss your face!

Lyndon's Sunday Photo Corner 1

Lyndon Lane is her name. Here are a few of her favorite pictures she has taken. I'm going to post a diptych every Sunday (until I run out) on a new feature I call...Lyndon's photo corner! If you want to use these or any of my sister's photos, please always ask permission. 

You can contact her at

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