Saturday, December 31, 2011

2011 in photography

You don't realize how much you've learned until you look at what you were doing a year ago. For example, overprocessing photos in picnic and photoshoppy type programs is stupid, and GEEZ just format your photos so they're all the same damn width. I can't believe I wasn't doing these things only a year ago. Sorry readers. So very sorry.

Anyway here are a few pictures and film photography posts from 2011. I sure got a lot of tattoos!


I showed off my film photos from Cuba, shared some of my first fisheye photos I ever took here and used my grandma's old Canon AE-1 around downtown Victoria.


I used the Canon AE-1 in a bathroom and at the park. I used my weird little blue plastic camera at the Seattle Zoo, City Hostel. 


I shared some more of my first fisheye photos here and here.


I shared some fisheye photos here, here, here and here and I took this weird self portrait at the bus stop.

I shared some fisheye photos here, here and here.




 I used my lomo actionsampler camera at a Slayer and Rob Zombie concert, and then on Tank and a broom, I was in a photoswap (and here are the pictures I took for it), and I tried a lomo 360 spinner camera.


I stopped doing film photography at this point because I had to take so much time off work due to busted feet that I had to cut out all fun expenses like ... developing film. :(

It'll be back soon guys, I promise!




Friday, December 30, 2011

Secret boyfriend-girlfriend language.

 (If you're new here, this mural was my birthday present to Ryan in 2010. Click here to read about it, and why it's saying 'clover feild' haha.)

I saw a post on some uh, interesting vocabulary Sarah Von and her best friend use when they're together (here) and it reminded me of some of the weird things Ryan and I come up with when we're together. 

Tout le monde and qu'est-ce que c'est. We use it as kind of a "well, there you go" space filler in a conversation. Maybe this is a Canadian thing, but it's really hilarious to use bad French in inappropriate times. It's like ironically acting like a pretentious bilingual person maybe? Anyway somehow Ryan started saying things that make absolutely no sense, like "ferme le chat dans les yeux" and "le cadeau est dans la tete". It usually comes after we've made a decision or ended a silly conversation. It has become so ingrained in our house-speech now that we don't even notice it...and it's starting to come out in public which is embarassing to say the least.

Medium. This one was started by me, I think a couple years ago when I had a Spanish literature prof who would answer "regular" when we'd ask "¿Que tal?" It's the perfect sentiment for those days when nothing special is going on in your life and you just feel normal. Not excited, not depressed, not tired, not sad, not happy, not great...just normal. So if you ask how something is, how my day was, or how I'm doing, you may get a "medium" or "regular" in response.

K'ai'v.  When my younger brother (I won't say which one in case they find this post somehow in the future and get embarassed) was a little guy he was always asking for a drink of pop. (Soda, Americans. I'm talking about "soda" OKAY?) Anyway he'd ask for "a sip" in a real sheepish voice, and mushed the words "can I have" all into one syllable. K'ai'v. As in "Nova, k'ai'v a sip of your pop?" Now we use K'ai'v whenever we are asking for a favor or for something we are shy about asking. "Ryan, k'ai'v the last bit of coffee?" "Nova, k'ai'v that money you owe me?"

What are some of your secret code words or embarassing habits? Don't tell me Sarah Von and I are the only ones who do this. Because I know we're not.

Bonus: this hilarious deer in the rain photo I took a couple weeks ago. It makes me laugh every time I look at it because seriously,  the deer's all like "AAAGH I'LL KILL YOU". And then I wonder if I should be worried that there are deer with laser beam eyes living on my block.

Thursday, December 29, 2011

Things I Love Thursday

I love office supplies...especially notebooks and ball point pens. I love that my friend's dad follows me on Twitter and bought me a cool journal for Christmas, along with a note encouraging me to keep writing in the new year. And I love that on boxing day I had enough money to go up the street to Staples and buy myself some more pens to write in it with.

I also love...ending sentences with prepositions on purpose. Oh, and...

This video of a lion cub trying to roar. D'aww.


This is the thing: when you hit 28 or 30 ... 

This head tattoo. (via Guy Le Tattooer tumblr)

Adam Baker's TED Talk on freedom.

These pictures of Oaxaca.

That me, Tank and Yeti were featured on the Windshield Diaries blog the other day! 

These REALLY cool insect photos by 'Amishboy'. Apparently all he used were bugs, household items and artificial lighting. They are beautiful! And not digitally manipulated at all. So inspiring.

The Louvre is introducing something new...Nintendo. 

The Guardian asks celebrities what they see when they look at themselves in the mirror. (Thanks Sarah)

This video - it's a beautiful song sung by PJ Harvey and Nick Cave, 
and the video will melt your loins heart.


Tommy's pictures of Shanghai. 

Questions to ask yourself when contemplating quitting.

How to use bloglovin' now that Google Friend Connect is going away.

Pimp my snowman. (Thanks Suzy)

This response to gender bullying in a classroom.

Staying inspired,  comint up with new ideas and blogging regularly.

These dramatic photos made using flour. 

Stop bargaining with yourself.

These triptichs of American soldiers before, during and after their tour of duty in Afghanistan. 


This painting by Emily -  The Black Apple.


Life lessons from the 1968 Playboy Bunny manual.

The gifts we give each other.

Elizabeth's pre-wedding photos. 

I may have shared this before, but I love Gala's eyeball sweater.

I don't do art for free.

This part of an interview Steve Jobs did in 1995. How inspirational! And true!

Do you suffer from decision fatigue? 

True story, I'm a supermodel

Possibly the most reassuring life advice I've ever been given. 



These cinemagraphs.  

These photographs of a mermaid out of water. 

These tributes to Jim Henson.

She who tries, wins. 

Find out if you're civilized enough to live in the Victorian Period. (WARNING stupid loud music automatically plays) For the record, I totally failed the quiz.

Rosemary's Babies - Satanic cults and their hapless victims.  (Thanks Leigha)

These memos from the Vogue magazine editor-in-chief in dictated from the bathroom. 

Why creative people are eccentric.

12 happiness habits for busy people.

Tuesday, December 27, 2011

If I Were A Banned Book

I just found this on Tumblr and thought I should share it with all y'all out there, I know you guys love books as much as I do. At least some of you do!


If I Were A Banned Book

If I were a banned book, I’d be the dirty bits and the heaving breasts and the twisted sheets and the scented oils and the chains and rope and dripping candle wax. I would coax you into multiples, and I would urge you to invite another. I’d be the empty bottle of gin on the kitchen table. I’d promise to call, but never would.

If I were a banned book, I’d tell you to challenge authority and question everything and demand answers. I’d tell you that the 1 percent is nothing without the rest of us labeling the 1 percent the 1 percent. I’d teach you to cook anarchy and embrace diversity and kiss your same-gender lover in public.

If I were a banned book, I’d let you ask me about sex and growing up, and I’d sing the caged-bird songs, and I’d be each of the nobodies who would answer to the name nobody. I’d teach you to sail a raft and swim against tides and dance in towns where dances aren’t danced.

If I were a banned book, I’d be the light on long-past midnight in your attic, and I’d be the cauldron around which dance witches and in which fire burns and toil and trouble doubles.

If I were a banned book, I’d bring flowers to the grave of a mouse and I’d teach you that forever sometimes means forever and sometimes means less than forever but always means what forever will mean to you, then, at that moment.

If I were a banned book, I’d be the secrets you write in your diary and I’d be the lies you write in your diary and I’d be the truths that you wish weren’t truths that you write in your diary.

If I were a banned book, I’d be cupboards and wardrobes and the hidden door under astairwell in which lives the boy who lived. I’d be beanstalks and magic shoes and godmothers, winged and otherwise. I’d be potion poultice poetry. I’d be words wings wizardry.

If I were a banned book, I’d dance with insects outside of an enormous peach, and I’d race wolves in woods overgrown with ivy and snow. I’d be the substitute teacher who’d let you smoke cigarettes outside. I’d be the comic book hidden behind your history book.

If I were a banned book, I’d urge you to go ask Alice, and wrinkle time, and ride in talking cars. Everyday, I’d crown a new king fly-lord, and everyday would be a good day to say goodbye to something.

If I were a banned book, I’d be the Pigman and I’d be a Wallflower and I’d be the story of Sleeping Beauty, written under a penname. I’d kill mockingbirds and I’d talk about the things we talk about when we talk about things like death and love and sex and forever, which, as I already would have taught you, sometimes means less than forever but always mean what forever will mean to you, then, at that moment.

 By WILLIAM HENDERSON at Thought Catalog

Monday, December 26, 2011

diptych: you wanna go for a walk? Find the car?

presents! Be jealous. Be so, so jealous. (photo heavy)


And from Ryan, because I know you're all dying to know...This super cute fox ring and two tickets to see Die Antwoord in February together. Ryan keeps telling me to say on Facebook that he "put a ring on it" but I really think that's a bad idea. Half my family and friends would uh, get the wrong idea, I'm sure.


Uh, heck yes! I win Christmas, I think.

I've been drinking for three days straight. WOO! Wine, mimosas, coffee and baileys...osm.

Since Ryan and I have had a few days off together we finally had the time to watch the HBO show Treme. (About New Orleans a few months after hurricaine Katrina got to the city.) It's so darn cool. New Orleans is such a rich and interesting place. And oh, the music. If you haven't seen it, you should give it a whirl, we're only on the fourth episode of the first season and we're like "WHAAT". My dad spends quite a bit of time in New Orleans and he said that people he knows there told him the show is pretty true to life. There's all kinds of famous musicians who I'm not cool enough to know about in the show too apparently. The only one I even recognized at first was Elvis Costello. And that's after they call him "Elvis" in the show. And I *think* I saw Dr.John. 

Sunday, December 25, 2011

Happy day dyptich.

Merry Christmas, I quit my job at the aquarium!*

Hope you get some rad gifts or made somebody happy today. I have finally discovered the joy of coffee with Bailey's in it. All-day holiday drinking FTW! Here's a couple more photos for the holidays. I love how that first one turned out, it was an accident actually, I was trying to do a nice clear shot of the parliment buildings at night, but this is better. And I actually took the second one in a WalMart, in the decorations aisle. I had mandalas on the brain and it reminded me of one.

*It's not as dramatic as I make it sound, my stupid feet will not allow me to walk and stand for seven hour shifts is all. And that job is very walky and standy. Ah well, cool things are on the horizon this coming year. Wait and see!
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