Saturday, April 16, 2011

fisheye, snowman edition

 There hasn't been snow around here for months now, just rain rain rain. And wind. And a little bit of sunshine here and there. The last time it snowed, the kids went out with their neighborhood friends and made this snow man. Not only is it creepy as fuck, it also was made to...poop. They dug a hole through the mouth and out the back and "fed" it pinecones. And named it "doo dude". I believe that's its baby (or perhaps dog) beside it.

You can't make this shit up.

These were taken in February, shared today.

Friday, April 15, 2011

Presenting: my sister! v.3

 ***note: this post was scheduled for the 15th but for some reason insists on posting today...
so here it is, two days early! ***

This is Lyndon. You may remember her from previous posts. What am I saying, "may"? How could you forget this girl?

Anyway, she lives far far away, in a small town on the prairies of Alberta, Canada. And she takes a ton of beautiful photos of the town and its surroundings. Here's a few pictures of hers I stole off facebook. (With her permission, of course.) The chandelier was taken in Boston I believe. The rest are Alberta.

 I asked Lyndon a few interview questions, which I will be posting here and in the next few sister sister posts.

1. Hi Lyndon. yo yo yo what it is?

2. What's up? Drinking coffee and "working".

3. What camera(s) do you use to take your pictures with? I recently got a Canon Rebel XS, its a good starting out camera and it takes really nice pictures, can't wait to get something bigger and better though where I can try out more variety of lens.

4. Tell us about yourself. Where do you live? How old are you? What do you do for work? I are 23 years old, living in the biggest flyest town called Stettler, AB. Its not the most exciting place but if you go out and look for things to do there is lots! And its not so bad, no paying for parking, no commute to work, family and friends are always near by. Work at the Co-operators selling insurance by day, hobby photorapher/bowler/pool player/drinker by night. Though I have made money doing all those at one time or another ;)

5. What's your daily routine? Mostly I work 9-5 and have weekends off so that's pretty rad but can also get super repetative, one of my favorite quotes is "why is it we crave routine but loathe repitition?" very true for me.

6. When do you usually take your photos? I do take a lot of country cruises after work or on the weekends (which isn't far to go where I live) and love to sit out there and rock some tunes and watch a beautiful sunrise or sunset while taking pictures and just enjoying the scenery. One thing photography has made me is appreciative for beauty in everything! I can always see a cool picture and always find im kicking myself when I'm without my camera.

Thanks Lyndon, for answering my kind of random interview questions and sharing your photos. 
Do you guys have any questions for my sister?

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Things I Love Thursday

Oh boy, you guys. Have I got some cool junk to share with you this week! Here we go. 

These 25 greatest "that's what she said" moments in comic book panels. I love things taken out of context like this, hahaha! For example: 

The impossible project. Oh, polaroids!

This stationary of horror. Hahah! So awesome and gross. 

These Die Antwoord t-shirts. Man I love those guys.

This list of ten important pictures that shaped America.

101 rad pin-up post cards.  Maybe not safe for work. 

This super weird picture of a boy and a fish. 

These "quirky" coloring books. I still love coloring.

Bento boxes. Pretty food always wins in my opinion. Check out this Flickr pool.

This is a fantastic idea, what to do when you're not sure whether or not you can throw something out.

Dear blank please blank. A series of really short funny open letters. 

This bathroom. Oh my goodness, how terrifying it would be to pee in there! 

This video of my friend Sam getting ready to go on a 2-year-ish bicycle trip...the "what to pack" edition.
See part 1 here.

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Six Confessions:

(This photo is of my boss' new license plate, awesome huh?)

1. I have a crazy fear of my house catching fire while I'm sleeping at night. I triple check anything I think could start a fire, I sleep with the bedroom door closed tight so the smoke can't get me, and I refuse to sleep in the nude for fear that I'll have to be outside with the firemen naked and cold.

2. My new favorite snack is peanut butter and dill pickles. Like, just dip the pickles into the peanut butter and eat it. Probably because it's salty on top of salty. Salt is my favorite.

3. I just drank a pot and a half of coffee to myself and don't feel crazy. This is how I know I need to cut back on my caffeine intake.

4. I read the "missed connections" posts on Craigslist at least once a week. Not to look for myself in the ads, but to look for Ryan. He's always being hit on by ladies, and I feel like if I keep looking I'll find some desperate single mom who saw him at the pool with his kids or working with the disabled teenagers at his day job.

5. I am in love with Mexico. And I can't stop. I'm like, obsessed with the damn country. I want to go back.

6. Ask any of my friends, I am literally the hardest person to get onto the phone unless you call me at work.  I don't think I'm alone in this, but I hate the phone. To death. It's stressful and awkward to use.


On another topic, I got kind of a hateful/nonsensical-swearwords-filled comment recently, and just wanted to let all the haters out there know that I delete those comments and forget them forever. You can't hurt me via the internet.

You're not even a real person to me. 
That is all.

All fisheye, all the time.

Monday, April 11, 2011

Music Monday, ranting and recanting?

For those of you who don't follow me on Twitter...well honestly you're not really missing much.Once in a while I'll retweet something hilarious a celebrity said, or I'll write that my bus hasn't arrived yet, or have a prolonged conversation about reading material with Erin. Riveting. Anyway, yesterday I was zooming through my bloglovin' queue of 167 blog posts I had to read, and I noticed something...

That's right, I am a skimmer. Unless you're wearing a dinosaur costume or holding a kitten I think your clothes are boring. But here's the shitty thing that I noticed. You know what else is boring? Music Monday.

At least I know when I'm wrong. Goodbye Music Monday. You were a chore anyway.


Update: I do like things, I swear. A few people were all like "So uh, do you like anything, jerk?"

I also like seeing your collections, passions, hearing how you met your significant other, funny things your kids or neighbors do, your dreams, wishes, rants about school, travel pictures and stories, your trouble with coworkers, what inspires you, your scariest moments, your saddest moments, your happiest moments, crafts, nature, grammar, dating stories, irrational fears ...

So, to recap, you are all interesting people. But...I don't like looking at clothes and song lyrics. The end.


Update part 2: I forgot that I do like to know what Kaylah at the Dainty Squid is wearing for some reason. It's probably all the colors...and cats in the pictures! :)
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