Friday, June 3, 2011

Two Banana Peels in a Church Parking Lot

Les mots Français que bloggers are using wrong and it's driving me folle!

Look, I don't know if this is an American thing, or an ignorance thing or a lazy thing or what, but for the love of Dieu, stop using French words if you don't even know they're French. I go fricking bananas when I see the following:

1. "or derve"
2. "fo pa"
3. "rendevu"
4. "swarey"
5. "walla" I see this one a lot. Are you kidding me?

*for the correct spelling, see the end of this post

I have literally seen all of these written in people's blogs. If you don't see what is wrong with that list, you are an offender. Please, just stop it. I'm not mad at you, I'm just disappointed.

Don't get me wrong. I'm not trying to be a meanie, and I'm also not a French expert. (frexpert?) In fact, I can barely speak the language at all. I understand that not everybody had the benefit of being forced to take French classes from grade eight to ten like everyone from my school was. But guess what...I don't use...oh, I don't know...random Swahili words that I don't know how to spell when I blog.

Just...stop it. Especially "walla". I hate "walla".

For the record, it's:

1. hors d'œuvre
2. faux pas
3. rendez-vous
4. soirée
5. voilà

Thursday, June 2, 2011

Things I Love Thursday

 I definitely loved the hell out of this granola until I ate it all. 
It was made by vegan queen-bee, Sarah Kramer ( and given to me because...hmm, I don't know why! It was kind of random. Anyway, who cares? It was SO GOOD.

This week I'm also loving...

This vulture! Look at that neck! And that face! Why's he so mad?

The "Art Is Hard" t-shirt. :)

The internet-wide TILT-ubiquitous Courney Love interview.

Misnopaelsart's photostream on flickr. Uhhhhh I must have these prints. All of them.

Vintage Japanese Monster Anatomy from Pink Tentacle, that I found on Public School

This owl backpack. I wish I could get away with carrying something like this. Or that I had a daughter/niece to give it to. 

Lauren's recipe for RAW walnut tacos. Yes, seriously. It looks so good! 

This very important thing to remember this summer if you're going to be near swimming pools, lakes or oceans. Drowning doesn't look like drowning.

This questionaire for ladies in the seventies to determine whether or not they are ready for marriage. Oh. My.

Sponsoring these amazing blogs this month: My Girl Thursday, Windshield Diaries and Desirous of Everything.

Talking about all the dead bodies that are abandoned on Everest. It's unbelievable! (Caution: Not for the very sensitive! Pictures of dead bodies and frostbite!) 

"An area along the northeast route to the summit has earned the unassuming nickname of "Rainbow Valley", simply because of the multicolored down jackets of the numerous corpses littering the hillside."

This montage of all the "dramatic" memes. 

"Getting a J-O-B Without a B.A." by Darcie Dafoe on Yes and Yes. 
These custom robot-esque sculptures by Heavy Metal Milkman made from found objects...

Here's the etsy page if you want to see the full pictures of these wonderful creations!

This paper, written by The Alt Librarian on 'Gender and Its Implications Within Modern American Tattoo Culture'. Mainly because the week I found it (via Kyla Roma) I had been harassed in the streets no less than four times. 

I love Lucky Lucille's feature "Science Is Awesome". This week she wrote about bioluminescence. Rad. 

Superbarbs photography challenge. I love these kind of things. In fact, I tried to set one up via facebook once where I had a list in the album description and then all the photos in the album, but only one of my friends even tried to do it with me, and then neither of us even finished the challenge. Whatever.

Supposedly, some guy made his  81 year old dad a Twitter account and told him it's the Google search thingy. So the tweets are supposed to be what an 81 year old man is searching. Click here, and pretend with all your might it's real, and don't ask yourself why he'd continue using it if no search results ever came up. Pretty funny.

Mother Effin' GUN CAMERA on the word "photoshoot" a whole new feel.

The Burning House website, where they post people's photographs of what they'd try to rescue if their house was on fire. Although I think most of it is complete bullshit and hipster crap. Honestly I'd grab boyfriend, kids, dog, cat and maybe my passport, purse, grandma's camera and laptop if I had time. Not my pretty trenchcoat and a jar full of plastic mice. I'm not that sentimental I guess.

This helpful list, "The Secret Language of Flowers". 

Laughing at Juggalos. And The Gathering of the Juggalos website. There's also an infomercial.  It's like watching a worse version of Jersey Shore. Have you seen the episode of Workaholics where they become Juggalos? Have you seen the show Workaholics at all? It's hi-frickin'larious. DARK CARNIVAL, haha.

This 'Silly Symphony' cartoon from 1929: Skeleton Dance.


And last but not least...


What are you loving this week?

Please add a link to your link love posts here. (i.e. TILTs, much love Mondays, link love, whatever.) 
I promise I'll personally stop by and leave you a super fancy comment.

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

work shenanigans

Bryan, Cody and Kyle got the "shop tattoo" the other day. It's just a little Sailor Jerry flash piece, a dollar bill with wings (Flying toward the shop, right Gerry? haha), but we all have it now. Matchy matchy. Aren't we cute? Here's Cody doing Bryan's.

 Mine is in my armpit...when I got it, a few years ago, I didn't want to potentially mess up any spots that I could use for large tattoos later on. It was my first "spur of the moment" tattoo. Now I don't really give a shit, haha, I'll get a tattoo at the drop of a hat. Here's a very awkward picture of it that I just ran into the bathroom (for the pretty background color) and took for this post. How on earth can a person take a good picture of their own armpit? I'll never know.

LOL about the stubble. Hey, you know what? Everybody has pit hair. Get over it.

By the way, getting tattooed in your armpit feels so disgusting. You know when someone tickles you too hard and you kind of want to throw up? Now imagine that with needles. Gerry also said it was horrible for him too. Because I was sweating, so he'd do a line, wipe, and pssshh all this sweat would come out. So. Nasty. So if you ever get a tattoo in your armpit, remember to tip very well afterward. They deserve it.

Also on my camera were these gems...

Kyle recently got a bad-ass memorial tattoo of a HAM radio for his grandfather from Chris David, who I am dying to be tattooed by, by the way. (Some day, ohhh some day.) I had to get some pictures of this, he was showing us the tattoo and Cody made himself way to comfortable to look at it. I don't just looked hilarious. And for some reason Bryan is shocked?

You are not allowed to be shy when you work in a tattoo shop. Them's the rules.

And all that? Was the new counter-girl's first day. Welcome to the awesomest job ever, haha.

Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Cantinflas and my May monthly roundup

I thought I'd try something new and give y'all a look back at this month on Might As Rella. But first, here's a full-length hilarious movie with one of my all-time favorite Mexican actors, Cantinflas. He's hilarious.It's in Spanish and the majority of the comedy is wordplay, so feel free to skip right over this if you don't espeak espanish. But if you do, you're welcome.

So, about this "round-up", I thought I'd try it out this month and see what you guys think. Basically it's just a list of everything I wrote about in May, but all parsed up into nifty little categories: the good, the bad, the ugly, the nerdy, the pretty, the fisheyes, the awesome, the Thursdays and the rest. Welp, here we go!

Monday, May 30, 2011

fisheye randoms


I saw that Danielle posted a little update called "lately" on her blog. It was short and sweet and I am copying it,so yeah. There's that. Here's what I've been up to lately.

Reading: At the moment I am re-reading Wicked by Gregory Maguire. This is definitely one of my top ten books on earth ever. It's so well written, and's the story of the life of the Wicked Witch of the West from The Wizard of Oz. Awesome. I can't recommend it enough.

Watching: Ryan and I went and saw The Hangover part two last night at the local ghetto theater. More shocking than any part of the movie was all the parents who brought their super young children to see it. Not really my idea of a family friendly show, maybe I'm just old fashioned?

Listening: Working in a tattoo shop kind of kills a person's love for music after a while. I actually have been secretly revisiting old high school favorites like the Nirvana Unplugged album and Soundgarden's Superunknown.

Eating: ...sandwiches.

Loving: Spending time with my man, my cat, my dog, my books, my laptop. Getting letters in the mail from old friends. Sleeping and pajamas. Cheap red wine that stains my teeth. Getting up at 6am to read blogs and sip coffee while everyone else is asleep. My Toms shoes. Knowing that the few people in my life are worth a thousand acquaintances.

Looking forward to: every new day.

Sunday, May 29, 2011

Lyndon's Sunday Photo Corner 4

Round Four...Cuba edition! 

You can find Lyndon on Twitter here. As always, if you want to use any of Lyndon's photos, please email her at for permission. Thanks!
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