Saturday, January 1, 2011

2010 - a year in review - it's a long post guys, you have been warned

First of all I'd like to welcome all my new followers! Nice to have you on board, and seeing as this is my year in review post, it's a good time for you guys to get to know ...well, what you're getting into by reading this mess I call a blog. We're going to delve into my past was a busy and exciting one, that's for sure! 
Here we go.
January 2010

I was tired of school. I mean, really tired. I was a full time student in 5 Spanish classes, while also working at the tattoo shop part time and doing video transcriptions for extra money because, as everybody probably knows, student loans do not cut it.

It was the beginning of my final semester, and I had to read things that looked like this:

Gosh, that seems so long ago! And now I realize I do not miss school at all.

I also got a really damn cool tattoo of a "cat spider" from my friend Colin Wiley on my thigh in January. 
Ugh, that guy is talented.

Also in January I was sexually harassed by a garbage picker, became disillusioned with my career prospects after university, discovered the surrealist manifesto and took this cool photo of gummy bears. 


February 2010

(Click through to see the ah-may-zing finished result)

I demonstrated my word-nerdiness here, and also here a little bit.

I won a Chuck Norris book online...
autographed by the one and only man who can punch with his beard.*
*I assume
I know I won it it from one of you? 
I can't remember who had the contest right now...

March 2010

In March, school was drawing to a close and from what I can tell from  my blog posts, I was completely ignoring it and doing radical things like spending time outside and building stuff. 
UVic tried to put the financial squeeze on me one last time in this letter (and I also talk about the time I STUTTERED in that post), I tried gardening with Ryan and we built a retaining wall in our backyard together even though we didn't really know how AND we started to renovate at work. I panicked about an icy road, got frustrated with the way grad students speak in the videos I had to transcribe and elitism in general, and Ryan got a bad-effin-ass chestpiece tattoo from Bryan Turnbull.

and had two funny conversations with Ryan that I saw fit to share with the world. 

I had a hilarious time at the dentist. No, really. Read that one. 

Also? My cat and I are funny here and here. Or at least I think so. Also, I think I discovered I like photography around March too...but didn't have a very good camera.

April 2010

 I gave a very detailed and outraged explanation of why people use the word "like" so much these days. For those of you who don't want to click should. It's interesting. And for the record, I'm pro "like".

I wrote about the Easter my mom forgot,  and saw a (dead) beached whale

I detailed my last week or so of school. And I quote:

"today, tomorrow, wednesday = ZOMFG SO MUCH TO DOOOO

thursday-tuesday next week = la la la la waste time, hang out


April 22 - YAY!"

I like how I put the procrastination into my schedule like that. I know myself so well. 
This is what I looked like for the majority of that month; I was so so so tired. School was insane but I found little things I loved about it, like my cat and the story I had to write a report on.

It was a tough month but I made it through okay.

May 2010

 It must have been a relaxing month because most of the stuff I talk about is music, clothes and photography. That's more like it. See what a change in quality of life I had by just finally graduating university? Amazing. 

Here's some close-up photos of graffiti, a funny/cute story about going to the fair with the kids, and a look into what I may have become if I had stayed in the small town I grew up in and started listening to Insane Clown Posse, hahaha. I love juggalos.

Stuff around the tattoo shop was getting messy at this time though. We tore up the floor and found something interesting, and Chris was getting ready to move away to Vancouver. :(

June 2010
 Bryan and I (almost) finished my My Little Pony and Mummy Tea Party sleeve.

My degree arrived in the mail. Ryan got South Africa cut into his hair in preparation to see Die Antwoord play in Vancouver...well actually the hair guy surprised him with it, haha. 

Oh! And we got a new guy at work. CODY! 
 (img stolen from his facebook page)

And life has never been the same since, haha.

July 2010

 I discuss my neilasparophobia. *shudder*

I guess we finished the renovations because I posted photos of the finished tattoo shop here

I went swimming. In my bathing suit. In public. And actually had fun.

You should see them. If you like cool stuff, that is.

Zef $ide, Die Fokken Antwoord!

I was afraid of deer. And Ryan made fun of me. It was pretty good.

August 2010

I went to Calgary for my Grandma's 70th birthday. And got a new camera. And went to the zoo. And to a BodyWorlds exhibit. It was a really fun trip!
 Another stupid bus stop incident.  I had too much fun at my friend's birthday party and got some mysterious business cards made up. In another birthday party I tried the most delicious cake ever.

I got back from Calgary just in time to meet Ryan Mason. He's great.
And he gave me one of my favorite tattoos ever! My friend Larissa was also in town for a bit 
and we all hung out together like one big happy family. :)

 I also lost my mind and bought a bunch of cameras. And I got the Smena in the mail.

September 2010

Roberto Seifert, our number one German friend (who lives in Switzerland for now) came to Tattoo Zoo for a few weeks and we loved having him around, as usual. We had a weird dinner with unfortunate consequences. We also saved a wounded bird and sang karaoke.

We had an extreme tat party and I got the back of my leg tattooed by Roberto. Here's a photo of it all swollen the next can see better ones in my Cuba pics from last week.

Also, Colin started outlining Ryan's Japanese backpiece tattoo. (photos of his bum and more here)

A photo of mine was featured on Indie Ink,

I commissioned a really sweet mural for Ryan's birthday from a friend. It turned out great, and it's funny because I asked him if he could make it "say cloverfield". He took that request very literally. hahaha

 I started my own 365 project (which now has over a hundred photos on it! Yay me!)

Ryan and I realized we were white trash losers one night at the carnival.

The Tattoo Zoo crew all went to Beer Fest in matching t-shirts, thanks to our best bosses. :)

Oh, and I tasted hot dog flavored potato chips. And liked them. No, yeah. I know how wrong that is.

October 2010
 More like Rocktober!

I turned 28 and saw an owl. :) I bitched about crazies on the bus. Again. I won a photo contest on Indie Ink and bragged about it. I had a lot of trouble with that Smena camera I was so excited about in September.
I watched the human centipede and wrote out what was happening so you can watch it with me if you haven't already...

I got a cool haircut. I opened a rather unsuccessful etsy store, selling cool postcards. You should buy one. Yeah, you. We also had a lovely vegetarian Thanksgiving

Bryan Turnbull did it again, and gave me a really rad tattoo of a Mexican Zapatista-esque lady with a mustache. Huh, I got a lot of tattoos this year!

November 2010

I got another tattoo, haha. This one from my best boss Gerry Effing Kramer

We went to Galey Farms and I took a billion pictures of Halloween stuffI saw a ghost and kicked it. My grandma made me sad and then happy. Oh, and my brother stayed with us for two weeks.

which is one of my favorite blogs...unfortunately a lot of the readers took offense to my nonchalant dismissal of their tattoo stories, haha woops. Oh well, I was telling the truth. Whatevskies.

I was also on Danielle's wonderful blog 'Sometimes Sweet' talking about Victoria, B.C. Hers is another one of my favorite reads. I'm so lucky these bloggers let me into their virtual homes. :)

Best of all, we got an amazing new dog, Tank.
And I walked him around and discovered rusty old cars everywhere.

December 2010


Danielle let me show off my tattoos on her blog here.

I went to Cuba which you're all probably super tired of hearing about by now. 
(See a lot of pictures and stuff here here here and here.)

And then to Alberta for Christmas...and just got back a few days ago.

All in all with the terrible school at the beginning and the awesome stuff all over the place I'd give 2010 a B+ ... not too shabby. Here's to an A in 2011!

Friday, December 31, 2010


You know what I'm most excited for this New Year?

Using my new moleskine mini day planner. Yeah, I'm that kind of dork.

MINI PLANNERS from Moleskine ® on Vimeo.

I have the cool green one. It's so teeny!

                              Images from here and here.

There's something so appealing about such tiny organization!


Well once again I find myself with no time and a lot of's some stuff we saw in Havana.

Yes, that is an old soviet missile...yikes?

Once again, these were all stolen from my sister, dad and step-mom. I'm just waiting for an opportune time to drop off my film from the trip.

Stupid New Years...grr. :)

One last Cuba photodump

 (All photos stolen from my sister, dad and step-mom)


1. The gang getting off the airplane. 2. The Lobby Bar. 3. My sister and I on a bus at the airport. 4. Our hotel from the street. 5. A nice place for a coffee in the morning. 6. The beach. (duh) 7. Oh, the languages in Cuba.'s not always English. People kept asking me if I was from Russia! 8. The only picture of me in a bathing suit I don't hate that exists on the planet. 9. Taking pictures of the sunset. 10. Ze ocean. 11. I buttoned my shirt wrong. 12. Ask for cafe con leche, get this. Yum. 13. Stuff in the sand. 14. Pelicans fishing in the ocean. 15. We thought the 'shesse' sandwich was funny. 16. ENGRISH 17. Banana tree. 18. A real school bus. Yikes. 19. House near the water. 20. My beautiful sister above the highest bridge in Cuba...windy. 21. We stayed on the beach as a storm rolled over us. 22. Coconuts on a table at a beach restaurant. 23. Singing guys. For money, obviously. 24. Bad-ass. 25. Tree carving at the tourist market near our hotel. 26. My seester smoking a cigar on the beach. I also smoked like half of one so we could get some photos. Never again, I tell ya. Yuck! (I'm a complete non-smoker...and yes, I did it right, no inhaling. Still gross.) 27. My sister and I on the beach. I swear there were like ten other people in our group, I just didn't post photos of them here. :)
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