Saturday, June 11, 2011

SNAKES ARE AWESOME and the Vancouver Canucks

"Snakes Are Awesome" is this silly inside joke at Tattoo Zoo. 

I can't remember the reason the news crew was at the tattoo shop earlier this year, but my boss Gerry was talking about flash and said "oh yeah, snakes are awesome" in kind of a funny squeaky voice in the middle of his interview. And a TZ meme was born. Seriously, that shit never got old. So yesterday, when the guys finished painting this flash...

you know, to get into the spirit of city pride...

A-Channel came by again. And we were all he gonna say it again? I said "I DARE YOU" and he said "Okay." And the funniest thing was, at the end of the interview the camera guy asked Cody and Gerry to pretend they were talking about the flash so he could have a visual while there was a voice-over or whatever but they used Cody saying "Snakes are awesome!" too, even though they said they wouldn't. I love it. So it's there twice!

Also? If you watch this video you can see Colin (who's doing my chestpiece) hard at work. I don't think he really wanted to be on TV. I didn't either. I hid on the customer side of the counter until it was over.

I'm not sure who all worked on the flash, definitely Kyle and Gerry and Bryan.

Friday, June 10, 2011

for _CoreyGirll_

So yesterday I tweeted something to the effect of "I'm not sure if my cat t-shirt is awesome or stupid" and got quite the response from all those people up in the Twitter zone. Apparently cats and t-shirts are popular on the internet, who knew? Anyway, CoreyGirl was all like "Pics or it didn't happen." and I was like:

 (There was supposed to be a "Challenge Accepted" comic guy here but Blogger is really being a douche* lately with pictures and will not let me insert it into this post, so just pretend you see him here.)

But I don't have an iPhone and instagram and all that jazz, and only got the tweet the next day, so I picked the wrinkly shirt out of the laundry, took some photos with my Canon G-11, put them on the computer, and uploaded them here. You know, the old fashioned way.

Notice how it's actually a tourist shirt from Reno for some reason? WHYYYY?

So there, _CoreyGirl_, it DID happen.

*I am THIIIIS CLOSE to moving to Wordpress or TypePad. For serious. Enough is enough Blogger you dickface. I'm afraid of change and am really comfortable with this platform so we'll see if I ever put my money where my mouth is.

Thursday, June 9, 2011

Things I Love Thursday

I love that I have no idea what some of these beautiful plants are that I walk by every day. What the heck are these pink hangy things all about? I'm pretty sure I've never seen anything like them before.

This week I love...

This article on "Caring For Your Introvert". I hope everybody who knows me in real life reads this because it is totally the way I feel a lot of the time. Although I think the guy who wrote the article is way out's pretty ballsy to say that every introvert is "more intelligent, more reflective, more independent, more level-headed, more refined, and more sensitive than extroverts".And obviously not every extrovert is like a puppydog and without secrets and nuanced behavior. 

This picture of Tank. He spent like ten minutes getting his bed ready, and propped that pillow up like that on purpose, I swear. D'awww.

Rock Paper Scissors Lizard Spock. See an example of it being played here.  :)

This article on Smaggle: "Want to Know the Secret to Male and Female Cohabitation?" Very interesting!

Einstein, the world's smallest mini-horse. He's SO LITTLE! And he dressed up for Halloween, hahaha.

Oh Noa's ... curriculum? for "Getting Your Degree in Not-A-Terrible-Person".

The Gathering of the Juggalos infomercial 2011 featuring Vanilla Ice. As...a crackhead alien? Every time they said "earf" I laughed out loud. It's so stupid. Guess who's playing this year. George Clinton. No joke. Also? Busta Rhymes and Ice Cube and Xzibit. And Vanilla Ice. And MC Hammer. And Brian Posehn is doing some stand up. Not bad, juggalos. Not bad. If it weren't for the 100% probability of getting raped and shot and beaten up and drugged and losing 40 IQ points I'd think about going. I mean, imagine the photo opportunities. Endless.

This voicemail that Steve Rold saved and made into a Vimeo video. Found via Redditor Evan

Bedknobs and Broomsticks. It was my favorite movie for some time as a child. 

This little article on how one girl realized she could get by on much less $ than she thought. And so can you!

"POUR" by Holton Rower.  
(I found this via Poppytalk.)

Watch this video to see how it's done. I want to try it! It looks so fun. I don't know why everybody's wearing mom jeans though.

See much more on his website
I also love...

These antiquated sexual terms...although I don't really think there's a need to bring them back.

This idea of "Reverse Graffiti" is pretty cute.

These retro Lego commercials on Public School.

This is super old but I had it bookmarked and thought I'd share anyway in case you missed it. Best breakup ever? NSFW. It's pretty mean and silly but it sounds like he deserved it. And apparently she'll break up with your boyfriend too if you want.

Kaylah's post on her cat "The Professor". My favorite two links she posted are "Kitten Yawn in Progress" and "The Evil Professor". I am such a sucker for kitties!  


Speaking of kitties, Zoe, of A Giraffe in a Scarf, needs help. You can read what happened here to her poor kitty. Zoe has a special place in my heart, as she spent so much time working on a brooch I won in a giveaway a couple months ago. We've emailed back and forth a few times since then, and it kills me that she's going through this right now! 

Zoe has put everything on sale in her shop to raise money for her astronomical vet bills, you can get thirty percent off if you use the coupon code "DAISY". Click the picture below to see her etsy shop, trust me, it's real quality work.

If you don't feel like shopping but really want to help, please go here and donate some money. She is holding a raffle; each five dollars that is donated will automatically enter you in it. You can also help by donating items to give away in the raffle. Email Zoe at

Getting tattooed by Colin Wiley. It's like magic happening before your eyes. Or something less cheesy. 

Worthsy. What a great idea. Because handmade is (usually) better. 

Shrek the sheep, mostly because I am wondering if the movie character was named after him. 

Getting all your Facebook friends' faces tattooed on you...oh wait, no. That's stupid. Although right now it does look like she's covered with little cool stamps! For y'all who don't know, that's most likely going to be a big mess in like ten years. Update: it's a fake! Whew!

The nine most mind-blowing disguises in the animal kingdom. The video of the octopus is so cool! And I love the way Cracked writers write; they're hilarious. Also insane? Seven mind-blowing vehicles built and driven by animals. Um...pretty disturbing actually. Especially number four. But it does explain what the hell a "Mexican Jumping Bean" is.

The video of Elsie and Jeremy's wedding. Cuties! I love the blue-haired bridesmaid! And the bee-hives. AND THE FLOWER GIRLS AWW. Not that I'm surprised, but this is one of the best looking weddings I've ever seen. Elsie is always fabulous. And how cool that Leigh-Ann was in the wedding party!

Via Gala Darling: these to-do lists!! I just may copy this system. Now I just need some rubber stamps and index cards. And stuff to do. She also posted "The Bird as Symbol in Current Culture", which is an interesting and unconventional take on the popularity of birds today. (Although I don't approve of them using the word "tats". *PET PEEVE*) (And they spell "moleskine" wrong.)

Speaking of birds..."Put a bird on it!" (LOL Portlandia!)


Cheeseburger shoes! I've also seen bacon and egg converse before...there's something about hilarious food-related shoes...I think I could rock them.

These ten disturbing photos of masked monkeys. Seriously um, if you look at these, nightmares await you. Caution: mild to medium animal cruelty...chains and such. 

And THE GIVEAWAYS! Blowfish shoes (this one closes today! HURRY!), Crafty-Baker-Blogger giveaway, Fancy Face giveaway and The Best of The Rest giveaway. They are all amazing!

TAKING A KITTY ON A PICNIC. I wish so much that I could take Yeti somewhere other than to her food bowl, the bed, or where the treats are. She almost killed me last time I tried to force her to leave the bedroom. 

I thought this quote from a "pretty girl" was really interesting. Here's a bit from "What's the Point of Pretty?" by Sarah Von:

I have one such friend who probably ranks somewhere in the range of 11 on the 1 - 10 attractiveness scale.  She models, men fall at her feet, birds and mice sing while sewing her dresses. Despite this, girlfriend is frequently convinced that people don't like her, that her poreless skin is sagging, that she's somehow not good enough.  If I looked like her, I'd spend my days naked and accepting marriage proposals. How could she ever doubt herself?  Everywhere she goes, people praise her.  Everywhere she looks, the media tells her that she looks the 'right way.'  I wanted to know, so I asked.

Her response? 
"How would you feel if the only thing people ever praised you for was something you had no control over?  And how would you feel if every day, you were slowly loosing [sic] the one thing people complimented you on?"
Ouch, hey? That's a good reminder to us all, to maybe compliment something other than someone's looks every once in a while. 

And last but not least, I love...

Aren't these the best? See more on flickr and buy the prints here


What do you love this week? Leave me a link to your TILT, much love, link love or whatever ... I promise I'll stop by and leave a comment, and maybe check out your blog if I'm not busy playing "get the ball" with Tank or playing Tetris or whatever. 

P.S. I know that I'm re-using some of your links, it's not on purpose, I only just figured out that I need to generate a new code for each separate blog post, woopsie! I'll try to fix it for next week. But for now, just go with it! :)

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

diptych from tonight

GPOY : me and my chest tattoo!

First, a joke: Two guys walk into a bar. The first guy says "I'll have some H2O." and the second guy thinks for a sec, and then says "I'll have H2O too." When they finished their drinks, he died. 


I decided there aren't enough pictures of me floating around the here's one. Ryan snapped this one from our bedroom door yesterday...he caught me in my natural habitat;  listening to random TED talks and drawing a portrait from a picture on my computer. What a nerd he's stuck with, hey? And look at that blank pegboard beside me. 
I should really use it for something.

And here's my half-colored-in chest! Note: it's still quite scabby on the flower and the bee's whole body, so that's why it looks weird and gross. Again, sorry about the watermark, but I just know the internet too well.


Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Today I am...

  • Sick of cleaning the litter box. I mean seriously, how often can a cat poop?
  • Opposite of bored. I'm having way too much fun on the internet. I mean...hello pizza infographic!
  • Excited for dinner tonight. We're having some kind of delicious thing that involves Tofurky franks. Yum.
  • Procrastinating on writing this guest post, and drawing some crappy portraits as a "guest artist" LOL.
  • Wishing I hadn't left my grandma's camera at work. I wanted to play with it today at the thrift store.
  • Loving writing TILT posts. It's so fun to find cool stuff and share it with everybody.
  • Thankful that I have a nice little family and a nice little house and everything I need. 
  • Thinking about writing, you know, that novel I'm working on.
  • Needing to think more positively about myself. I've been giving myself a rough time lately.
  • Hoping I have enough money to buy myself a little treat. *cough* *cough*
  • Super happy I have an office all to myself. Even if it is a bit Peggy Hill. (i.e. In a closet.)
("Today I Am" template "borrowed" from After Nine To Five)

Monday, June 6, 2011

Fisheye, downtown Victoria. And chest tattoo, round three!

1. The "whale wall", a giant mural of orcas. 2. "The Blue Bridge" It's one of those bridges that lifts up when boats need to go underneath. 3. An abandoned coffee in Chinatown.  4. A cool tree in Chinatown. 5. Some lame graffiti on Wharf Street. 6. A Volvo Dealership, natch.

At the moment I'm healing up round three of the chest tattoo extravaganza. There's nothing quite like walking into work and being asked "Hey do you want to work on your tattoo right now?". I had like twenty minutes to get myself ready while he set up. (i.e. Find as many pain-killers as possible.) Luckily I have the most laid-back boss on earth who didn't mind that I took a three hour break! 

Colin tattooed me until around two and then got back to work. And for the rest of the day I felt SO disgusting. I had a big bandage on my chest, and it was pretty darn hot in the shop. By the time I got home at 7:30 at night, after taking the bus and walking home in the hot sun, I would have killed someone if they got between me and the shower. 

Now, a few days later, now that it's not sticking to my t-shirts anymore, it's looking cool as hell. One more session to go, maybe two hours-ish! I can do that! No pictures for you guys yet though, it's in the ugliest phase of healing at the moment. But trust me, it's killer! 

Sunday, June 5, 2011

Lyndon's Sunday Photo Corner 5

Part five: floods can be beautiful!

As always, if you want to use any of the photos taken by my fabulous sister,
please email her at for permission!
You can also find her on twitter here
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