Saturday, July 16, 2011

Tattoo TV

Lately there's been a lot of hate out for a certain tv show right now in the tattoo community. If you don't know which one it is I'm not going to tell you and advertise it for free. Basically it is irresponsibly perpetuating a LOT of misinformation and is promoting unsafe (unsterile) tattooing, basement scratchers, and full-on lying to people who want to become tattooers.

Anyway, so for those of you who love watching shows about tattoos, but are sick of all the bullshit things that are being produced by tv executives who haven't even been inside a real tattoo shop, here are a couple (realistic) alternatives, full of some of today's most prolific tattooers.


1. Tattoo Age, on the Vice network. I can't believe some of the peoplc they got to talk on camera in this series. Not that I know them personally or anything, I just thought that some of these guys were little eccentric hermits. Anyway, here's Dan Santoro in part one of three, of the first episode.

See more here

2. Marcus Kuhn's The Gypsy Gentleman. Here's episode one, featuring Thomas Hooper and Virginia Elwood. I believe the show tours around and visits some of the best tattooers in the world.


Also on the topic of weird tattoo phenonmenons in this technological age...check this out: the world's first animated tattoo. I don't even....

Via Needles and Sins, a cool tattoo blog. I follow them on twitter with the Tattoo Zoo account, they've always got something interesting and relevant to say.

And, if you want more, Tattoo Artist Magazine, in blog form, has a list of a bunch of other online resources that are tattooer owned and run. So much better than "check out my ink dot com" or whatever. Click here to go there. Don't support people leeching off an already saturated and over-hyped market. Let tattooing go back where it should be. Do I sound like a grassroots hippie yet?

Thursday, July 14, 2011

Things I Love Thursday!

Dew on a flower in the morning sunshine. What? It's pretty!

I'm also loving:

Catalog Living - a look into the lives of the people who lives in catalogs. Related: What If You Lived at Ikea?

This underwater restaurant-cum-hotel room. I die. I'd be so afraid to sleep in there, but love it at the same time. 

Too bad it's sold. :(

Lauren's post on "Hum"s outfits. Man that guy has style! 

Grilled Cheese Academy. Yes, it is as yummy as it sounds.

100 logos in 100 days. Very imaginative, haha! 

How to make organically shaped gears. I don't really know what you'd use them for but they look cool. 

Ten Abandoned Cities, aka Ten Places I Want to Visit!

This comic made me laugh the other day:


I also love...

This video of an epic battle between a kitten and some apples on a bed. 

This letter "Homer Simpson" wrote to Will and Kate to attend a Simpsons table reading.

Smithsonian Wild: 206340 random photos caught by motion sensor cameras around the world. 

The 'Japonizer': a traditional Japanese background generator. Great for Twitter or whatever.

That there's going to be a new Marilyn Manson documentary...and Shia LaBoeuf is going to help make it. What the?

4 Pugs doing the head tilt! HAHAHAHA

And last but not least...

Brian Dettmer's book carvings. Oh, the time he must have spent on these! I can't even process what I'm looking at here. Love!

For like, a million more, click here. I love the photos of the works in progress!


What do you love this week? Leave me a link and I'll come check it out!

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Retracting my previous statement.

The other day when I mentioned that some pretty roses just basically magically appeared in our front yard after I said something about liking two-tone roses...well that was only my side of the story. Ryan was all bummed that I made it sound like he just ran out to the full-grown-roses store or something. The truth is, he's been working on our front little garden for weeks.

And to my unobservant brown-thumbed self, it was like magic. All of a sudden, one day pretty roses were everywhere. Because I don't really even know what's involved in making a rose survive.

I'd like to apologise to you, mister Ryan, for not recognizing all the hard work you put into the yard.

Just so you all know how crazy beautiful these flowers are, I didn't do anything to the pictures. No cropping, no color saturation tricks, nothing. They look surreal when you're walking up to our house, like somebody colored on them with hi-lighters or something.

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

lately I've been...very 'metal' apparently

Reading: I am just about to start Kavalier and Clay by Michael Chabon. I've started this book twice and never got past the first twenty pages, but I just keep hearing how amazing it gets, so I'm going to try again. It's one of those twenty pound tomes that I love so dearly, because it'll last me more than a weekend, you know? Another really good huge-ass book is Jonathan Strange and Mr. Norrell by Susanna Clark.FYI.

Oh, and I did a guest post over at Desirous of Everything on ten books I am loving right now, so check those out as well! I think I did pretty good.

Watching: Ryan and I watched the last season of Dexter in three days this week. It was awesome.We watched two episodes of The Yard, a show about a school yard. It's really good actually...and they make little kids swear in it, which is always funny to me. We ALSO started watching the first episode of Deadwood but I got way too bored, so we shut it off. Because I wouldn't stop whining. I just don't care about whores and land rights and shooting guns and goldrushes apparently.

Listening: This is weird, but I can't stop listening to the song Limo Wreck by Soundgarden lately. Like, it's basically on repeat. Which is a strange choice, I know. I just randomly put the Superunknown album on one day a few weeks ago and got all obsessed with this song.

I am also listening to Priestess like crazy lately. They're really catchy and great and fun to listen to. Here are some examples:

Eating: Peanut butter and sliced dill pickles on toast. It's excellent hangover breakfast material if you don't have time for a greasy brunch.

Loving: Visiting with my dad and step-mom who are spending time here/on Saltspring Island/in Seattle this week. They're fun. And now that I'm an adult I'm not scared of my step-mom's sarcastic sense of humor...I actually get the jokes! (haha)

And the intro to the Aqua Teen Hunger Force movie. We pre-screen movies to see if they're suitable for Ryan's kids when they're away and they've seen some commercials of ATHF on the cartoon don't think they're ready for it. But anyway, the intro. I would DIE if they played this at a movie and I wasn't expecting it. It's so awesome. But I can't figure out what the green singer guy is.

Looking forward to: the Slayer show in a couple weeks. Actually I'm kind of scared, to be honest. I'm going by myself and I got a floor ticket. I may just get to the front and hold on for dear life. That seems like the safest plan.
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